With the 128 gb GPD XD coming in July it looks like this will be coming after the GPD WIN now? Has anybody heard when this might be released?

One of the GPD staff on Baidu tentativley said the XD2 will be released in 2017. But that was their guess rather than GPD's plan.
Why mention the XD2 so soon then? Now. They are going to loose sales as some customers will now wait for this instead of buying the XD1. Does not seem like a good idea unless it is coming out soon.
Yes, and the Osborne 2 never saw the light of the day, as no one bought the Osborne 1 anymore and they went out of business because of that :)

The Q9 and XD are different devices, some still buy the Q9 at my shop as they want a larger screen.

But the XD2 is just an improved XD, so quite a few might decide to wait when they hear about it.
The Osborne 2 never came out because some dummy found some populated but uncased Osborne 1 boards and decided to spend money finishing them. They spent millions while recovering a couple hundred thousand worth of parts. They probably would've survived if not for this blunder.
Where did you get that from?
What I mentioned IS now even called the Osborne effect, because of that reason:

I've never heard anything about populated PCBs, and that also wouldn't make much sense, as they had issues selling their remaining Osborne 1 systems...

Not to get involved in this (because I have no idea of what happened with Osborne) , but what WizardStan mentioned is in the wiki article you just linked to ED - Under the heading Osborne Myth

That aside, yes announcing a sequel product too early can have negative effects on current product sales

To be honest, I must admit seeing them announce plans for the XD2 , I had thought it's release was imminent. Very surprised to hear someone at GPD say it might be 2017. Not sure if that's true or they were trying to dissuade people from waiting for it. I get the feeling that part of the poor showing for the 128GB XD on Indiegogo is because of the XD2 announcement and of course the current GPD WIN Indiegogo. Doesn't seem like they thought all this through.
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Yes, I can also confirm that XD sales have slowed down at my shop as well.
Hopefully, they won't hurt themselves too much.
But then again, I guess they have enough capital to pull through the XD2 anyways.
I've never heard anything about populated PCBs, and that also wouldn't make much sense, as they had issues selling their remaining Osborne 1 systems...
It's in the wiki that you linked :P
And yes, it didn't make sense, which is why it was a stupid thing for them to have done. They did it anyway, cost several million dollars, and the company folded as a result. Sales dwindled because of competition, but they had started picking up again. If they hadn't blown all their money trying to recover a few parts they may actually have survived long enough to release the Osborne 2. I forget the details and can't find it again but I remember reading a pretty thorough blog post that suggested, with sales already slowing, that they announced the Osborne 2 early in an attempt to squash competition, effectively intentionally engineering the so-called Osborne Effect: why buy any computer, especially a competitor, when we have something much better coming out soon?

It's actually that last part that has me worried here because there's already several forum posts contrasting the Pyra with the GPD Win, but that's a topic for the other post
It's actually that last part that has me worried here because there's already several forum posts contrasting the Pyra with the GPD Win, but that's a topic for the other post
Yes, but since you brought it up: as I mentioned in whichever thread, it is a concern of mine as well. Other than those of us here that are vocally supportive of the Pyra over the Win, how big is this niche? We can't count lurkers here or the people that are waiting for a prototype or actual release of the Win to jump on that bandwagon. Just consider the number of preorders for both so far. Honestly, I would back the Pyra even without game controls and cellular module, because it is a Linux palmtop. Those two extras make it pretty irresistible for me, but I think that some others only want a pocket sized computer with keyboard. Win will probably get most of those in Japan and those that care more about price or Windows in the rest of the world (although the current numbers seem really small). Pyra is probably going to get those that want Linux, more freedom, long term support, upgrades/hackability, mobile data (and possibly calls and messages), or a thought out keyboard with backlight. Are there really only around 1500 of us altogether left?

Edit: I went on longer than I expected, so maybe this should be moved. I copied it to the other thread, and will edit this again if I remember when switching to a different device.
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Actually GPD is focusing on the Win, AFAIK GPD didn't start to work on it.
From someone who just spoke with a GPD member, it seems the XD2 is targeted for release in Q1 2017 (they will begin working on it next month). It will use the RK3399 SOC and Android 6.0 (Marshmellow)
I presume there will be another crowdfunding for it.

The RK3399 is a hexa-core processor. It has two ARM Cortex-A72 CPU cores and four ARM Cortex-A53 cores. It also has Mali-T864 graphics, supports dual-channel memory and Gigabit Ethernet connections. It features ARMv8, 64-bit architecture. It is also 4k capable
From someone who just spoke with a GPD member, it seems the XD2 is targeted for release in Q1 2017 (they will begin working on it next month). It will use the RK3399 SOC and Android 6.0 (Marshmellow)
I presume there will be another crowdfunding for it.

The RK3399 is a hexa-core processor. It has two ARM Cortex-A72 CPU cores and four ARM Cortex-A53 cores. It also has Mali-T864 graphics, supports dual-channel memory and Gigabit Ethernet connections. It features ARMv8, 64-bit architecture. It is also 4k capable

Any source for this? If it's to be released early next year I would have thought there would be some more recent news from GPD.
The source was someone who spoke with GPD - a member on Dingoonity. Not that's anything new, its pretty much what we have heard a long while back. ie next year, RK3399, 360 degree swivel screen etc
The thing is, GPD will not work on it until after the GPD WIN. Which probably means at the end of the year, but everything is fluid.

Just bare in mind GPD are not as big as some had estimated, they have 30 staff including sales etc. And they don't have a manufacturing plant, that is all outsourced. So it's sort of one thing at a time with them. Somethings might be worked on now, but it wont really gte into full swing until after things settle a bit with the WIN.
My XD lost its root, do i need to re flash the ROM? I tried to use Kingoroot to see if it would let me use Helium Backup, so maybe that is how it happened.

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