Juggling with some numbers (2011 - 03 - 29)

Well, now it is a bit more clear :)

I just hope.... that it is really working... I will tell when i receive mine. i am said to be 1150-1250 in craigxs 2 years ago... nowdays i dont know, it should be less, never bigger, but lets say a save number. 1500. with this numbers of 250 per week, it shouldnt be more than 3 weeks... to receive the email... we will see...

well, first week and no email.

i really hope... i get next week, or the next one, or i will completely stop of trust in the team.

An approximation to make more clear, using the 250 per week, 10 premiums per week, and 5% error

(250 * 0,75) - 10 - (250 * 0,05) = 165 per week in the queue of Craigix

if last week we were in the 1000 position (in the craigix queue...) it will be 1165 now, 1330 next week, and 1495 the third week. (Oh well, will be Easter, so we can allow 4 weeks of trust, then, i will be over... and send this to the shit(well i will wait until get it to sell by ebay at 495$). if i get it before, i will try to develop my project of a platform game maker thinking in the pandora).

guess! guess!!! i got the.... nothing! well. still is 3 days more... but with the ashens effect i dont think it will happen. Anyway with this rithm... Sorry for the next ones in the queue. If it continue like this more than one will die waiting. And sadly i know that it happened already.