Gigas Engine 0.7.5

It is a shame that Pirotic stopped working on this. :(
However, I contacted him and he sent me the source. His one demand is: "i'll only ask that you keep it to yourself, or at least only disclose it to other decent folk who are not going to host it on a website or give it out to anybody further".
Just out of curiousity, you are allowed to continue working on it yourself of course? (I mean for future releases or whatever :) )
Draken posted on Mar 1 2006 at 04:30 PM said:
Just out of curiousity, you are allowed to continue working on it yourself of course? (I mean for future releases or whatever :) )
I presume so, but I don't as of yet have the ability or time to do so, so I am hoping that somebody else may want the source.
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Hanz™ posted on Mar 1 2006 at 01:42 PM said:
Draken posted on Mar 1 2006 at 04:30 PM said:
Just out of curiousity, you are allowed to continue working on it yourself of course? (I mean for future releases or whatever :) )
I presume so, but I don't as of yet have the ability or time to do so, so I am hoping that somebody else may want the source.

Oh man ... Gigas Engine on the GP2X would be sooo sweet!
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TelcoLou posted on Mar 1 2006 at 08:14 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Mar 1 2006 at 01:42 PM said:
Draken posted on Mar 1 2006 at 04:30 PM said:
Just out of curiousity, you are allowed to continue working on it yourself of course? (I mean for future releases or whatever :) )
I presume so, but I don't as of yet have the ability or time to do so, so I am hoping that somebody else may want the source.

Oh man ... Gigas Engine on the GP2X would be sooo sweet!
Yeah thats what I thought, it would help if someone takes it on that they have programmed for the GP32 before, as the source has quite a lot of GP32 functions, which confused me alot.
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Hi rat fans!

Tried to get my old account back, but can't bloody remember what e-mail address i registered it with (if an admin could help?!?). Sorry i've been gone a while but a ton of things have changed, I'm a dad, have a pretty hectic job - i'm not even finding much time to play games, let alone make them. The joys of adulthood.

A nice chap asked for the source-code so i sent it out, it's unfinished (stating the obvious here maybe) but hopefully it'll be of use, Ideally i don't want it hosted or distributed to the mass's as Gigas was my project to learn C++, so it's probably a bit pish - but that's ok, everybody learns somewhere so i'll hold my head high that i got it running at a decent frame-rate. The .h source code file which i hand wrote in notepad (and later the Visual Studio IDE) is about 500kb - i'm surprised my fingers didn't fall off.

I'd be interested in coding a few smaller projects (to begin with) on the GP2X, but i'm waiting for it to come down in price as Pirotic Jnr is now No.1 priority, and the wife's annoyed enough at me for splashing out on an '360.. the fact it looks 'friggin cool' doesn't hold much sway with the opposite sex.

I learnt C++ in the end and now code it for a living - hurray, Maybe i'll make a working CPS emulator one of these days just for old times sake! I'm currently coding tools for an MMO with added piratey goodness.

Gigas will get finished one day, and probably on whatever Gamepark system is out at that time - I've been coding it since i was 11 and it's basically what i want to play, so unless somebody else does it for me i'm going to have to get off my arse eventually and complete a version of it - it started off as a Visual Basic project where all the sprites were picture-box components and moved using the amazing "x = x +1" coding method, so it's come a long way baby.

How much are GP2X's these days?
:D Congrats on becoming a father! (Better you than me ;))

A '2X is ~$170-180, depending where you buy from ... currently Play-Asia has 'em for $169. Great to see you back :)
Hey, pirotic, welcome back!
We were just DISCUSSING how to get gigas onto the gp2x, and it looks like the answer has appeared :P

I would LOVE if you would port gigas to the gp2x, as would a lot of others.

On a side note:
My programming history is similar to yours (but I am only 16 right now :P )
I got visual basic when I was 9 or 10 and began coding very basic RPG's on it (yes, I used the x=x+1 method).

I actually started a very nice looking RPG modeled after my school that was going to have humor in it similar to earthbound but after working on it for quite some time I realized I would never finish the game due to my crappy drawing skills and perfectionism (i would spend 4 hours drawing something and then decide it didn't look good enough and I would delete it). You can find a very early version of it at my old (and very crappy) website, HERE. It is called "ProjectB", and is the only one on the site even worth looking at.

I've just recently taught myself the basics of c/c++ and SDL and I coded my first game with c/c++ for the gp2x competition in two weeks, EXTRATERRESTRES

Anyways, glad to hear that you're back,

EDIT: The cheapest place to get a gp2x is PLAYASIA where it goes for $169.

EDIT2: Whatever happened to Qua-Tro?
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Pirotic_ver2 posted on Mar 11 2006 at 10:39 AM said:
Hi rat fans!

Tried to get my old account back, but can't bloody remember what e-mail address i registered it with (if an admin could help?!?). Sorry i've been gone a while but a ton of things have changed, I'm a dad, have a pretty hectic job - i'm not even finding much time to play games, let alone make them. The joys of adulthood.

A nice chap asked for the source-code so i sent it out, it's unfinished (stating the obvious here maybe) but hopefully it'll be of use, Ideally i don't want it hosted or distributed to the mass's as Gigas was my project to learn C++, so it's probably a bit pish - but that's ok, everybody learns somewhere so i'll hold my head high that i got it running at a decent frame-rate. The .h source code file which i hand wrote in notepad (and later the Visual Studio IDE) is about 500kb - i'm surprised my fingers didn't fall off.

I'd be interested in coding a few smaller projects (to begin with) on the GP2X, but i'm waiting for it to come down in price as Pirotic Jnr is now No.1 priority, and the wife's annoyed enough at me for splashing out on an '360.. the fact it looks 'friggin cool' doesn't hold much sway with the opposite sex.

I learnt C++ in the end and now code it for a living - hurray, Maybe i'll make a working CPS emulator one of these days just for old times sake! I'm currently coding tools for an MMO with added piratey goodness.

Gigas will get finished one day, and probably on whatever Gamepark system is out at that time - I've been coding it since i was 11 and it's basically what i want to play, so unless somebody else does it for me i'm going to have to get off my arse eventually and complete a version of it - it started off as a Visual Basic project where all the sprites were picture-box components and moved using the amazing "x = x +1" coding method, so it's come a long way baby.

How much are GP2X's these days?

Please I beg you to port it to gp2x, please, please, please!
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Hehe, Well if i ever get a GP2X you can rest assured i'd be making Gigas2X on it (i'd port over all the bits i liked, but probably re-write the menu system and interface) and i'd probably up it to 32bit colour graphics with alpha-bit support, But it'd have to wait until i can afford a GP2X - Just got Fight Night, Oblivion and GRAW for the '360 this month so i couldn't justify another £100 to the wife. maybe next month!
Pirotic_ver2 posted on Mar 19 2006 at 04:44 PM said:
Hehe, Well if i ever get a GP2X you can rest assured i'd be making Gigas2X on it (i'd port over all the bits i liked, but probably re-write the menu system and interface) and i'd probably up it to 32bit colour graphics with alpha-bit support, But it'd have to wait until i can afford a GP2X - Just got Fight Night, Oblivion and GRAW for the '360 this month so i couldn't justify another £100 to the wife. maybe next month!

You know this wife is treading you like a child, I really do not see how men find that sexy? If you are saying you have zero control over your wife then this is no longer a marriage, it is more of a domination. Now I humbly understand that marriage is a two people thing, that everything done is to be discussed between each spouse, but I also understand that a marriage is between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, I find that most of the time it is between mommy and child -_-.
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foody posted on Mar 20 2006 at 09:33 PM said:
You know this wife is treading you like a child, I really do not see how men find that sexy? If you are saying you have zero control over your wife then this is no longer a marriage, it is more of a domination. Now I humbly understand that marriage is a two people thing, that everything done is to be discussed between each spouse, but I also understand that a marriage is between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, I find that most of the time it is between mommy and child -_-.
well, if they share their wages, then I think it makes perfect sense that they would be able to limit each other.... after all, a '360 and games is quite expensive, they need to eat, too, you know ;)
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deadlychicken22 posted on Mar 20 2006 at 09:45 PM said:
foody posted on Mar 20 2006 at 09:33 PM said:
You know this wife is treading you like a child, I really do not see how men find that sexy? If you are saying you have zero control over your wife then this is no longer a marriage, it is more of a domination. Now I humbly understand that marriage is a two people thing, that everything done is to be discussed between each spouse, but I also understand that a marriage is between a man and a woman, a husband and a wife, I find that most of the time it is between mommy and child -_-.
well, if they share their wages, then I think it makes perfect sense that they would be able to limit each other.... after all, a '360 and games is quite expensive, they need to eat, too, you know ;)

Yeah, you are one hundred percent right
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I would LOVE to see gigas on gp2x. I still have tons of sprites I made for it but never really released. I would surely work on tons more stuff to hand out if you came back. Mike