I'm worried about the Pyra's market performance.


Pixel Mercenary
Jul 22, 2013
780$ is a steep price, and having discussed the Pyra on various subreddits, lots of people have told me the same thing. They all say that it looks like an awesome little device, but most seem worried that it won't be worth the price, and I'm worried that it might not survive long when competitors like the GPD Win are only asking 340$ (on other sites), less than half the Pyra's final cost for the highest tier version. Sure the standard version without extra ram is about 200$ cheaper, but still much higher than GPD Win's.

If demand for the Pyra were higher, they could produce more units and make them cheaper, but there isn't enough developer support. Game devs are the driving force for a platform's demand, and if there aren't enough big names supporting it, people aren't going to want to buy it, which means keeping the price high.

Honestly, I've even been thinking myself about how many of the games I like won't be available for it unless we can convince more developers to work with it, but could it already be too late? I don't want to cancel my preorder, but I'm also getting worried that I'm not going to be getting my money's worth with this thing, being on such a tight budget and all. I've been saving up for it, but if I canceled, I could get a GPD Win and just install Debian on that.

I love my Pandora, and I wanna love the Pyra, but that price is starting to scare me.
Which amount of money are you ready to spend to get the most awesome device ever made ?
I've already spent enough to get another device that I can play all my games on and is available right now. It's not like I want to feel this way, but numbers don't lie.
The Pyra is already going to be produced regardless of what the market thinks (unless everyone bails on their preorder which... highly unlikely.)

Regarding software/devs...you have a Pandora, I assume you have used Linux aside from that? The entire Debian repo can run on the Pyra with maybe a few exceptions. If you are thinking about full PC games, go with the win... which I have heard doesn't do well anyway.

The Pyra is simply a much more capable version of the pandora. With better emulation capabilities. I really only use my Pandora as a computer and that is the same way I will use my pyra.
I've heard about some of the Win's downsides, too. I mean, if I can return the Pyra, then I'd feel more secure, cuz then if it turns out I like it well enough, I could just keep it, but I don't know if we can.
@Kelvin , people would prob buy it second hand without issues. Although Evildragon may take it back and sell it as a refurbished unit like he has with Pandoras...
starting? It looks like you are having cold feet and want out (already are out, as I read the updates).
You are pulling out at the last mile... I thought we were in this together... it takes a big group of backers to clear the first wave.
Still... I can not look in your pockets, so I have no idea if you need it for more important things.

Getting your worths money is also subjective. If you are good at hacking, you can get a whole out of a CHIP or a portable raspberry or even lesser known machines, like the mighty Zikzak.
From Ali-Express you can get those 50 euro 7 inch Android tablets, which combined with a keyboard (+10 euro), serve as a browser, movie and music machine.
For me, the price is not that bad, on par with the topline smartphones (crazy: 7S is so expensive but has less storage capacity).. but capable to do so much more (like: Hey, what is the name of that star? 'apt-get install stellarium'!).
@FBnil Well, I come from a poor family, so it's kind of important that if I'm going to spend this much money on a luxury item, I get as much out of it as possible. Android machines will definitely not have what I play on them, and would be even less useful in terms of software development and other forms of content creation. I've already got a phone for music and browsing. I'm no good at hacking, either, so that doesn't really apply to me. Bottom line for me is I'm getting less compatibility for 200-400$ more than the other guy.

@TrashyMG He probably would. Seems like a real nice guy, which is another reason why I feel bad for being reluctant about the Pyra.

@Elw3 Who... even does that? That's like saying yo have to upgrade your PC every three months. Unless you're ridiculously rich, nobody does that.
@Kelvin: then don't. Its like buying a koenigsegg when a chevi will do just fine.... but you are going to miss out. Not a threat... just a promise. (although you can use the normal Debian repositories, you might not be able to use the Pyra repository...)

I'm worried that it might not survive long when competitors like the GPD Win are only asking 340$
Then get a GPD Win. I don't see what the problem is. If something cheaper fits your needs, get the cheaper thing. The GPD Win doesn't fit my needs where the Pyra will: even though it costs more it is the only device that does what I want, so I'm getting that. There are, of course, things the Win can do which the Pyra won't be able to do as well, so that should also factor into your decision.
End of the day, that's exactly what it is: your decision. There's no shame here, you've gotta pick the device that's right for you and don't let anyone tell you you were wrong.
The Pyra will be, like the Pandora already is, more than a device.
It's creators have other motivations than money making. The device is made by a standard from a user perspective instead.
A lot of good ideas and help came from a small community with many knowledgable people in it, and a lot of it was accepted by the development team and integrated in the actual device.
This kind of makes that the Pyra and Pandora feel like "our" machines, (eventhough my actual participation ends at designing a couple of keyboard lay outs and pre-ordering ;-)
That's why for me, it's worth every cent!
At the time the Pyra was announced there wasn't a GPD Win, but the arrival of the GPD Win changed some things.
Now there is competition for the Pyra and Pandora. I know the Pyra is created based on the wishes of this community but those are not mine. My perfect Pyra would have had a 7 inch screen.
Now the GPD Pocket is announced that has a 7 Inch screen with a very nice keyboard. Not a perfect device as well, but it definitely comes closer to what I like than the Pyra. A docking station for the Pyra would make me prefer the Pyra again, but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon.

I will not pre-order any of them now - I will wait and see how they perform once they have been launched. I will probably buy a GPD Pocket from ED first and wait how the Pyra turns out in practice.... and buy one after all ;) A price drop after launch would of course help with that decision.

More important than the Pyra, Pandora, GPD Win, GPD Pocket is having a company around that support these niche devices. If possible and the price is reasonable I will certainly order any of them from dragonbox.de
the Pyra might not be the best device if you only care about gaming.

In my opinion the Pyra gives you a really nice base for doing all kinds of projects or applications with it. I wouldn't have preordered it just for gaming. I don't even know if I'll ever play something on it. Don't get me wrong I play games but only on my desktop computer which is connected to a nice big screen. In the end its up to you, its your money, you need to be happy with your choices. I believe the Pyra will do sufficiently good in a very diverse small niche market. Since the hardware is finished it mostly depends on how many devs get hooked on it and I'm not thinking about game developers but rather low level and or application devs.

The biggest shortcoming might be the handicapped PowerVR. Its not future proof at all. I hope for an implementation of Wayland to enjoy tearing free videos on my TV but I doubt its possible due to the driver blobs that see hardly any updates.
Comparing a Pyra with a GPD Win is like comparing a car to a bicycle. I own a GPD Win, it is sitting on the shelf for days in a row because it just does not deliver what it promised.

The hardware is lackluster, the keyboard is downright unusable. The design is shoddy, in daily use it shows how the OS is forcibly shoehorned into components that were never designed for it. The support is laughable, reddit and facebook groups are places for amateurs to experiment and guess, without much guidance from the designers. Expandability (apart from SD cards, which have frequent read/write issues) is nil.

Using it as a portable gaming machine (the very thing it was geared towards) requires a lot of patience and a high frustration threshold. Resolving issues is guesswork and rather resemblems alchemy than analysis.

If you want a device that keeps you occupied and makes you wonder how quick design can churn out something, it's the thing for you. I want something that works, that is designed well, that will keep working for a couple of years. The higher price justifies that in any way. Feel free to copy this into all the reddit boards you know.

I'm going to sell te GPD Win again. You want it? Don't complain.
@Elw3 Who... even does that?

I knew someone who owned the last and most powerfull iPhone in his pocket, the last and most powerfull iPad in his case, the last and most powerfull MacBook on his living room table and the last and most powerfull iMac on his desk. He refurbished the old ones when the new ones were released.

I guess this guy would have said to me the Pyra is expensive and underpowered, discrarding the facts that this one device replaces all the ones he owned, that this one device's horsepower is enough for usual tasks, that this one device is fairly manufactured && does its best to protect its user's privacy ...

All well known stuff and (it seems to me) shared values among this community.

"Forgotten the price, quality remains" (en français dans le texte pour @levi: « le prix s'oublie, la qualité reste »). Nevertheless, a pity some wanting a Pyra won't be able to have one. :=(
Comparing a Pyra with a GPD Win is like comparing a car to a bicycle. .

Have to disagree - they are pretty similar devices. One fuelled by Linux and the other by Windows. They have both their specific terrain they will work best.

I own a GPD Win, it is sitting on the shelf for days in a row because it just does not deliver what it promised.

The hardware is lackluster, the keyboard is downright unusable. The design is shoddy, in daily use it shows how the OS is forcibly shoehorned into components that were never designed for it. The support is laughable, reddit and facebook groups are places for amateurs to experiment and guess, without much guidance from the designers. Expandability (apart from SD cards, which have frequent read/write issues) is nil.

Using it as a portable gaming machine (the very thing it was geared towards) requires a lot of patience and a high frustration threshold. Resolving issues is guesswork and rather resemblems alchemy than analysis.

You are not making your complaints very specific. I have read a lot of comments of folks being very pleased with the GPD Win. Also some bad reviews, usually about support and quality issues in general.

What did GPD promise but failed to deliver? What is wrong with the keyboard, hardware, design, expandability that they should have but didn't mention before you bought or pre-ordered it?
I agree that the Pyra probably will have a lot of usability advantages (better keyboard, other OS, better support) but you could/should have known that before buying a GPD Win.
Then get a GPD Win. I don't see what the problem is. If something cheaper fits your needs, get the cheaper thing. The GPD Win doesn't fit my needs where the Pyra will: even though it costs more it is the only device that does what I want, so I'm getting that. There are, of course, things the Win can do which the Pyra won't be able to do as well, so that should also factor into your decision.
End of the day, that's exactly what it is: your decision. There's no shame here, you've gotta pick the device that's right for you and don't let anyone tell you you were wrong.
There's nothing I can do but seconding this... Well said.
@ Kelvin : Play the long game, don't forget that the plan is to be able to upgrade the CPU board on the Pyra relatively cheaply, so after a couple of upgrades you'll be saving money.

Also consider the added value of this community, and the excellent customer service from ED if you need spares or repairs.