Damn, This Is Gonna Be Close!

Been following the project since I joined. All the good news latly I can hardly wait now, I'm in the first 150 so hoping to see my device soon :)
Well, In regards to Michael giving the green light next week(Hopefully monday the 8th)! I'm one of those people who are willing to wait until the mould factory gets it right, but at this point unless they have labeled the current cases "2nd Batch" or messed up something that worked before, I'll assume the "revison 3 cases" are the best they have to offer based on the feedback we have gotten from the teams communications with them.

So I guess what I'm wondering is at what point/quality does the team say grean light? I'm not looking for them to say when it's perfect, I already know that answer, But realisticly nothing is ever truly "Perfect"! Something can always be better, and I know Openpandora doesn't really have the resources to modify cases every 6 months, So I undersatnd getting it as close to perfect as possible, but can they really go twelve more months without release?

I know many have complained that the hardware isn't as nice as it would have been a year ago, but I still see nothing on the horizon that comes close to the Pandoras specs and have the proper play controls(NOTHING)! I've followed this project from feb 08 to now(Damn, it's been 2 years, WTF?), and I've seen the progress week after week, and month after month, and now year after year, and I do know that this case is the last piece to a very complex and mind boggling puzzle, and I really belive everyone will see these begin to ship within a few weeks(although I have felt that way several times over the last year as well)! But I really don't think "WE", and by "WE" I mean team members, developers, vendors, and customers can afford these cases to be tweeked, and perfected beyond the fiable market window(Which is shrinking daily if we choose to believe it or not)!

I know we are always right around the corner, but it has been right around the corner, for a long time, and before we know it, february 2011 will be here, and I really don't think personally I'll still be posting here without my real Pandora, but who knows!

Big shout out to the team,vendors, and even the mould factory, your work is of the CHAMPIONS! Don't take this post the wrong way, I'm just venting a little, and giving some thougts!

EvilDragon1717 Missed a few status updates of UPS it seems. Anyways, the most important (and current one).

EvilDragon1717 Loc.: WINNIPEG, MB, CA --- Date: 05/02/2010, 5:46 --- Description: REGISTERED WITH CLEARING AGENCY / RELEASED BY CLR AGENCY. NOW IN-TRANSIT

Craigix Looks like these cases might actually arrive today.
Badfrog said:
I'm guessing I'm about number 3995 or so... Hell, maybe even last place! :)
There's always a few Pandoras left from the first batch.
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Oh no! More delays. Damn the Canadian postal delivary system!

Craigix The cases have arrived early, wow, some good luck for once!

Craigix When I say early I actually mean weeks late I suppose.

Damn. I was waiting for the good news. My next goal: waiting for Pics from MWeston!
WOW, the cases have arrived. Bitching! Now just give the green light, don't even look at them, Texas Hold'em Style! :P

Phawx said:
Well they looked at them. and green lighted them anyway

Well, not perfect, but I guess we will have to go with them.
We don't know what was wrong yet, but as long as the technical problems have been fixed(shoulder buttons, ribbon cable slot, ect.), I do believe those problems where fixed with the revision 2 cases, these 3rd cases just needed better quality in regards to looks! And that may vary from user to user, so as long as the case fuctions properly, I can go with a little less than perfect finish quality!

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