Serial Porter
Here is Egoboo, the OpenSource 3D Dungeon Crawler
This version use gl4es, and is playable with correct framerate (> 15fps) on Gigahertz. You get around 10fps on CC (removing shadow and using low res textures). The game doesn't need fast framerate so it is playable even with that low framerate.
The default keymap has been adapted to Pandora, but it can also be customized:
DPad : Move
{X} : Jump
{A}/{B} : Left/Right Hand action
0/Backspace : Left/Right Hand inventory
O/P : Left/Right Hand Drop/Pickup
{L}: Sneak
,/. : Zoom in/out
q/w : rotate view
History log
Build 04

This version use gl4es, and is playable with correct framerate (> 15fps) on Gigahertz. You get around 10fps on CC (removing shadow and using low res textures). The game doesn't need fast framerate so it is playable even with that low framerate.
The default keymap has been adapted to Pandora, but it can also be customized:
DPad : Move
{X} : Jump
{A}/{B} : Left/Right Hand action
0/Backspace : Left/Right Hand inventory
O/P : Left/Right Hand Drop/Pickup
{L}: Sneak
,/. : Zoom in/out
q/w : rotate view
History log
Build 04
- Updated sources
- Updates libs
- Used luajit
- Added a reset of Gamma at exit in the as a failsafe
- Moved rotation keys from 5/6 to q/w
- Boosted Gamma to 2.0 at start
- Added an option to set custom gamma (put value in .gamma in appdata/egoboo)
- Initial build
- Some Pandora customization (screen, keymap).
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