Black is not a colour. We need a second 'What non-colour should the Pyra's case be' poll now!
I also don't agree with glossy being good, but many modern devices do come in black and glossy, which is the worst combination for showing fingerprints IMO, but also the current style, cos it looks good on TV adverts and internet sites I guess.
I voted for matte or a mix, but I honestly can't see now where we could have glossy with no downsides. I initially thought surrounding the screen might be okay, as it's not somewhere you put your fingers, but you're right reflections of light sources would cancel out any advantages we had if we had a matte screen.
That said, I don't see the advantage of a matte screen if it's so dim you can't really use it outdoors on a cloudy day like the one on my Gigapandora.