Heavy Metal

Are kinder eggs illegal in your country? no? than keep your mouth shut!

The choking hazard is probably why they changed them... Maybe the real deal is still available somewhere, but what you can get in this country is (IMO) just not appealing at all... so might as well not have them at all.
the egg is no longer an egg, and either they changed the formula or my tastebuds changed but I don't like the taste anymore...

Did you perhaps get a Kinder Joy, not a Kinder Surprise? It's a slightly different product.

We still get Kinder Eggs here and as far as I can tell the chocolate is still the same. They've changed the wrapping to make it easier to open, and I think the toys these days are pretty lame (why do I always get the puzzle?) but I can't really complain about them.
Are kinder eggs illegal in your country? no? than keep your mouth shut!

What country would this be?  In the US you can buy candy with toys in it.  I have some chocolate monsters with a plastic thing inside containing a figurine of endangered animals (made in China) with a piece of paper giving info about them. They sell them at my local Walmart.  A quick search shows other candy with toys inside sold through specialty candy shops and Amazon.
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In the US you can buy candy with toys in it.

You can buy a lot of things, that doesn't make it legal.

Anyway, the law is against toys embedded in food but if you look closely at these Yowie deals the things isn't actually embedded in the food, it's two separate pieces of chocolate on either side of a plastic barrier: totally different, totally legal.
You can buy a lot of things, that doesn't make it legal.

Anyway, the law is against toys embedded in food but if you look closely at these Yowie deals the things isn't actually embedded in the food, it's two separate pieces of chocolate on either side of a plastic barrier: totally different, totally legal.

Perhaps I misunderstood something.  Isn't the toy inside a Kinder Egg also in a plastic capsule?  When I looked them up in the past the pictures made it look that way.  The plastic on the Yowie guys is a piece of the capsule (although I suppose it could be taking advantage of  legal loophole by not having the chocolate completely surround the stuff inside, as you make it sound).  My biggest concern would be the paint on the figures that are made in China, then given to children to play with and chew on.  I suppose there is a choking hazard in there somewhere, too...

Maybe I will start making some candy for adults, where the prize is a razorblade that they can use after eating the candy.  Of course I would add some sort of protective packaging for the blade (many double edged blades come wrapped in paper, so that should be good enough, right? :P ).
Maybe I will start making some candy for adults, where the prize is a razorblade that they can use after eating the candy.  Of course I would add some sort of protective packaging for the blade (many double edged blades come wrapped in paper, so that should be good enough, right? :P ).

May be you can resell Pyras or it's accessories covered or encapsulated inside a chocolate egg. Imagine buying SD cards that way? is not a bad idea.
SD cards make more sense for prizes for adults in candy, but it isn't as fun to imagine the results as it is for including razor blades. Surely, somebody must have choked to get things like Kinder Eggs banned in the US, right?  I mean, we still have wood sticks in our food, but splinters, and therefore blades, in your mouth must be less of a problem than a toy.  And obviously having the chocolate as two pieces that are not connected must mean that an idiot child will not put the toy in their mouth and choke on it (or consume lead paint).

Expanding on the SD card prizes, why don't they include things like that in cereal boxes?  That would be great.

I do want to steer this back on topic:  I also would like to know what colors and surface texture options we have with these molds.  I really would prefer not to have a smooth and glossy case.
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although I suppose it could be taking advantage of  legal loophole by not having the chocolate completely surround the stuff inside

That's what it is.

Kinder Surprise are entirely encased in the chocolate egg, Yowie are two separate pieces, not entirely enclosed.
somebody must have choked to get things like Kinder Eggs banned in the US, right

Kinder Eggs were not exactly explicitly banned, the law is a general "non-food in food" dating back to 1938, and as far as I know nobody has actually choked, it's a "assume bad things might happen and prevent it first" law.  The argument goes that someone might start eating the food without realizing there was non-food inside it and hurt themselves, by choking or biting the non-food.

Actually, looking it up on Wikipedia it seems this really was strengthened and targeted at Kinder Surprise back in 1997; I didn't know that before. 

Anywho, cursory googling suggests that Mars chocolate company lobbied for the law, probably in an attempt to remain relevant.  Because in the USA, the law of capitalism apparently includes having your competition outlawed. I'm a little salty.
Would heart of palm (palmito) classify? :)

Probably.  I don't think I eat it often.  What dishes is it used in?

I also don't eat animal bones or peach pits, both of which are completely inside the food.  I need to inform the authorities of these violations so they can get these foods banned.  (I did crack a tooth on a fragment of bone or something in a burger once, but it wasn't in the US, so that is ok.)

I am done playing with the food related stuff for now so I don't keep trashing up this thread.

Chocolate colored Pyra cases?  Make mine dark chocolate!
I'm pretty sure most fruit seeds (including peach, plum, pear, apple) contain a sugar that can decompose to hydrogen cyanide, so I'm not sure you need to make things non-toxic for them to count as food.
whasnt there a prejudice, that in the USA deadly fire weapons are no problem for children, but kinder eggs`?? 

I have an idea for EvilDragon to advitice the Pyra:

how about some tiny Pyras and a little flyer which will be found in every sevend kinder egg??
I must say, after reading this thread I am now looking forward to a dark chocolate injection-moulded Pyra!

Loving the news updates BTW