Release Mupen64Plus 2.2

I now have various segfaults with Conker's bad fur day, with different settings.
Hum, maybe -flto isn't a good idea for the core. I'll recompile just the core to see if I get something more stable...
Ah, seems the regression I had with the Rice GLES2 plugin was because I'd reimaged my OS and forgotten to apply the updated SGX drivers. Now I've done that F-Zero works almost perfectly, and even some textures which were previously duplicated and reflected are now fixed. Only a couple of moments of slowdown outside of the gameplay itself (and a slightly corruption of the CONGRATULATIONS text) prevent it from being a perfect emulation.
I have recompiled the core without the "lto" and Conkers works now, so that optim is bad. I'll upload a new release tomorrow probably, with the recompiled Core...
Using the GLES2N64 video plugin on Mario 64(the only plugin that seems to give proper shadows for me anyway), the game still chugs a lot in certain underwater scenes. I'm using a 1gig Pandora. Also I think it'd be useful if you could start a game directly after changing the plugin, instead of having to scroll through the games list to find that particular rom again?
Also I think it'd be useful if you could start a game directly after changing the plugin, instead of having to scroll through the games list to find that particular rom again?
Yeah, I know it can be anoying. I noticed that from the beggining (of the gui with per rom setting). But it's more tricky thant it looks like. So don't hold your breath on that feature. It will come eventualy, but not in the near future (unless someone send me a patch of course).

Shadows should be ok with Glide and Rice, there are not right for you?
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Ah, seems the regression I had with the Rice GLES2 plugin was because I'd reimaged my OS and forgotten to apply the updated SGX drivers. Now I've done that F-Zero works almost perfectly, and even some textures which were previously duplicated and reflected are now fixed. Only a couple of moments of slowdown outside of the gameplay itself (and a slightly corruption of the CONGRATULATIONS text) prevent it from being a perfect emulation.
Please update the wiki compatibility list with your observations. Thanks!
Many games look like they play in full speed on my GHz but only the sound is an issue (stuttering).  Why is that?  Usually in emulation, sound stuttering occured when there's slow down in speed.  I'm I missing something?  How about let DSP stuff handle the sound?  Would that help?
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Please update the wiki compatibility list with your observations. Thanks!
I did that yesterday ;)

Edit: @ Shenmue

I think it's still slowing down, but small slowdowns to video are less noticable than small stutters in audio. Many N64 games don't seem to keep much spare in their buffer, so rather than slowing down, the music stutters almost immediately.
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Just had Blast Corps brought to my attention, never seen this before does it work on Mupen?
Blast Corps crashes back to the emulator for me, haven't been able to find a configuration that works.  Same thing as Resident Evil 2...
Would someone with a CC unit mind testing SM64 as far as the first star please? I've just tested it again on my 1Ghz unit, but as perhaps the main test case for this emulator, it can probably run on a CC unit fine, and it would be good to be able to log that on the wiki.

Personally I found that Glide ran slower than the Rice plugins, and Rice GLES2 missed the stars off the doors in the castle. On Glide a rectangular border around the circular 'Course 1' icon on the level start screen was visible. Rice GLES1.1 had a weird white ring round the goombas, but otherwise ran it perfectly, and GLES2N64 runs it fine apart from some very minor texture fizzing. In other, more taxing games I've generally found GLES2N64 to run games faster than Rice GLES2, so it's probably worth trying that first to see how it runs.
Just added both Zelda games to the wiki. I hope that i've done everything right ^^.
I'm looking for some clarification before upgrading to the latest SuperZaxxon.  I'm currently at 1.52 on a 1 GHz machine with the default SGX driver, and the most recent version of Mupen64 is working nicely.  I'd like to upgrade to the version of the SGX driver to get rid of some of the serious graphics issues with ports like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Arx Fatalis, Jedi Knight II, etc, but there are hints that this would bork Mupen64.

Will Mupen64 work with newer SGX versions?  What version are you guys using?
I'm looking for some clarification before upgrading to the latest SuperZaxxon.  I'm currently at 1.52 on a 1 GHz machine with the default SGX driver, and the most recent version of Mupen64 is working nicely.  I'd like to upgrade to the version of the SGX driver to get rid of some of the serious graphics issues with ports like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Arx Fatalis, Jedi Knight II, etc, but there are hints that this would bork Mupen64.

Will Mupen64 work with newer SGX versions?  What version are you guys using?
This new version of Mupen works fine with and the latest firmware updates.
Thanks!  Didn't want to shoot myself in the foot just when I was beginning to really enjoy the N64 stuff...
Yes, you even need the updated driver to get certain things to work, like the timing info in F-Zero X.


Yes, your updates look fine. Thanks!
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