Okay, I think it's time we got some actual data on what the problem is.
I have two Integral 1GB cards from GBAX.com, as well as a Kingston 1GB card for my camera.
I have purchased a Sandisk 512 as well.
I have borrowed friends and family members cards as well(three of which are on the working list in Original Post).
My computer boots to WinXP Home Edition SP2 as a primary OS, with Debian SID as secondary (Grub is boot-loader).
While not being a guru, I am not by any means computer illiterate.
GP2X info Version 1.0 S?N 2005.11.15 - GP2XV101 - 00000177
I have tried formatting under WinXP as FAT32 from right-click context menu, Computer management (which allows you to select alternate allocation units, btw) as well as command line utilities for both NT and DOS.
Under Linux, I have
cfdisk /dev/sdb1 to create a type 0B Win95 FAT32 partition ( as well as 0C - Win95 FAT32 with LBA), followed by
mkdosfs -v -F 32 /dev/sdb1.
{the sdb1 part of the above applies only to MY hardware - replace with what is appropriate for YOUR system}
Nothing I have tried will upgrade my firmware.
I have read the instructions from GPH, tried following that to the letter - no luck.
I have tried several of the suggestions in this thread (and others) such as booting without SD card, inserting card, reading card in explorer, then rebooting - no upgrade.
Also tried to use write protect tab trick - no upgrade.
The reason I wish to upgrade has nothing to do with video issues or joystick dead-zone.
It's battery life - I only get about 1 1/2 hours out of Energizer 2500mAh NiMH and 2200 mAh NiMH batteries.
GPH releasing firmware is only useful if you can actually upgrade said firmware.
BTW, I love this unit otherwise
CPU speed selector + SNES emu without ASM core = what the doctor ordered, now to try Reesy's brainchild . . .