Release SDL-Ball


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is SDL-Ball, an opensource clone of DX-Ball / Megaball

This one use glshim, and the Batch mode of it to provide decent framerate. Still, with the EyesCandy on, when a lot of brick explode it can be slow.
I advise to turn EyeCandies OFF on CC model (and may be also on Rebirth model).

The games can be play with the Nubs and/or Keyboard:
DPad to move left/right
{X} to shot
{A}/{B} : next/prev item in Shop
{Y} ; buy an item.

But it's way better with a real mouse (with a wheel for the shop).

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora customisation (keymap, reduced quantity of particules)

Sources are in the pnd (slightly changed to reduce a bit the sparks and alter keymap).
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Hi all :)

@ptitSeb : thanks for orting SDL-Ball to the Pandora !

Slightly off-topic: for you all breakout lovers, here is Retroid, an homebrew breakout game for the Gameboy, released in 2016 !!!


P.S: it works like a charm with @ptitSeb 's GBC.emu ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
paeryn had converted this one to gles, but I cant find the download link.
@ptitSeb, did you read the source of this montruosity :p ?
Not in detail. Just supercially to reduce the level of particules and also understand how the rendering was done (so I fixed some issue with the batch mode of glshim).
The GL part is not really complicated if I remember correctly (but I don't much remember it), but it doesn't try much to batch the call, so to have an efficient GLES port you'll need to batch think...

But I quickly forgot the code...
[doublepost=1477329158,1477328226][/doublepost]Glad to see you around @sebt3 , it's been a long time! :)
The source is available on - link.
Thank god for they understood the problem of orphaned and lost works.
(and about, many of their links are broken, when I did some research some time ago)

I'm scared by the fact that even not so old modern (open source) community work got and get lost by being not on public repositories with their sources....

If the license allows it (or there are strong indications it was meant for public sharing) we should put such sources to big and active repositories like github (or gitlab sourceforge etc) .... maybe even a central one for the pandora/pyra stuff. I don't thnik we have one? (also the pandora packages doesn't always have the sources, right?)
Well, the problem with the file archive was that it was an explicit request to allow linking without uploading. Some developers wanted to have the source only on their site... but that's where it lead to :(
Slightly Off Topic:
@EvilDragon another problem is missing, usually linked, images in old forum posts. Some forums have an option that allow a local copy to be made of the linked image instead of using the link to the image. That way the image stays on the forum. We don't have that here but I always use it on forums that allow it.
Well, the problem with the file archive was that it was an explicit request to allow linking without uploading. Some developers wanted to have the source only on their site... but that's where it lead to :(

Indeed... what a pity. We should try to minimize the loss by moving what can be found (and is under a suitable license or orphaned) to github (leading provider with open licenses and most likely to stay).

While we have some porter specific repos (other independent repos of interest e.g. ), what about a Pandora/Pyra community central repo (like etc) where every code is stored safe and sound? Would be also a form of representation/advertisement.

Also, I guess/hope someone of the community has local copies of much of the now online lost source code... could be gathered all there.