I also think that ßÄÖÜ should be unlabeled as it's useless because you just have to put them on BAOU and everybody will remember.
3 shift is an overkill as everyone will always use the same or maximum two. I'd replace one by a dedicated Esc key.
Everyone who has to use that solution will remember how dysfunctional it is. Every time. Two shifts is the optimal solution, since one is close to dot and enter, and can be used for "on the desktop typing" the other is shoulder.
BAOU+ what? AltGR(does something else), Meta (you run out of options for variations of what you call a's quick)
Position is everything on a keyboard. Try listing out all the keys on the ASDF-row. Its not easy even if you use a keyboard every day. Its all muscle-memory.
When you break that convention, you fail. I wish it wasnt the case, but it is. At the same time, if you just happen to do it right, it works.
All thats needed is the keys, and you can switch language and touch-type just the same. Works also for less experienced users.
Nah, I think 3-4 keys are enough for the most used letters, not all of them.
French keyboards have dedicated keys for é è ç à ù, and a dedicated dead key circumflex and diaeresis.Polish keyboards have Ł ż ą ó ś ń ć ź ę.
Spanish keyboards have ç ñ ¡¿ and dead acute, grave, circumflex, diaeresis.
Italian keyboards have à è ì ò ù ç é.
Czech keyboards have ě š č ř ž ý á í é ů ú.
Hungarian keyboards have ö ü ó ő ú é á ű í.
Can you for each of these languages tell me precisely which 3-4 keys would be enough?
Shouldnt we instead accomodate as many as possible? I think even if you use more than n number of extras,any number of extras makes it an easier job to re-map. Without it turning into a recursive nightmare thats different for
each language.
Closer to english keyboard for english users is good.
Real german support for germans is good
Spanish i know, and they dont use ¡¿ as any of the international keys, so thats possible. I understand the french type numbers
as dead-keys directly. Ctrl+alt+combo on 5 6 7 for aigu retroflex and grave is the closest hack i can think of where you dont have to remap anything.
That was the biggest 4. Its not 4/4, but its a far cry from the proposed 0.7/4. Besides, many languages work fully with 3/4 extras,
thats extra sales, no questions asked.
That being said, you get a lot further with 4 than anything else, and 4 is what we can offer, so 4 it is?