Still fresh, damnit!
Mi na jimpeMaybe lojban
Mi na jimpeMaybe lojban
Actually, if you speak to the Scots, Welsh, and Irish, it is a sign of English colonization. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a relatively recent political construction, and there is an interesting believable but false fact that of all the countries in the world, only about 20 have not been invaded at some point in their history by the English or their successors, the British (Something closer to truth is here: https://www.quora.com/How-accurate-...as-invaded-all-but-22-countries-in-the-world# ). It took a long and costly campaign to subdue the Welsh, and Welsh is still an official language of the UK. Other languages are still in use, such as Scots, Scots Gaelic, Ulster Scots, and Irish. There is long-standing multi-generational resentment against the English in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Note that the first official language of Ireland (the country) is Irish, even though most inhabitants speak primarily English.Still they will be right to do it.
I think speaking English is sign of british colonization, and it is nothing to be proud of.
It's not Mandarin. Mandarin has a lot of speakers, but it's a poor international language because people outside of Asia are unlikely to know Mandarin. English on the other hand is known worldwide and for many countries it's the best language to know there right after those countries' native languages.Except when it'sMandarinChinese.
It is still a pretty simple language that is quite easy to learn. Many languages are an absolute nightmare - weird counting systems and cases that split up into more than just "one" and "more than one", insanely large amounts of tenses or even (grammatical!) genders, pronunciations that are so finely nuanced that you can't hear the difference between about 7 words with a completely different meaning...I think English is a poor choice for an international language, because its rules are inconsistent.
Lots of people's universes are so small that they only ever need to learn Mandarin Chinese. It's not an international language in any real sense of course, but I'd contend it's still a universal language for that reason.It's not Mandarin. Mandarin has a lot of speakers, but it's a poor international language because people outside of Asia are unlikely to know Mandarin. English on the other hand is known worldwide and for many countries it's the best language to know there right after those countries' native languages.
As for Chinese, that's not even a language.
Nani? Moi you nyet verstehen!Mi na jimpe
Nope. Just, nope!4 binary states
ok ok... quaternary state then!Nope. Just, nope!
Mandarin is universal if your whole universe is China.Lots of people's universes are so small that they only ever need to learn Mandarin Chinese. It's not an international language in any real sense of course, but I'd contend it's still a universal language for that reason.
Naja, unterhalten wir uns halt in unseren Muttersprachen weiter.
Bueno, entonces si quieres empezamos cada uno a hablar nuestro propio idioma a ver quien es el chulo que se entera. Y no, no me vengas con putas mariconadas como el Google Translate por que entonces estamos en las mismas. Además Google es una empresa americana, lo cual significaría que estás usando tecnología Americana lo cual es un signo de apoderación gringa y pisoteo cultural, ¿no? Entiendo que como Indio lo sientas así pero, ¡sorpresa! El mundo no se acaba en India. Y como en todo, o te subes al carro y lo asumes o te quedas en la estocada solo y muriendo.
I think the Mayans had 4binarystates: Yes Absolutely, Yes Maybe, Maybe Not and No absolutely.
google translate absolutely ruins this passage...Greinilega og án spurningar, er íslenzka það bezta tungumálið til þess að móðga aðra á netinu. Sjá:
Clearly and without question, is Icelandic the best language for insulting others on the internet. Behold:
„Ólánsmaður ertu, París, manna fríðastur sýnum, en hleypur sem galinn eftir hverri konu og ginnir þær. Eg vildi óska, að þú hefðir aldrei verið kvennýtur, og hefðir dáið ókvæntur. Þess vildi eg óska, og það hefði verið þér miklu betra, en að hafa á þér spott og fyrirlitning annarra manna. Hinir hárprúðu Akkear, sem gera sér í hug, að þú munir vera hraustasti maður til forgöngu, er þú ert svo fríður yfirlits, munu víst hlæja dátt, þegar engi reynist kjarkur í þér, og ekkert þrek. Eða varst þú það, ragmenni þitt, sem réðst til þín örugga fylgdarmenn, sigldir um haf á haffærum skipum, fórst á fund útlendra manna, og namst í burtu fríða konu, venzlaða hraustum hermönnum, til að verða föður þínum og borginni og allri þjóðinni til tjóns, óvinum til fagnaðar, en sjálfum þér til niðurlægingar og svívirðu? Viltu ekki bíða eftir Menelási, ástvini Aresar? Þá muntu komast að raun um, hvað manni það er, sem átti þá ungu konu, er þú hefir nú tekið. Það hygg eg, að þá muni ekki hörpuslátturinn stoða þig, og ekki ástgjafir Afrodítu, hárið og fríðleikurinn, þegar þú værir að veltast í moldinni. Væru Trójumenn ekki svo huglausir, sem þeir eru, mundir þú fyrir löngu kominn í grjótstakk fyrir slysin, sem af þér hafa hlotizt“.
"A sorry wretch are you, Paris, prettiest in looks of men, but who runs mad after every woman and beguiles them. I would wish that you had never been of use to women and had died unmarried. That would I wish, and had been much better for you, than to suffer the jeers and scorn of other men. Those well-coifed Akkeans, that assume you to be the most vigourous of men, as you are so pretty of appearance, will surely laugh raucously when there proves no daring in you, and no stamina. Or were you he, vile coward, which gathered to you trusty companions, sailed the sea on seaworthy ships, came upon a gathering of outland men and snatched away a pretty woman, kin to vigourous warriors, to cause your father, city and whole nation calamity, the cheering of enemies but to yourself humilation and scandal? Don't you want to await Menelaus, beloved of Ares? Then will you approach the truth of what it means to the man that owned that young woman that you have now taken. That think I, that then will not the lyre-chiming help you, nor the fond gifts of Aphrodite, the hair and beauty, when you would tumble in the mud. Were Trojans not so lacking of courage as they are, would you long ago have come into a tomb, because of the disaster you caused.
Virðing sé til þess er þekkir textann.
May respect be given to he who recognises the text.
google translate absolutely ruins this passage...
i would have preferred a fifth: pure maybe (neither yes nor no). a fifth element, as it were. the most ambivalent and apathetic maybe.