Juggling with some numbers (2011 - 03 - 29)

ED, that post of yours is the most clarifying so far, should be stickied on the front page

maybe the trolls will stop complaining lack of info and stfu
Lack of info? You ever heard the the term "using grandiose phraseology to cover up your terminological inexactitudes"? It means overwhelming people with long words, too much information, so they think they're getting what they want.

Well, now I'm having a problem there. Not posting what the people want will lead to moaning, posting what the people want to know will also lead to moaning. Geez.

There is a lack of info - how many people are still waiting for Pandoras? When I read the first post on this thread, I thought it was a joke; it's just ED throwing numbers at us.

Yes. Numbers the people here have been waiting for a long time, as it seems.

I want to know whether or not OPT are going to keep their promises. It looks like no. Another month gone by. No Pandora. What about next month? Month after?

What promises? All we do is telling you the updates we got from CircuitCo.

And we promised to deliver the units as fast as we can - and that's what we're doing. Each time I get new units from Craig, I work until 5am in the morning assembling and checking them.

I can't afford this, I've got £10 to my name, quite literally, until a couple of weeks into next month, but I've got over £300 tied up God only knows where - and I'm desperate for money.

Hm? You can't afford this? You won't have any more money just because you get your Pandora.

If you really NEED the money, you should think of asking for a refund - because even if we'd send your unit to you tomorrow, you'd still have only £10.

I got about 50.000 EUR in this, and Craig A LOT more... it's not that we wouldn't want to deliver the units as fast as possible, it's just that we don't get the boards as fast as we've been told we would.

I think I'm entitled to know how many people have been served, how many are left to serve before I get mine. When I go to a restaurant and order food, I don't want to know how many people have ordered a steak, I don't care how many people sent their pizzas back, I couldn't give a sh' if they're still waiting for a shipment of cabbage. Same with the Pandora; I don't care any more. I want it, and I'm sick of being told to wait one more month, two more months.

If the restaurant has been promised by the distributor to get the cabbages within the next few minutes, they can't do much if he doesn't deliver them in that time frame.

Except for offering you to either wait until the cabbages arrive or give you your money back.

And you've got the exact same options here.

Long story short: Pandora count-down, please. I want to know how long I've got to wait. I want to know how out-dated this sh's going to be when it finally comes through my door, because at this rate I might be donating it, unused, to a museum.

You will get your unit as soon as we get enough boards from CC to build the units up to your queue.

That's all I can tell you. I don't want to be a dick, but I'm no fortune teller, and no one (not even CC) can tell you how many boards will fail in production and how long the debugging of boards with issues will need.

If you're in need of money and are definately not interested in the Pandora anymore - why don't you get a refund?

To me, it doesn't make much sense... the Pandora is cool, but it's a luxury article and it's definately not as important as food.
Thanks for the Info ED - this is just the sort of information we are looking for :-)

One question though - if they have shipped 2400 boards to you, why are we still seeing people on Craig's queue at around 1000 saying they have still not received their Pandora? You get 1/4 of all boards, there are quite a few returns, and 7 day orders have now started - but that still doesn't account for the big discrepancy between these 2 numbers. An actual queue update would be really useful i.e. Craig's queue 1100 fulfilled, up to 03/10/2008 09:00 CET etc

Thanks for the update Ed, this is some really good information!

For whatever it is worth, Jacquelin said I am 1200-1250 in Craig's queue and I have yet to receive a notification of shipment of my Pandora. Hopefully some of you will find this information useful. However, what would really be useful is a "shipped queue counter" that shows the various queues and how many have shipped out of each one to end customers. Is there any reason why this could not or should not be done? It'd go really far to relieve some of the tension that has built up for those who ordered in the first 48 hours.
even if we'd send your unit to you tomorrow, you'd still have only £10.

True, but he'd be the coolest poor person on the block, and that's gotta count for something, right?

I am 3800-3900 (or was at one point), so I feel for Mark, but the OP team is doing everything they can. I'm a little worried I'll fall-off into batch 2, but it happens.

Hopefully it can get shipped by the end of June when I get married so I don't have to explain it to my wife :lol:

This update is nice though, it saves me from having to learn German and stalk ED on the other forums. ;)
My biggest issue with the 'lack of updates' and/or the whole 'premium pandoras' and speeding up production is the feel of the numbers. Thank you to whoever updates the current status page on openpandora.org though, that helps.

I checked it enough times, but didn't save a copy so this is from memory

current status page ~2/11 Produced so far: 2000 Approximately also when I remember the premium pandoras were due to start

no updates until

current status page ~3/13 Produced so far: 2200 I understand CC being a bottleneck, but after talk of 500 units a week, this was a huge letdown for me...200 in a month

status page 3/29(current) Produced so far: 2400 (350 for RMAs)

Again, I can convince myself that progress is being made, but the way the numbers jump at me I see 2400 - 350 is 2050 - (at least 50 premium units?) = 2000 units towards first batch orders (yes with some units being repaired)

So I understand RMA stuff was going on before, but when I'm trying to figure that if I was given an order number of 1500-1600 and approx 1/4 go to ED and 1/4 go to faith's customers, then I guess I'm waiting for about 3000ish units going out. With 2000 in early/mid feb and progress being made, it feels close enough I can wait, but now it's late march and we're still at 2000 unit orders filled.

I can convince the rational part of myself that progress is being made. I know when OP caught up with CC they went through the bad board pile and things are being worked on. Numbers change but it doesn't seem any closer than it did 2 months ago.

Final thought: don't take this as an angry tone, it's not meant that way. At least when the nubs were being redone I could understand that standstill, but it feels like a standstill again when things are actually moving forward.
based on scientific measurements, you should receive your Pandora in two months.

This cracked me up! You forgot the trademark though!
Final thought: don't take this as an angry tone, it's not meant that way. At least when the nubs were being redone I could understand that standstill, but it feels like a standstill again when things are actually moving forward.
It seems like once all the production hurdles get jumped over, the race will be over as well. I am personally glad to hear that there are a bunch of unsold units to keep production moving forward beyond what's been pre-ordered and for potential profit/less loss from Batch 2 parts at Premium Prices.

April Pandora showers bring MAME Flowers :)
Quite frankly, i think people need to shut up, and stop their whining about having to wait for their pandoras.

they need to learn to have patience, as E.d and craig(misspelled??) are working their a$$es off to get these pandoras in ship shape, so for God's sakes people, back off, cut out your whining, and let them do their work in peace.

the more time they put into replying to your complaining, the longer it takes for pandoras to be made and shipped.


Oh, and nice job with everything so far Ed! :D

Things are really looking up for everyone! :)
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Tnx for the news!

I am still looking forward to mine :) )

It will be a lot of fun to use my pandora on the road!
I'm around 1900 in Craig's queue (Ordered Jan 2009) and even though I expected the Pandora around end of 2009, I don't mind waiting longer. It'll be even more of a surprise when it does finally arrive :)

Let's hope I get delayed so much I get my AV cables along with it! :3
I have a request. I hate to bother the sales department for updates about the status of openpandora.

Is it possible to get a weekly update about where openpandora is at i.e. how many units have been shipped.

I'm very much looking forward hacking my openpandora.

I hope I'll get mine before June 2011.
200 new boards just arrived and if we're lucky CC might rush those board repairs (almost all are simple) and we could see 600 boards by the end of next week.
200 new boards just arrived and if we're lucky CC might rush those board repairs (almost all are simple) and we could see 600 boards by the end of next week.

(Stuck gramophone...) And how far through batch 1 will that take us... And how far through batch 1 will that take us... And how far through batch 1 will that take us...
200 new boards just arrived and if we're lucky CC might rush those board repairs (almost all are simple) and we could see 600 boards by the end of next week.

(Stuck gramophone...) And how far through batch 1 will that take us... And how far through batch 1 will that take us... And how far through batch 1 will that take us...

Take ED:s numbers and do the math!

(2 weeks old?)

Boards shipped to us so far: 2403

Boards currently being tested: 177

Boards left to build: 550

Boards currently being debugged (more info below): 447

Boards currently being touched up: 293

Boards shipped back by us for repairs: about 380
200 new boards just arrived and if we're lucky CC might rush those board repairs (almost all are simple) and we could see 600 boards by the end of next week.

(Stuck gramophone...) And how far through batch 1 will that take us... And how far through batch 1 will that take us... And how far through batch 1 will that take us...

Well they are now promising to be finished the full 4000 by May. I doubt that includes the repairs though, but who knows, maybe it will.
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