What are you going to do when you first get your Pyra

I'll be wanting to hack, customise and fine tune the default environment probably before installing i3wm. I'll also be sure to check out ported games and emulators, and ultimately hope to start coding games with/for it.

It will be a handy way to monitor my 3D printer too, when I've got that setup and working again (winter project).
Going through the homebrew library available at that point.
I hope we'll get Lemmings-SDL, PewPew2 and a few others on release day.
LemmingsSDL is a good idea. I recall playing that back in the early days of my Pandora, and I didn't find is quite as well integrated as Lemmings DS on my Lite (something to do with the shoulder buttons as I recall) but I never found the thread for it and reported that as I recall; I'm not sure how long I was registered on here back then.

I can't find any source for PewPew2; only android apks. Perhaps there'll be an android port or an android shim we can use but I wouldn't expect any of that on release day, however you define that. Personally I'd like to see a working port of OOLite (even if we have to tone down settings to begin with), and maybe some Pandora homebrew, the source code of which I've not tracked; I'm thinking of Space Rocks and Super Geo Dust in particular. Unfortunately, I've found the author of Super Geo. Dust and he's user @wermy who hasn't been online since 2014, which might mean that's lost.
Plug in charger, boot up, add my network & VPN to NetworkManager, copy over my Firefox profile, and get weechat up and running with Matrix, Discord, + IRC.

From there, chat with people while I look for emulators :cool:
Hi folks!

I am new to the forums, but not new to the pyra : )
I first considered buying the Pyra back in 2015 or so and now I am here again and I am not any smarter regarding buying it or not :/
IF, I would prefer to purchase the mobile 4gig version for various reasons.

1. The pyra would get my new cellphone and messaging center. Therefore it must have good telephone / sms software and it must be able to run whatsapp without having another smartphone in reach. This would be my one and only mobilephone. Whatsapp, because I will have to justify it over my friends. If I finally use whatsapp or not ... well ... thats another story phaha ;) But there should be the option and it must work without a smartphone running the client. I also have to justify the purchase over myself too, as 750 bucks are very expensive for me and it does not have a camera, so the mobile aspect must make sense.

2. I would use it for photo editing a bit and content creation

3. Doing some work in office.

3. It should have enough power for surfing the internet with some tabs open while downloading, then switching back to other programs.

4. I am really into games, primarily retro games and homebrew. Is there a way to hook it up to my CRT?

5. I want a device I can easily repair / upgrade without worrying for a total replacement for many years (as we all know, that the next model will take decades ;) :p

6. OR TO MAKE IT SHORT: Its intended to be my laptop / smarphone replacement with lots of possibilities.

And yeah it is still 750 bucks so its not easy, maybe you can help me with justifying it.
I will not buy it, if I cant use it as a telephone. I am OK with it, not having a camera on this unit (USB camera possible?!) and I am OK with it, looking like an idiot while answering a phonecall.

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I like to be a little pessimistic about these things, so that I'm positively surprised if things actually happen, but I still reckon nearly everything that fits under the 'notebook' category will be possible. Photo editing, most kinds of content creation (video editing might be a little beyond it, but everything else should be doable), retro games and emulation are practically a speciality, it's designed to be strongly repairable. The only thing I'm hesitant about is saying it'll make a usable dumbphone - it doesn't seem impossible to do on a technical level, but it depends largely on someone making a decent UI for it all, and that's not where my skills lie personally, so I just don't know about that. In fact, I've recently spent a little money on a Nokia 8110 4G because I don't want to be beholden to coders making a decent interface to this stuff. I'm not sure yet whether I'll even get a SIM card to put into it, but have ordered a mobile version so I get access to the GPS sensor.

To be honest, you're unlikely to get it cheaper by ordering at this point. I'm on board because I missed the early parts of the Pandora story, but really enjoyed how almost every aspect of that device only ever improved with seemingly every update once I had got hold of one. I was hesitant about paying money for a Pandora before I saw real results, so if good telephony is a killer feature for you, I'd advise you to wait and see in all honesty.
Well, at least it is a killer feature when it comes to the question buying the more expensive mobile version or not. And I am not happy with carrying 2 units with me at the same time. Its so hard :/
I see the love put into this project and the community gives me some kind of feeling that this is all worth it. Seeing it grow and enhance. But having the mobile version without a possibility of doing phonecalls because of the lack of software makes the decision not easy.

I dont want to end up buying the normal version just to find out it was the wrong decision, cause its all there after weeks and then having multiple devices. Hmmmm

A part of me says DO IT, the other part hates me for even thinking about it
[doublepost=1537904779,1537903299][/doublepost]But back to topic:

If I buy the pyra, I would start with setting it up and customizing it by creating some icons and wallpapers specially matching for this device and searching all the (hidden) settings for getting the best experience out of it.
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Well, at least it is a killer feature when it comes to the question buying the more expensive mobile version or not. And I am not happy with carrying 2 units with me at the same time. Its so hard :/
I see the love put into this project and the community gives me some kind of feeling that this is all worth it. Seeing it grow and enhance. But having the mobile version without a possibility of doing phonecalls because of the lack of software makes the decision not easy.

I dont want to end up buying the normal version just to find out it was the wrong decision, cause its all there after weeks and then having multiple devices. Hmmmm

A part of me says DO IT, the other part hates me for even thinking about it.
Well, I had a tablet without LTE and with and I have to say I loved having one with a sim card. My phone plan gives me two sim cards anyway so I can have one for my phone and one for my Pyra. For me even if I never use it as a phone I'd like to have data on it.
I'm on Google Fi these days. Free data device SIM cards. I have one in my Gemini and one in my Samsung "AT&T" Galaxy Note 12.2. They're pretty darn awesome.

My thought is that I'll start with a data SIM in my Pyra. As voice capabilities become a thing, then maybe switching my phone over. But - I'll never be able to make the Pyra my 'sole device' because of my pesky Android only work email applications. Right now my Gemini has the email & work email tasks - and it is thoroughly awesome at it.
Why am I thinking of Kingsman, right now?

Because that first one is an awesome movie. Big freekin' speakers with a real amp to push them are a requirement for the first 5 minutes of t hat movie. Dire Straits + gunfire for the win.

The sequel, though... I'm sad that they ruined the franchise.

Just clarification though - Google Fi gives free data only SIMs to their existing customers. BUT the data charges are incurred on them are at the same $10/GB as the rest of the plan. The physical card is free, but using it isn't.
Wow, that light phone is really awesome, I wish it existed before I got my Mom a smartphone, that would have saved a lot of headache for me. Now she is addicted to looking at peoples photos online so it wouln't work now.
I'm planning to use one of my sets of wired headphones with microphone on mine. When someone calls, I'll probably need to open the lid to see who's calling, but after that I can put it back in my bag. No pairing troubles, no batteries to keep charged, they just work.
I'm planning to use one of my sets of wired headphones with microphone on mine. When someone calls, I'll probably need to open the lid to see who's calling, but after that I can put it back in my bag. No pairing troubles, no batteries to keep charged, they just work.

Or give anyone you know a distinct ring tone and pipe Pulse audio into the lid LEDs...
What will i first do when i get my Pyra?

I will
-Unpack it first,
-start it,
-configure Network Things
-try some Things like "sudo apt-get update" and Upgrade
-try a DVBT-2 Dongle and want watch tv with Me-TV
-try Browsing the Web,
-try co connect and configure the HDMI Grabber i get and try to make some small Videos with the Pyra for my Youtube Channel,
-experimenting to Compile some Things,
-try to search an Omap5 Android Port for more Games(just for trying...i will use Linux on it Naturally)
-try the PS2 Emulator from Purei.org,
-try Exagear Speed..(maybe i can run Games like X-Beyont the Frontier)
-try Phoning with the Pyra,
-try the USB Sata Adapter for Remuxing Videos with AviDemux,

....and many other Things :)
pyra means I won't have to use my desktop as much fur organising media, and can spend more time on the sofa.

one thing I will NOT do is try to set it up like my desktop. it will never be as good for programming, I can't even use laptops (need mechanical keyboard) so it will be apples to oranges, no comparison.

so maybe just a bit of scripting, probably perl.

actually I don't really have a compelling use case....

and i def won't take a bath or install i3:cool: