I got my GP2X yesterday, but wasn't able to pick up an SD memory card until today. I ordered my GP2X from GamerSection. I found their website confusing when it came to payment options (it's not really made clear until the end of the ordering process), and they didn't send me any tracking info for the shipment until after it had arrived. :rolleyes: But all in all, I can't complain much . . . I got it quickly, and at a good price too. (For a short time they dropped the price to $169, and that's when I grabbed it.)
I'd been thinking about buying a GP2X for a while, but wanted to wait until most of the bugs had been ironed out. (More on that, in a sec.) I ended up getting a Mk1 of course, but I'm fine with that. The general opinion seems to be that the screen on the Mk1 is better, overall . . . and that's what matters to me, most.
The unit came with the v1.2 firmware, so I copied the 2.0 firmware files to the 2GB A-Data card I bought, through the card reader I have. I flashed the firmware, and it worked fine. So luckily the GP2X seems to like the memory card.
So then I formatted the card to FAT32 again, and put a bunch of files on it. Music, videos, emus, etc. This was using the card reader. So I finish up, eject the card, put it in the GP2X . . . and the filenames are all corrupted. :angry: No matter what I do: the card reader can read back the files fine, but the GP2X sees junk. I've read that this is a common problem.
So next, I try writing to the card while it's in the GP2X, through the USB cable. And . . . XP doesn't recognize the unit, because I've got USB 2.0 ports. So I have to use a USB hub in-between. FINALLY I'm able to write files to the card without them being corrupted, only at a snail's pace. And I just tried playing a video file, but the video and audio were out of sync. :angry:
I thought I'd waited long enough for these problems to be fixed, but I guess not. This has put a serious damper on my enthusiasm for the unit. I was so looking forward to using it, but these problems are just annoying as hell. Once they're fixed I'm sure I'll be happy, but how long will it take? The unit has already been out for at least 6 months, and there are still problems.