Finding a proper name and logo :)

I like the nostril styled idea, we could make case stickers later of the rest of a dragon's head or body drawn in a similar style.  I can't think of any good reason to necessarily make the label look like a box anymore though, since it's not Pandora let alone her box.  Well besides tributes, I shouldn't pretend tribute doesn't exist.
This one is great.

The Flame with the P inside onto the Pyra lid.

The whole thing onto the website.

You also have the Dragonbox inside.

You can also use the "Pyra" setters without the Dragonbox and/or without the flame.

For me this is simply great and can be used in several ways.
Keep in mind that I did this pretty damn quickly in photoshop, using the magic wand tool to select the parts of various logos i liked to add to the flame: It looks bloody awful quality-wise. Could be redone to a much higher standard if there was access to source files.

The designs Fzero has posted in the last couple of pages are by far my favorite so far.

I think Binky done that PYRA text originally, and think he drew it rather than it being an existing font...

The Dragonbox font used here is Caviar Dreams, which is a freebie one I d/l, and the flame graphic is part of a free flames graphic pack, which I think Binky also used originally, but I happened to have that in my graphics folder anyways.

I've attached that font and the flame in .eps for you here:

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Here's a dif style flame on the box, alongside the text


I was thinking last night though, that the flame style DFP used, with is being 4 separated flames, could look pretty nice on the devices lid if those flames could indicate battery charging or something :)
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Here's a dif style flame on the box, alongside the text


I was thinking last night though, that the flame style DFP used, with is being 4 separated flames, could look pretty nice on the devices lid if those flames could indicate battery charging or something :)
If we use the left one than we can use this one as well:


Really, it looks like a mirrored Gamecube logo to me.

I would not want to use it.

Maybe Nintendo doesn't like it as well.
You mad, one is clearly a [G] char the other is clearly a [P]

One is undecorated, one is covered in flame.

Lots of cube based logos which include various cut outs, it's all good.

Of course your opinion is yours, but you need a new mirror mate, yours is broken :)

Anyway, this is what I thought about DFP's flames style, as a nice charging indicator

You mad, one is clearly a [G] char the other is clearly a [P]

One is undecorated, one is covered in flame.

Lots of cube based logos which include various cut outs, it's all good.

Of course your opinion is yours, but you need a new mirror mate, yours is broken :)

Anyway, this is what I thought about DFP's flames style, as a nice charging indicator

That one looks a lot batter now.

As there won't be 4 RGB leds on the top the flames can't be animated like this.

I still prefer the "P" from your right picture (the letters)
I like the flame cube, but I like the ambigram cube more. The flame cube looks nice upside-up, but upside-down it looks like Sauron's evil eye with a goatee.
Yeah the [P] from the right there, which is from [i think] Binky's old effort, is very nice as part of that text, and also as a standalone [P] within the flame graphic... but doesn't really fit into a box graphic very well I don't think, which is why used that other one. Was bouncing off DFP's box one, which was harking to the Pandora logo. I too think that's a nice idea to have it somewhat reminiscent of Pandora's logo - but at same time can understand why some might want to ensure it definitely doesn't.

The 4 LED thing was a bit of a wish really :) Figured it wouldn't happen in reality. I just think it would look kool, rather than your typical solid or blinking round indicator on the corner of the device.

@_wb_, you mean the ones derived from Kingu's logo idea? Yeah some of those are nice, have grown on me more and more too 
As a general rule of thumb less is more;

1) It should look good in black & white

2) It should look in icon format, or at around 32*32 pixels

3) The word "pyra" should be text in a freely available, web-embeddable font and separate from the logo

Just the "P" from the stylised word Pyra works pretty well.
also as a standalone [P] within the flame graphic... but doesn't really fit into a box graphic very well I don't think, which is why used that other one
It doesn't have to fit inside a box.

I don't want a box any more.

The Shop is called DragonBox.

Nintendo Wii logo doesn't look like Nintendo logo either.
also as a standalone [P] within the flame graphic... but doesn't really fit into a box graphic very well I don't think, which is why used that other one
It doesn't have to fit inside a box.

I don't want a box any more.

The Shop is called DragonBox.

Nintendo Wii logo doesn't look like Nintendo logo either.
I never said it did "have" to fit inside a box...

...I said I chose that other [P] as it does fit into a box, and at that time I was trying a design that was box based, as I was playing around with the style that was done a moment earlier, the one with the 4 flames above it.

Get over it, you sound like you just trying to argue.

Not like I'm dictating which logo we going to use, I'm just doing some ideas. You do your own too. If you don't want a box any more that's fine with me also
Get over it, you sound like you just trying to argue. Not like I'm dictating which logo we going to use, I'm just doing some ideas. You do your own too. If you don't want a box any more that's fine with me also
I saw so much boxes here (not just from you) and wanted to give some strong support for a non Box logo.

Maybe I'm simply a little stressed because of FOSDEM and the exams at University this week.

Let's take it easy and I'll be cool next week again :) .
No worries mate, we probably both bit irate then... I have had next to no sleep past 2 nights as my girl is teething and waking up crying.

Wouldn't hurt for more non-box logos to crop up, I can only think of the flame text one myself...

Anyway good luck at your exams :)
Maybe, the "Pyra" should be, well... outside of the box... you know? ;)
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