Money makes the world go round.

It's great to see the Pyra so close to the finish line. This little changes at the end feel like slow motion, trying to determine the winner on a sprint race, ;)
money makes the world go round....
tell me about it
I'm in NYC [on holiday]

NYC can/is expensive, but there are a few ways to pull in on the budget. Some of the best food there is from the street carts.
the $10 hotdogs??? lol
we had 20 buck hot dogs = farcical
but what strikes me is the massive scale, all the buildings, commercial opportunities
so much going on, eg:
en route to joey ramone place stumbled across 'video games new york'
best retro games shop I could imagine
then stopped by think geek [by chance] after dinner
only in america
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the $10 hotdogs??? lol
No, those are generally tourist fare.

Try one of the Chicken or Lamb Middle Eastern Gyro/Ricebowl/falafel trailer carts with a griddle and fryer running.
> Middle eastern
> Gyro

Yes, Middle Eastern twist on Gyros - or is it origin?

My favorite one of these is run by two Turkish guys. They serve Gyros (meat & lettuce & onion & tomatoes on a pita), rice bowls, salads and have a fryer for falafel. The meat, choice of chicken or lamb, is cooked in a big pile on the griddle with cabbage and other vegetables mixed in. Fantastic food. I get to the New York area about once or twice every year or two and hunt down one of their carts.

And yes, the term Gyro is Greek. But - that was a Greek replacement word for it's Turkish name. In the US we call just about any combination of meats & other stuff on a pita, "Gyro".
"The name comes from Greek γύρος ('turn'), meaning "turn";[2] it was originally called ντονέρ (pronounced [doˈner]) in Greek, from Turkish döner kebab.[3] The word 'ντονέρ' was criticized in Greece for being Turkish,[4] and the word 'gyros' was coined to replace it.[3]"
You've quoted me in your signature!? Wow, I'm honoured! Looks like that post of mine has made some ripples in the Pyra-verse xD

Although the more accurate thing would be more like "[...] in the Pyra community, the moment you grab a screwdriver, 11 forum threads are started along with 6 polls to discuss the merits of Phillips vs Torx with at least one community member suggesting they will not buy, and possibly the entire project might not be a success, unless Pozi screws are used" ;)
Although the more accurate thing would be more like "[...] in the Pyra community, the moment you grab a screwdriver, 11 forum threads are started along with 6 polls to discuss the merits of Phillips vs Torx with at least one community member suggesting they will not buy, and possibly the entire project might not be a success, unless Pozi screws are used" ;)
ahh yes i remember that one early on... quite heated it got. the right screw head wasnt just a matter of life and death... it was much more serious than that....:D:D:D
Like said with the Pandora which I already have a hard time living without but was late to the game to, that, once done and for sale, it will be easy to sell to the world. Many of my friends my friends, in Europe and China, want this device, but they do not, because of many scams and failures, trust preordering for a not finished products no matter what I tell them about this community. They want it done and in a shop. I can do marketing and sell quite a bit of them when done. There is a need for UMPCs next to phones and tablets (they are merging especially in Asia) and people are getting annoyed with Android and iOS, especially tech people. Because I need some modern stuff I cannot get working at all on the Pandora, I got a mipad 2 with external keyboard but Windows is horrid. It is a bandaid for me, not a solution like a modern Debian or Ubuntu would be on a Pyra. And many of my friends have the same feelings.
There is a need for UMPCs next to phones and tablets (they are merging especially in Asia) and people are getting annoyed with Android and iOS, especially tech people. Because I need some modern stuff I cannot get working at all on the Pandora, I got a mipad 2 with external keyboard but Windows is horrid. It is a bandaid for me, not a solution like a modern Debian or Ubuntu would be on a Pyra. And many of my friends have the same feelings.

I agree completely. There is a market (not a huge one, but a not-so-small niche) for small computers you can carry in your bag - and you can trust. So no mobile phone, less so with any mainstream OS and proprietary drivers.

As soon as I get my Pyra, I'll show it all my friends. They will turn green with envy, but eventually they will buy a Pyra, too.

It would be nice to have - at some later point in time - a variant of the Pyra, that were not optimised for gaming, but for communication instead. I.e. which had a front camera for video chats (XMPP, SIP, ...) and maybe less gaming knobs...