lots of questions, i'll try to answer them all.
the theme of the demo is "bright and simplistic", as im not an artist and find that style easy to do and not too time consuming, it does look a bit like pokémon - but it isnt a blatant rip-off.
As people can make their own graphics, the demo graphics will probably only be used in my own demo - i suspect other people will prefere to use ripped SNES gfx, they look better but due to legal reasons im making the demo graphics myself so i dont have to worry about Squaresoft getting on my back over it
The battle system will indeed use a Final Fantasy 1-6 style viewpoint, im undecided as to if it should just use the in-game character graphics for your team, or if it should have a different high res image for the team, the battle system isnt done yet so i have some time to decide

(battle system will be one of the final features i add, as i want to spend ALOT of time on it to make it decent)
Music format is undecided, depends on whats available, if i can find a decent open source MOD player then i'll implement that, otherwise i'll stick with wav and mid.
an Overworld is simple to do, you just create a huge map and use a different tileset on it, then add hotspots to make you enter the towns/caves and so forth - and overworld will be featured in the upcoming demo.
hope that answers them all for you mate,
p.s - the project is about 40/50% complete now, still along way to go but its getting somewhere (at last).