What are you talking about ? It's me who complains about another process of painting and coating which take us additional time, it's me who talk about additional costs with your painting and coating. And yes as I read your rude answers, not the first time, I no longer have that unquestionably good feeling about your decisions and statements. And as a pre-orderer and over the years full supporter in our Pyra development I expect regarding my questions and now more than legitimate objections a more professional approach on your part. Your answer is simply disappointing.
Then please let me know what exactly your question is. Because it seems I didn't understand it, but I also didn't understand why you would suggest I choose a way which would lead to even more delays.
At least, that's how I understood your suggestion.
Feel free to let me know how you would've handled it to solve it properly, I'm always happy to learn something new
I also don't know where I've become rude, I simply explained why your suggestion would cause more delays compared to how I decided to do it and that the issues are visible in every light.
If you think it's rude that I told you that your suggestions didn't make sense in my opinion, then that's okay, but otherwise, I can't really see where I was rude.
Just trying to explain things.
You can not say on the basis of any paint that does not represent the final finish, that it will fit. Especially since the painting now adds an additional coating.. That's another process.
Both paints, the sample one we used and the new one we'll receive (which is extremely scratch resistant) has a layer thickness of 0.03mm.
There is no additional coat, nothing that adds additional thickness.
So please let me know why they should behave differently, physically. Neither the company that paints over 100.000 plastic parts per day nor the color manufacturer do think that.
Therefore, your current painted testcases have only very limited validity.
No, it hasn't, since the thickness and opacity of both colors is the same.
If there's any other reason you can think of why this wouldn't validate the case, please let me know.
And yes, I'm not convinced that the uncoated case in normal sunlight look as horrible as in your movie lighting.
Let me know your address and I'll send you a case that you can confirm it yourself.
Though everyone else who has seen the case in real life said it looks bad.