@T4b: It would be grand if they were naturally stronger than everyone thinks and the disadvantage is just that they are lazy or think that it doesn't look good (never heard that), but I do not even doubt, that this is not the case. Calling the majority of females lazy is quite mean btw.
It would just be one of many mean things I say.
Life is mean and humans are mean. Also stupid, very often.
But that's not what I actually wanted to say.
I don't think more women are lazy than men. But I think men generally work out more than women and that men generally have a more competitive nature (which also leads to better results in that chosen discipline). The exception proves the rule.
I've heard the aesthetical argument multiple times.
But that's not the point, I didn't express myself clearly it seems.
We are talking about everyday life. Not about athletes.
If someone regularly lifts/carries round x grams of weight then after a short period of time that weight starts to feel like less until it stops feeling heavy at all. For reasonably small x the gender doesn't matter at all, you adapt anyway. Now maybe if x is bigger than 50k I might agree that women tend to have a harder time. But for the x's which are interesting to us, say between 200 and 500, it's so unimportant it can be disregarded completely.
There may be the question of taste, but physical differences are irrelevant.