Serial Porter
Here is Shotgun debugger, a top down action game.
The game use gl4es, but I had also to remove some effect and put some optim to have it playable on the Pandora.
The first level is bit difficult to apprehend because you have no weapon and must run. So, in a few words, go out of the house and follow the road. At one time, there is a police car blocking the way, you will have to find a way to go beside it.. At the end of the road is some sort of Bunker, with many turruts beside, enter that to finish the levels. Other level are more classical.
The controls have been mapped "FPS" way, so move (with strafing) using the DPad, and Right Nub to rotate the view. Shoulder buttons to fire and jump, plus some functions in {A}/{X}/{B}. Also, change the weapon with the numbers...
History log
Build 03
Build 01

The game use gl4es, but I had also to remove some effect and put some optim to have it playable on the Pandora.
The first level is bit difficult to apprehend because you have no weapon and must run. So, in a few words, go out of the house and follow the road. At one time, there is a police car blocking the way, you will have to find a way to go beside it.. At the end of the road is some sort of Bunker, with many turruts beside, enter that to finish the levels. Other level are more classical.
The controls have been mapped "FPS" way, so move (with strafing) using the DPad, and Right Nub to rotate the view. Shoulder buttons to fire and jump, plus some functions in {A}/{X}/{B}. Also, change the weapon with the numbers...
History log
Build 03
- Updated libs
- Added some Gamma (2.0, but can be changed by creating ".gamma" file in appdata/sdb)
- Fixed savegame folder
- Forced 800x480 FS even if configured otherwise
Build 01
- Initial build
- Some effect removed (blur effect mainly)
- Some optimisations
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