Release Classic Apogee Games (Full Versions)

I did buy most of the commercial offerings, explicitly to support (or - in the case of notaz's ports and the apogee releases - acknowledge the hard work and dedication of) community members that appear likeable and valuable to me. Pollo Pollo and Arora Rift simply did not instill this feeling of wanting to support their authors in me (DosBox Ex does neither, not least because the particular attitude shown in this thread has been quite obvious before).

I'm pretty sure that the number of buys is an adequate representation of how popular the author/uploader is with the active part of the community (obviously after factoring in the really low number of pandora users and - to a lower extent - the quality of the product).

I'm probably one of these alleged zealots and I don't play KAMI RETRO or VVVVVV much (not even liking them much, since I prefer other genres - I'd probably say that Amber Moon was the best game I've ever played in my life), but I do respect notaz and Steven, finding their contributions more often enlightening than annoying, and will probably buy other offerings associated with them.
I guess I am one of those "zealots" as I picked up every paid app, trying to support the devs.
To be honest I use my pandora pretty much daily and after my initial install I probably have only been to the repo about 10 times and usually when I do I am looking for something specific.
Well its up to four.....on the other hand the previous release, Shadow Warrior, has 24.  It looks like most of the other Apogee games range around 20-ish.

Super Hexagon has 60, but the awesome vvvvvv only has 37.  The most I have seen was for Arora Rift, one of the oldest titles, at 87.  Not horrible, not great either.

I would still love to see more Apogee games put up, but honestly can't ask the devs to put in the work it takes to only pull in less than ten bucks.  Although I will say if they are made, I at least will pick them up not only to support the Pandora but to enjoy some PC classics I didn't have the chance to when I was younger.
I had the VVVVVV data files from one of the early humble bundles, so I didn't need to pay again (and to be honest, it ran a little better on my netbook anyway).  But I bought Super Hexagon, and that runs well.
Welp, I've talked with George and Scott from 3DR, they have never heard of any of this and are MAJORLY pissed off. Incoming lawsuit i'd suspect. Burn in hell, pirates!
Welp, I've talked with George and Scott from 3DR, they have never heard of any of this and are MAJORLY pissed off. Incoming lawsuit i'd suspect. Burn in hell, pirates!
Yeah sure you talked to them...

It's Justin Barwick from GCW-Zero that has the license to resell this, take it up with him.

And Nukkus why did you rename your account and remove you're profile picture.
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Burn in hell, pirates!
I don't think you understand what piracy actually entails. The absolute worst possible case is that the person Justin has been in contact with is not who he claims to be and the contract he signed is void. 3DR sues Justin for copyright/trademark infringement, Justin sues his contact for breach of contract, everything balances out, and other than a few wasted months neither Justin, EvilDragon, nor the Pandora project as a whole should be affected.Standard "I am not a lawyer" clause applies, of course, but then neither are you.
Welp, I've talked with George and Scott from 3DR, they have never heard of any of this and are MAJORLY pissed off. Incoming lawsuit i'd suspect. Burn in hell, pirates!

ED is not a pirate and could sue you for this official statement,

but since you are just some faceless coward on the internet throwing with mud, nobody cares anyway.

PS: Funny to see ED in his buddylist, this system should be modified.
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So.....I am guessing we won't be seeing any more Apogee games released for Pandora.  Was good while it lasted.