Gigas Engine

bumping, just waiting for an update. Been looking at the last beta on Hoping for more... I want to make a bit of a Zelda map clone with it.

the only thing i have to say is : GO GO GO pirotic :lol:

i hope my smc arrives today so that i can test lemmings :D
Gaigas looks awful too , i cant wait for it to be done :D
a CPS emu would be cool :D even if it dont runs fullspeed

i was thinking if it is possible to load only 1 level in the ram play that and then load the next level ?

Umm copied from my other post:

Hey, I think i saw something about someguy making an RPG creation program to make RPGs on the GP32 but cant find details anywhere
So ill post some ideas I think would be kewl in a program like that.

How about something similar to the FF1 HAckster interface, someple to use, but also have the abilty to script things for it.

Battle system:
Be able to choose the kind of battle system ie. FF style, Zelda or *shock horror* pokemon. Maybe letting people script their own battle systems and save them as a file for others to import would be good aswell...

So just a couple of ideas here then...

Thinkn something like that would be good for your project?
Azure posted on Feb 22 2004 at 02:48 AM said:
One thing I really don't like about rpg engines is the menu look. IMO, they all look "cheap" as if they could easily be made in paint or something. They don't seem to have many gradients like the ones for console RPGs. Am I the only one that has noticed this? Anyways, I guess it doesn't really matter as the gameplay is what really counts, not the look of the menu.
Crono cross had different backgrounds on the menu/(s) which you could select.
So can u actually change the menu loko in Gigas then?
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Hiya again, sorry for the late reply - been very very busy moving house and solving some other problems (Glasgow Parking Shop have issued me with a court order for a car i haven't owned for months, grrrrr)

Haven't done much work on any project lately, which is a bummer as i enjoy working on them but obviously have to put the wife/new house/work first which leaves very little atm.

Been interviewed by GP32Zine so expect some exclusives in that, i've offered them a sneak peak at the first game to use Gigas but not sure if they'll run that feature or not yet as they haven't followed up the offer yet.

the Gigas engine will support custom everything, the only thing which cannot be customized at the moment are the keys.. you can use your own menu artwork, have your own menu content and options (just sets flags)

been plotting up some early designs for the demo, hopefully once i get creating a game that'll motivate me to add more features into Gigas and help me see whats missing, all i can really assure you for now is that it'll be set in the future, it'll have Mecha and all the graphics/sound/sfx will be done by me, while this means they wont be amazing - it'll also mean i can give them out free with the demo and allow people to use them for their own games etc, without having to worry about squaresoft sending people with oversized swords around your house for copyright infrigement.

Haven't touched lemmings at all, but as i said earlier its well over half-way complete, just need to code in the remaining abilitys such as the brick laying and the digging and it should be playable, porting the maps across however is a bitch so it'll probably be released with only a handfull of maps, but once the editor is out i hope some kind soul will port the rest for us.

thanks for your interest, sorry to keep you waiting but rest assured they'll all get completed someday! lol


- Pirotic

p.s - im still looking for tile and character artists for the Gigas demo, if your interested and can send a couple of examples of your work to gigas at pirotic dot com i'd be grateful.
Ummm.... Hes making an engine, not using one ;)

If you mean the programming language, it's either C or C++ (unless he has a GP32 JVM or something we don't know about :D)
Hiya again, picked up work again on Gigas lately due to finding more freetime (got the wife 'the sims' on xbox, and that keeps her busy for now, lol)

as for the question "what engine am i using to make the game?"

im not actually making a 'game' as such, but im making an RPG Engine in C (Hence why its called "Gigas Engine" and not just "Gigas") complete with tools (for PC) which allow anybody to create a game, which in turn can be played on any port of the Gigas Engine.

i really like making RPG's (i'm a bit pants tho), and figured its worth putting in the extra effort so that the engine can accept new games without me having to go back and hard-code elements into the engine, once the Gigas Engine is finished hopefully i can just enjoy making games for it and never have to touch a line of C again (apart from adding improvements etc), also it'll allow the other folk who dont have the time to code and engine to create a game straight away.

im currently looking for a couple of beta testers, as the next big demo is around the corner - its still along way from finished (50%) but the new graphics and features will be implemented so ideally i'd like to check that the updated engine runs ok on other peoples GP32's before the public release.

if your interested just drop me a line at gigas at pirotic dot com, ideally some tech knowledge or coding ability would be great, as it means you can explain any glitchs you discover to me with ease.. also you wouldn't be allowed to distribute, discuss or release screenshot's, as its WIP and very shoddy in certain areas still :D

better get back to working on it now, promised GP32zine an exclusive first look at the next demo so i better make it half-decent..



p.s - i'll be creating a new thread soon for the next demo release, better to keep these things seperate.
Goooooooooodddddddd. What type of graphics are you creating? Medieval, space, or are you sticking with the Pokemon style? Any one of those would be fine I just wan't to know! So the battle graphics will be in the same viewport as Final fantasy 1-6? It will use mod music in the .gig file right? How easy will it be to have an overworld, and then connect to the inside of the city?
lots of questions, i'll try to answer them all.

the theme of the demo is "bright and simplistic", as im not an artist and find that style easy to do and not too time consuming, it does look a bit like pokémon - but it isnt a blatant rip-off.

As people can make their own graphics, the demo graphics will probably only be used in my own demo - i suspect other people will prefere to use ripped SNES gfx, they look better but due to legal reasons im making the demo graphics myself so i dont have to worry about Squaresoft getting on my back over it :P

The battle system will indeed use a Final Fantasy 1-6 style viewpoint, im undecided as to if it should just use the in-game character graphics for your team, or if it should have a different high res image for the team, the battle system isnt done yet so i have some time to decide :D (battle system will be one of the final features i add, as i want to spend ALOT of time on it to make it decent)

Music format is undecided, depends on whats available, if i can find a decent open source MOD player then i'll implement that, otherwise i'll stick with wav and mid.

an Overworld is simple to do, you just create a huge map and use a different tileset on it, then add hotspots to make you enter the towns/caves and so forth - and overworld will be featured in the upcoming demo.

hope that answers them all for you mate,



p.s - the project is about 40/50% complete now, still along way to go but its getting somewhere (at last).
lol rm2k is easy as hell, you just have to read tutorials first and such stuff.... you cant make a game before learning how to :P
I read enough... just building decent looking houses was hard.. like the ones in the final fantasy games (the roofs never seem to work) maybe it was just my tilesets :s
lol, making large objects out of tiles is always tricky unless you create brushs for them as you spend hours trying to find the tile your looking for. it comes down more to the layout of the tileset, so long as you group all the stuff together its easy enough to follow.

atm the editor isnt ready to show people - its just a collection of make-shift tools at the moment which generate files which i compile with the program, i've started coding on the SMC stuff, which reads files from the SMC on demand which is the starting stone for allowing users to create new content for it.

later on (if time permits) im hoping to recode all the editors into one all encompasing program with its own map editor and GUI etc.