I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

Mine arrived! I didn't get a dispatch email or anything.. the postman just turned up.

Clocks up to about 285, unfortunately after overclocking it it now no longer boots :( Didn't think I'd be using the debricking guide that fast...
Mine arrived! I didn't get a dispatch email or anything.. the postman just turned up.

Clocks up to about 285, unfortunately after overclocking it it now no longer boots sad.gif Didn't think I'd be using the debricking guide that fast...
I was going to say lucky guy... That last bit is no fun.

So awesome... I should see mine in like 5 days still =p Darn being in the US
Mine arrived this morning from gp2x.co.uk despite not receiving a shipping email, but the tv-out adapter I ordered was missing. :(
Still, damn impressed with it so far - Speedball 2 works rather well in uae4all B)

I think this weekend is going to consist of me setting up a development environment for it - by the time I've done that maybe I'll have some ideas of things to code up.
Got mine today, damn I'm impressed with it. Ordered it from gp2x.co.uk on friday and it arrived today (wednesday) which isnt bad considering they warned me of delays.

The only downside was I ordered some batteries and a charger with the gp2x and thats 'to follow' :( No mobile gaming for me for another 2/3 days. Thank god for DC adaptors.

First things I tried?

Picodrive and Sonic, Wonderful! Great on the TV too (Ordered a BOB too)
SNES emu with Super Mario World, again it was great.

I then tried movies, homebrew and music and I didnt fail to be impressed. Also tried Payback but I dont like the HDR blurryness of it all.

Overall Its a great little handheld and I love it to bits already :)
Yeah it grows on you.. It'll take a while to get the right balance of 'good stuff' in 2gb but I'm getting there. Lots of Mame, DrMDx (Sonic never gets old!). Not tried picodrive yet.

TV was a bit mixed for me - doesn't work correctly in some apps and the scaling is off (drops the bottom of the screen).
Just bought mine half an hour ago :)
Gotta buy the batteries + recharger now! :P

The console looks really neat! Damn, I'm excited :D
Yeah got mine last night, didnt have too much time to have a play put a few games on there, talk about sweet!

Probably be on here alot now asking questions!

See you soon
Well, I'm finally getting my gp2x, after being registered on the forums for over a year and having posted quite a while. :P

I got a question however.
I live in Belgium, so I wonder of which of the two I should order from, ED or Craig.

Question I'm asking is because I still have a pretty low budget. (around 200€) and I'm not aware of any importcosts...
I leave for work and 30 minutes later a note is on my door saying I can pick up a package from the UK tomorrow... Ahhhh! Cruel cruel world! If only I didn't get to work early today!
Got mine yesterday :) ......... The SD card and rechargeable batteries I ordered from somewhere else didn't though :( ......... Still been playing loads though and it's great. I used a mains adaptor for power (not very comfortable, the lead gets in the way) put Picodrive on the Nand memory with some of my favourite games and I've been having great fun. Can't wait for the other bits to arrive though so I can really begin to experiment.
Got mine two days ago and within two hours I had quake, duke Nukem 3d, doom, about 70 nes roms, 20 snes roms, assorted mame roms including galaga(the best game ever!), some game gear genesis and mega drive games and some various freeware and demo's like vektar. Now im going to get developing on a software 3d engine. Thanks GPH! You have a great product. to bad that i have a dead pixel then it would have been perfect,lol
I got mine last Friday. All I can say is: AWESOME. Great product, worth the money. Ordered off of the Big emu ebay store (thank you!). Bought a 4 GB SD card and card reader combo from Tiger Direct. I went through three sets of 2500mAh's from the time I got home from work till bed time (about 5 hours). I attribute the battery drainage to staying telnetted to the unit while poking around the OS. Cpu_speed shows it over-clocks to 305, but I have yet to play a game at that speed to check for stability.

One question though: The descriptions on gp2x.com and the wiki say it's got 64MB RAM and 64MB NAND. At the command line, free shows about 30MB RAM and the same for NAND with the df command. Is this correct? Is some of the RAM and NAND reserved and unusable?

I've done so much to it since I got it I created a blog to remind myself how I set it up, in case I have to set it up again in the future. I made the blog public to help out the community. Nothing too fancy, steps a basic user might want to look at. I have several drafts I am working on, but for any posts, your comments and help are appreciated.
The NAND has Linux and some demos on it. I don't know the specifics on the RAM, but I'm pretty sure you can use about 3/4 of it. Someone more technical can correct me.