GPD Pocket

Same with laptops (keyboard, mousing thingies) and smartphones (touchscreen), yet somehow those get a pass.

Some equipment I have worked with had controls that resembled gaming controls, and some of them had a look kinda like the Pyra (and we called one of them "the gameboy"). If you are doing work with it, and others can see that, does it matter if it has gaming controls? This is a lot like the discussion about the Pyra color, which I still want to know.
Prob is with a small screen and how you typically hold the Pandora/Pyra most people think you're just gaming. Text editing and Gaming look similar when you use a D-Pad to move the cursor.
I still don't...people play games on their work computers all the time!
About all we can get away with at work is light Web Browsing... I can get away with IRC because it looks like a command line terminal.
sorry for being stupid, but what are the ports there? (definitely looks like they took inspiration from the macbooks... even the little black rubber feet...)
and how does it charge?

left to right: micro SD, mini HDMI, headphone, and usb 3.0?
I used to get told to "put the gameboy away" at work when I was actually running Firefox with the in-house patient record system. When I showed them, they were amazed that a gameboy could do that.
Yes, gameboys are amazing. The thing we used didn't really look like one, but was close enough for people that didn't really look at it. Everyone in my section, and many of the people higher up the food chain knew what it was really for. I don't know where the name came from. Probably some senior person that was trying to talk about it and didn't know the actual name. Now I can't remember the real name.

I wish someone had told me to put my gameboy (or whatever) away when I was at work, but I never pulled them out when I took them to work for breaks or lunch. I kinda regret that now, but I wasted plenty of time with computers and smartphones. On a night shift I once played my boss's GBA for a little while when I had nothing to do.
I took my Pandy to work every shift, and in any spare moment developed PandaBAS (known as SpecBAS on other platforms). Night shifts were the best - when the patients were asleep, I could code for hours... And when I left that job, it was precisely that coding that got me my current job :)
then there's no micro SD card slot? i thought @vcoleiro1 said there was gonna be one.

It was a yes, then no. GO back a few pages and you will see the discussion. At first GPd seem to say yes, then when queried, they said no. A lot of people have hammered them over it including me. We will see if they change their mind. It's not looking good though for a uSD slot
It was a yes, then no. GO back a few pages and you will see the discussion. At first GPd seem to say yes, then when queried, they said no. A lot of people have hammered them over it including me. We will see if they change their mind. It's not looking good though for a uSD slot
Rightly hammered. That makes it far less useful. USB can pick up some of the slack.

Do they understand that their sales will be MUCH better if they do little things, like adding microSD? Full size would be even better imo, and doubling that definitely has some advantages.
yeah, without expandable storage (usb doesn't count) i think i have to reevaluate my decision to think about buying one in the future.
Rightly hammered. That makes it far less useful. USB can pick up some of the slack.

Do they understand that their sales will be MUCH better if they do little things, like adding microSD? Full size would be even better imo, and doubling that definitely has some advantages.

This is my conversation with one of the co owners of GPD -> Wade

As you can see, I had specifically said the same thing to him, ie is it worth losing sales by not including a SD/uSD slot.

yeah, the left side of the device looks really bare. if they had an SD card slot (or micro) and a single usb A, it would look good and be a lot more versatile device.

(or rework things so that you get a full hdmi out.)

so it charges via the usb C?
I will foolishly compare the Pocket, Pyra, and Win, which I don't own, and maybe throw in random comments about other palmtops I own and have firsthand experience with if it is relevant.

Out of the gate, the Win is a lose for me across the board except for price. I guess I will just compare the Pocket and Pyra for everything else.

I can't remember the display resolution for each, however size does matter here, and bigger is better with many tasks, so the Pocket will probably be more useful there on the go.

The keyboard is a difficult area. At this size I expect to do a lot of thumb typing, however I would like to be able to type with my fingers if I am sitting at a desk or table. The early palmtops, such as those from HP, seem to have been ok for both, despite the small key size on the ones from HP. The way it feels to type on them is also important. I wouldn't be able to decide those without using them. That may be true for the layout as well, although I don't know if a final layout has been announced for the Pocket. It really helps to have a backlight when things aren't where I expect them (compared to a full size keyboard).

I don't know if gaming controls are all that important to me. I think I would miss them if I wanted to play certain games and they weren't there. I like trackpoints, however it makes the most sense to have them where your hands are going to be when typing. The location in the Pocket may be better than the standard location when thumb typing, and you have to move away from the keyboard to use the mouse with the Pyra.

For the old x86 vs. ARM debate, I can't say I am knowledgeable enough to have a preference based on technical advantages. x86 is the place to go if you want that massive library of software.

Pyra is the clear winner for connectivity, ports, and removable storage. It gets some bonus points for modular design and being made to allow the user to open it up. Not sure why I have all those different things linked in my mind.

Looks...they both look good to me, it just depends on what I am feeling atm. Metal is always nice, until it bends. The blockiness of the Pyra, and some of the little things, kinda give it that idgaf vibe, because it was made to throw as much stuff together as possible and be used and abused. Sleek isn't everything, so I like that. Both need less rounding imo, however that would interfere with pocketability, and probably how it feels in the hands (not that the Pandora has ever been uncomfortable for me), so I am glad I wasn't the one making that call.

I guess I still don't see either the Pocket or Pyra as hands down better. The Pyra has some things to offer that the Pocket doesn't, and the Pocket has some areas where it might end up better for me at least some of the time. If Linux isn't problematic, and I had the money to waste on it, I would probably get a Pocket. If I had both I am pretty sure I would carry the Pyra more frequently.
Here are all the details of the GPD Pocket as will be listed on the Indiegogo page on Feb 15th. All specs are detailed - to much to list all here. The price will be $399 on Indiegogo and the RRP is $599. But as we know the RRP doesn't mean much, the GPD WIN has a RRP of $499 but sells for $330 - $360

You choose whether you want Win 10 or Ubuntu 16.04, ie it's not dual boot



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