How to calculate a price for the Pyra

Well yeah, that's fairly sensible. While a Pyra has a lot of promise going for it, out of the two only the Pandora has the confirmed library and fully operable OS right now.
Buying two would certainly be a stretch for me, but a lot of people would surely buy extra batteries, blank cases for side projects and so on, i would.

I would buy two, because I would also use it for 5+ years and who knows if we can still get parts then (just look at the pyra nub situation).
The Problem of the Pyra will be, that you only can sell one Unit to one user, because its upgrade modules..
on Pandora, if you need a faster one, you had to buy a new unit, but on pyra, you only buy a new CPU Board...

I will probatly give my Pandora, to my Dad, or sit it on the Shelf, as i only need one Opensource Handheld..
and im happy if i can afford one Unit whit my money,..
Hmm, I could offer discounts for people who want two or more Pyras, as it seems quite a few of you want them.

This will certainly help, but if you lower the price you will probably need more than 800 pre-orders to start production. My (unconventional ;) ) initial suggestion was to accept a pre-order that is an 'option to buy', but will be sold to new customers if the option is not exercised. You will then receive a full refund. It might take a year to find a new customer.. or it will never happen (no guarantees) On the other hand you can exercise the option any time and receive the additional Pyra(s) so there is no risk to be left empty handed.

It sounds more complicated than it is..

Not sure if that causes legal issues though, or if there is even anyone interested in that. And this is only needed if it is not easily possible to get 800 pre-orders.
Frankly, by allowing combined shipping, ED already does offer a significant discount for buying two or more.

Maybe something like, "Buy two, get two carry cases and two mugs free."? The idea being to add value while not decreasing revenue.
The Problem of the Pyra will be, that you only can sell one Unit to one user, because its upgrade modules..
on Pandora, if you need a faster one, you had to buy a new unit, but on pyra, you only buy a new CPU Board...

I will probatly give my Pandora, to my Dad, or sit it on the Shelf, as i only need one Opensource Handheld..
and im happy if i can afford one Unit whit my money,..
No, you got it reverse. You only need one closed-source device or none at all, and the rest are opensource. ;)
Frankly, by allowing combined shipping, ED already does offer a significant discount for buying two or more.

Maybe something like, "Buy two, get two carry cases and two mugs free."? The idea being to add value while not decreasing revenue.
I don't know... I get where you're coming from, but two mugs and two carry cases are not enough incentive to spend 1000 euros (or more depending on the final price).

I'd rather make that two sd cards filled with behind the scenes production interviews/evil dragon shredding on an awesome metal-axe for 2 hours/ whatever bonus content is feasible... and two carry cases, two extra batteries, something like a limited edition box with signature yadda yadda.

just saying that there needs to be something extraordinarily awesome to convince people to drop that amount of money into buying two units that early, if they can't get a significant discount.

also combined shipping should be a given. considering how much people would pay, larger distributors would most likely offer free shipping! so that's not a significant discount at all in my opinion.
I'm only likely to buy a backup unit upfront if the price on the second is actually lower, not in order to get add-ons... so in my case, revenue will de facto decrease with your approach since I would just end up buying one.

I'd almost be glad to forego the battery on the backup unit, except that since it's not a standard battery available locally, I'd want a backup battery too. :p

... unless the Pyra can remain working without a battery if it has USB power? I suppose then I could just use my external battery-pack as the backup battery.
also combined shipping should be a given. considering how much people would pay, larger distributors would most likely offer free shipping! so that's not a significant discount at all in my opinion.

I agree 100% - offering combined shipment is no discount at all. I don't really care about a discount or gifts though. The only reason for me to conciser buying a Pyra is to support the project and - if it is needed - I am willing to give an interest free loan on top of that.
Here is a very interesting post on the maemo forum . Someone is making a huge donation just to make sure the Neo900 project will happen. There is no ROI, so basically the same I proposed - only the amount is a lot larger. I am not able / willing to make such a huge donation (I was thinking about one or two Pyra's)
The incentive is the same though - buy a Pyra, buy more or donate money just to be sure the product gets made.
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I'm only likely to buy a backup unit upfront if the price on the second is actually lower, not in order to get add-ons... so in my case, revenue will de facto decrease with your approach since I would just end up buying one.

I'd almost be glad to forego the battery on the backup unit, except that since it's not a standard battery available locally, I'd want a backup battery too. :p

... unless the Pyra can remain working without a battery if it has USB power? I suppose then I could just use my external battery-pack as the backup battery.

My understanding is that it can boot without a battery in, but I'm not sure it can transition from battery power to USB power via battery charging or not.

But either way I'd still not recommend an extra battery; for one the battery should last long enough for you to get back to a power point in most normal situations, and in abnormal situations you can use a commodity USB battery pack to charge the internal battery.
But either way I'd still not recommend an extra battery; for one the battery should last long enough for you to get back to a power point in most normal situations, and in abnormal situations you can use a commodity USB battery pack to charge the internal battery.

I agree. I bought a spare battery for my Pandora but have never had to call upon it. I do swap them around every so often.
My concern for an extra battery is when the original fails completely. So it would probably be several years before I need it.
In which case, surely it's better to buy it once you need it? Otherwise it's likely to have been sitting unused for a number of years in a drawer. In the mean time you can still run your Pyra off an external battery pack if you need to.
if I could afford it, I'd buy two to support the cause. I'd love to have two units. Oh well... a bonus sd card with a 2 hour video of evil dragon improvising metal riffs would be awesome though. ED do you play an instrument?

someone should make a game out of that.