Logo Request/menu Screen

My vote goes for the large "orange" coloured logo by ste_167 as the opening splash to the emu. With one of the designs by ruckage for inside the emu top corner or wherever :D
Squidge said:
Ok, 24 hours has almost passed, and I think I have enough for now :)


now you do. :P
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Squidge said:
Ok, 24 hours has almost passed, and I think I have enough for now :)
I hope you feel like accepting one more. I felt like contributing. :)

Logo at 320x80 followed by screen mock-up concept. Take what you like.


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Nice Street Fighter look there. Looks good, but then I always was a sucker for street fighter.
Thanks, I figured that style would be pretty good to use since SF is perhaps one of the flagship games for the emu. :) Personally, I'm mostly looking forwards to AvP. I don't like it in the SNES emu, doesn't run so well... (at least not the last time I checked!).
saehn said:
Squidge said:
Ok, 24 hours has almost passed, and I think I have enough for now :)
I hope you feel like accepting one more. I felt like contributing. :)

Logo at 320x80 followed by screen mock-up concept. Take what you like.



If a poll opens up for voting on this... I'd vote for Saehn, for what it's worth. Excellent job, very retro and professional... <clapclapclap>.
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