My friends said that the Pandora display SUCKS

Has anyone tried running X at 24 bit color depth?

omapfb needs 16bit to work. I'm not sure about plain fbdev or pvr driver xorg driver's.

omapfb provides acceleration for blitting using NEON, fbdev is just plain fb driver, and pvr is the powervr's Xorg driver in the more recent SGX packages, however those drivers don't work on pandora.

(Not on the 256mb ones, they might work on the 512mb ones, but I don't have one to test)
This evening I was trying some games in PCSX-Rearmed for the first time, and my friends stepped by when I was launching Chrono Cross...

Friend: "What is this ?! But, are you playing ?"

Me: "ehm...yes... It's a playstation game"

Friend: "And you are playing ? Or is just a trailer ?"

Me: "... I'm playing..." (I told them for 3 years what were the Pandora capabilities...)

Friend: "Did the playstation had games with a so beautiful graphic ?!"

Me: "...Don't you remember ? You actually had one..."

Damn... I can't understand if when I speak they actually listen to what I say... they were so busy to make jokes of me for the neverending wait... it's so f*****g great that even with their last generation smartphones they are so interested in what I have in my hands
omapfb needs 16bit to work. I'm not sure about plain fbdev or pvr driver xorg driver's.
omapfb provides acceleration for blitting using NEON, fbdev is just plain fb driver, and pvr is the powervr's Xorg driver in the more recent SGX packages, however those drivers don't work on pandora.

(Not on the 256mb ones, they might work on the 512mb ones, but I don't have one to test)

omapfb uses the hardware overlays in OMAP3530. NEON isn't involved. There are two overlays that can be scaled + filtered and they're used in addition to the main framebuffer. It should be possible to have X11 as 24-bit and still have omapfb created overlays at 16-bit. But I don't know if the driver supports this yet.
Does anyone else's screen look like a swirl of red, green, and blue diamonds on bright colors? Just an observation.
^ I'll guess that ANDROID replied to the wrong thread, there. :p

Anyway, I can't say that I've noticed this RGB Diamonds effect, myself, on my current unit or the three that preceded it. I mean, maybe if I was sticking my eyeballs to it, but I'm not, so yeah... :p
^ I'll guess that ANDROID replied to the wrong thread, there. :p

Anyway, I can't say that I've noticed this RGB Diamonds effect, myself, on my current unit or the three that preceded it. I mean, maybe if I was sticking my eyeballs to it, but I'm not, so yeah... :p

I can see it on mine from two feet away. It's not that big of a deal since I usually use it for gaming, but when I'm doing file manipulation or web browsing it's quite visible.
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I think that is, actually. It's a very mild case of it so I'll just stick to it... I just got the thing and I already am unsure I can survive without it.
The display isn't amazing by iphone standards.. but it's got a nice bright LCD in it which has a nice enough pixel density to not cause problems reading small text.

Not a horrible thing, looking forward to something better in Pandora 2.
Tried taking a picture but it doesn't come out well. It looks the same as if you had water on the screen, but nothing is wipe-off-able.

One of my units has the same problem. ED seemed to think it related to humidity levels during assembly. (moisture gets between the screen layers) He suggested ensuring the Pandora is in a warm dry place and gently rubbing the screen, though this had no effect for me. I'm getting a replacement lid sent out.

- Neelix
^ Have you tried putting it in a tray (or a bag? I can't remember the recommended procedure for this sort of thing...) with some rice in said warm-and-dry place? I gather that it's inclined to absorb moisture.
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