I'll try to explain a little why I made the choices that I did. I know some of the less important symbols are on there but this basis-set includes just about every symbol to compose west european letters with.
As you might know dutch consists of many languages and we learn to read and write dutch, english, german and french in school by default. I guess that's why the dutch keyboard lay-out is so internationally oriented and diacritic heavy.
Almost every symbol that's on my standard dutch keyboard is in this lay-out. The only symbols I'm missing are ¦ ¬ « » ¹ ² ³ ¼ ½ ¾. I could try to cram them in there somehow but didn't see the need for that, I never ever use those and it would just clutter it up.
And yes, ofcourse [Meta+C] for a ç is a little bit faster than [Meta+O]-[C] like in my proposal but atleast
all possibilities are there at a glance and findable without mapping custom keys. Same goes for ëäöïüéáóíõãàèìòùç etc. That are a lot of characters I don't have to put on the keymat because the dead diacritics are on there, labeled and well.
The ß is a bit different in that regards but I think it's still a pretty important character. Iirc in modern german SS is used rather than ß but it's still a very comon so I just had to put it on there somehow. ED can maybe shed some light on that
If the german majority says it doesn't have to be on the keymat I guess I can come up with something else to put there in it's place
As mentioned earlier I also removed all double modifier keys (Shift+Meta) so that entire layer would be empty to put composed characters on. If people want a ç underneath the C key, I guess it can be mapped to [shit+Meta+C]. Right?
As far as the Valuta is concerned, why not put it on there?
Not everyone will use them all but I use the £ $ and € quite often myself, I guess the Japanese/Asian pandora users will use the ¥ like I use the € and the £?
I think this lay-out is english, german, dutch, belgian and french user friendly and does not exclude italian and spanish either.
Thanks for the feedback.