Gp2psx V0.34

.Z is just a compressed CD file. In all honesty it shouldn't work any *better* than an uncompressed cd image. Just to note, guys, I use ISOs and they all work fine. I just got done playing some Dead Or Alive and Castlevania... no problems (other than running at < 5fps).
OK... FFVII is looking really good... the only problem I had was that it froze when I turned the sound back on to see what it sounded like (grr, I was almost to the first savepoint :D) I was getting between 10-25fps all the time (usually in the 17-21fps range) with no overclocking. Frameskip didn't seem to do much to help though.

I'm going to test Chrono Cross right now, and then see if I can get my aging CD drive to read any other PSX games (it's been reluctant to do that recently...)

EDIT: Chrono Cross looks graphically perfect at 11-15fps with no overclocking for the intro... unfortunately it still crashes right before it plays the new game movie. Anyone have a savegame compatible with this emulator that starts at an early savepoint, or any way to convert another emulator's savefiles to this ones?

One thing worth mentioning on Chrono Cross is that on .34d it freezes in the same place but only has an average of 2-7fps. On .34f the fps is improved hugely and it seems to get through a few extra instructions after the new game menu (judging from the amount of time it lets me press the frameskip buttons after starting)

Oh, and you compress .bin to .Z with PocketISO. A link is in the readme for GP2PSX, if I remember right.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 5 2006 at 06:14 AM said:
Ok, now i cant get FF7 working at all with the new release. Anyone have this problem? I converted the cd to a .bin file and a .cue file. I clicked to load the .bin and nothing! Am I doing something wrong??
Have you tested it on epsxe since you converted it? You probably just had a screwup in the conversion process.
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some things i need to say:

about dual-cpu:
me and AntiPasta think that the best use for the second core is a translation core & cache so the overhead of decoding instructions will be in the second core,the problem is that we can`t access the internal cache of the second core to use it,as it should be , a cache.
in the Dynamic recompiler area there is alot of use for the second cpu if we get more control on it.

about the diffrence between cpus/arch(s)/whatever:

the Pentium core(most correct the whole X86) is cisc while the arm is a risc proccessor,this allow for more optimizaion at asm level for example few x86 vanilla instructions can be replaced by one MMX or SSE command.
also the arm doesn`t have a FPU so all fpu-based calculations are made in software emulation/softfpu which is slow.
to use better the arm cpu we need to things:
1.use more asm,arm asm is one of the most powerfullls as it support condional executin ,that means that a cmp(compare command can be described as a if in high-level language) can be include into the normal instruction,this means that two instructions become one and that means that the speed of that operation is now two times faster !!!
2.get rid of fpu calculation as this means a huge speed ups

the pentium also got better compilers(gcc is alot better on x86 than in arm).
something that you can try is to use Intel compiler which is pretty much compatible with gcc and it will work faster(on most intel machines it run faster coz it is optimized for intel) :)

Just tested exhumed again and it runs so well at 20fps no frame skip with sound, the save works to what a classic shooter just got original of ebay woot :)

great release zodttd
How do you convert IMG archives with SUB and CD files? I want to test this thing out, and update the wiki a little too.

My GP2X never seems to get past "Loading game".
Azure dreams gets a 30-40% speed increase in reported frames. 12fps in movies and in the opening 3d scene.
I mount them with Daemon Tools and convert them with Isobuster.
K0K0NUT_h3lmut posted on Feb 5 2006 at 06:42 AM said:
How do you convert IMG archives with SUB and CD files? I want to test this thing out, and update the wiki a little too.

My GP2X never seems to get past "Loading game".

The IMG files that come out of CloneCD are exactly the same as BIN files... you just need a CUE file to go with it. Here's a generic one, put this in a text file with the same name as the IMG file and an extension of CUE

FILE "[b]name of file here[/b].img" BINARY
   TRACK 1 MODE2/2352
   INDEX 1 00:00:00

You might have to change the extension of the img to bin... This method is untested, but it should work because the files are identically formatted. If that doesn't work however, get PocketISO and compress the IMG file, since I have tested this and it works 100%.

(Also worth noting that that CUE will not work on a CD with audio tracks.)
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overclocked 255, resident evil 2 movies are almost perfect speed.

(no sound) zodttd, the sound is still weird and choppy, even though the video isnt as you know about this?its the same on any game ive tried

RE2 ingame now is framerate 10 on frameskip 1, seems to go lower with each framskip

its actually fast enough now to be afraid of the zombies getting you
Mudi posted on Feb 5 2006 at 03:30 PM said:
The IMG files that come out of CloneCD are exactly the same as BIN files... you just need a CUE file to go with it.

no you don't, i don't have any CUE file in my gp2x and it runs fine anyway :D
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gta 2 now graphically perfect framerate 15-22 fps fs 0 sound off 275mhz overclock i think once the frameskip is properly implemented this would be playable as at the moment framerate goes down with more frameskip and certainly doesn't come closer to playing at a faster speed.
Jarska333 posted on Feb 4 2006 at 11:22 PM said:
Tried Suikoden, the "name your hero" and the "palace menuet" musics both seemed to just play the first few tones, and then looped. Almost fooled me in the first one. :P Funny think is, disabling music didn't disable them. Somehow considered sfx?

Same thing happens with Grandia, in title screen. :) The clip of music that is played, is played in correct speed, even. :)

And, if I switch the music off and back on, the music plays at correct speed for half-a-second, or even more, before it starts to judder? :huh: This on a video, though.
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Mr Doctor posted on Feb 5 2006 at 02:16 AM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 5 2006 at 06:14 AM said:
Ok, now i cant get FF7 working at all with the new release. Anyone have this problem? I converted the cd to a .bin file and a .cue file. I clicked to load the .bin and nothing! Am I doing something wrong??
Have you tested it on epsxe since you converted it? You probably just had a screwup in the conversion process.

edit: ill try a pc psx emu now
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ok, wtf is going on. Im testing my .bin conversions on epsxe, and just as i thought: the only game that runs is crash bandicoot 1. What the fuck happened with my other files? I did everything the same and they dont work....

Is it the program im using?