You'll hate this post. And you'll love this post.

@3XCL4M4t10N : you need to put that image in a spoiler, gives a better fun/surprise effect...
@3XCL4M4t10N : you need to put that image in a spoiler, gives a better fun/surprise effect...
On the old forum software, I could easily block all embedded images from certain third-party hosts. XenForo however appears to cache the image files locally, so that's no longer an option. So if you absolutely do want to use such "fun" images to communicate (personally I just find these annoying, at best), please bear with me, don't put them in a spoiler.
On the old forum software, I could easily block all embedded images from certain third-party hosts. XenForo however appears to cache the image files locally, so that's no longer an option. So if you absolutely do want to use such "fun" images to communicate (personally I just find these annoying, at best), please bear with me, don't put them in a spoiler.
Huh? You don't want to see them but you don't want them hidden by spoiler tags? I'm awash in a sea of confusion...

Huh? You don't want to see them but you don't want them hidden by spoiler tags? I'm awash in a sea of confusion...
I cannot know what's behind a random spoiler unless I open it. If I'm opening a significant number of spoilers on a forum page just to find "fun" images in them (that I personally don't find fun), then that means that I'm spending a disproportionally sized amount of time and effort compared to just scrolling the page quickly. The latter would have allowed me to identify and ignore the images at a glance.

I don't want to flat-out ignore spoilers by specific people just because of that, because I'm considering other people's humanly desire to express themselves freely. That's why, instead, I'm spending time and effort here on explaining my (and some other peoples'?) position, hoping that it may see a bit of consideration in return.
I cannot know what's behind a random spoiler unless I open it.
Well, if it is random then it is intended.
Just trust people that stuff put in spoilers is semi-relevant to the discussion. And if it contains something useful it often has a short description above the spoiler. If it doesn't then a surprise moment is intended. If you dont like surprises then dont click on it.

Warning, I wont introduce the next spoiler with any description! Click it at your own risk!

You see, even obviously irrelevant, you just clicked on it anyway.
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Interesting Video. I actualy noticed that the Walls of the Pandora case are not 90° angled but slightly more/less angled than 90° to get the parts out of the molds better. Impressive how Lego manages to produce all these often perfect 90° angled bricks. I just missed some further examples in the Video how more complex parts are made with multi-part molds including inlays and such stuff. For example, this Lego part here looks like it need alot of inlays on every side of the mold:


I'm sure such molds are super complex and even more expensive than regular "2-part" ones.
That video was way cool(no pun intended). LOL

I knew some of what was shown, but not all.

Though this looks nice


I'm afraid it will end up like this after a while :-/


And I don't like the fact that it would leak light everywhere...
If it's going to be clear plastic I would be happy to pay the 30€ for something else.

And although I would like a C64 colored Pyra, I'm a bit worried by the Pyra logo on the lid as brown with white plastics won't look nice so maybe something like the coffee colored one would look better with the white pyra logo on the back...


Or just plain white... :)


Yay! Color talk!

Anyway, thanks for the update and those nice pics Ed :) I love seeing stuff like that!

That coffee coloured Pyra looks awesome!

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