Release BGS, The Backup Saved Games Tool, is out!

WTF!  This has just rescued me!  Right after I performed BGS, my other card crapped out!  At least now I have all my saves backup!  Whew!  Thank you!  :)
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WTF!  This has just rescued me!  Right after I performed BGS, my other card crapped out!  At least now I have all my saves backup!  Whew!  Thank you!  :)
May be the BGS is the real boogie man here. After backing up your things, it will set your sd card to self destruct.
Highly doubt it, since I tried BGS heavily on my own Pandora many times before releasing it and it never destroyed my cards :)

WTF!  This has just rescued me!  Right after I performed BGS, my other card crapped out!  At least now I have all my saves backup!  Whew!  Thank you!  :)
Glad to know it has just started to be useful :)  
I've been playing PS1 Suikoden and DraStic DKJC for months now and have lots of progress saved.  Man!  I downloaded this Boogieman Game Saves (BGS) just in time. :)   Otherwise all those progress would have vanished into thin air.
I've been playing PS1 Suikoden and DraStic DKJC for months now and have lots of progress saved.  Man!  I downloaded this Boogieman Game Saves (BGS) just in time. :)   Otherwise all those progress would have vanished into thin air.
If you are satisfied with BGS please rate and comment in the repo :)
I did under a different username "tieuphong"
haha so that was you ! :) Thanks for taking the time. 
Yep, that's me, and "tieuphong" is my real login here for this forum. I don't know why repo user profile is not linked with forum so I had to create  a new profile there and made it the same here but my real username gets displayed on the repo.  Oh well, now I have double identity.
New version is out :

#O.2.2 released October 12 2013 : support for many other games added + various fixes in the code.

Supported since 0.2.2 :
- Mupen2.0
- LBA via prequengine
- Out of This World
- Paper Wars
- Homeworld
- Freeciv
- Microbes

Update recommended!
OK.  Question:  Looks like BGS only scans data that is saved on SDcard#1 where BGS PND resides and then saves the backup to SDcard#2?  Because I have some saves on SDcard#2 and BGS didn't backup those.  Would be nice to have a gui option to enable BGS to scan both SDcards and then if I have a USB Hard drive connected BGS let me pick this USB Hard Drive to save the backup to.
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I have BGS only one card (sd1).  Also, I had thought BGS backed up my PS1 savestates but it didn't.   Do you know why?  Are PCSX-ReArmed savestates on the NAND?
no im not talking about bgs, i am talking about whether or not you have the same pcsx rearmed pnd on both cards or not.

in the beginning bgs tells you what pnds it detected. is pcsx rearmed inside?

if it was detected it should have saved the savestates. please give me more details.
ok, can you let me know the name of your pcsx rearmed pnd file? exact name please. do you know if you have the last version?
The exact name is "package.pcsx_rearmed.notaz.pnd"

I think this is the latest because PNDManager doesn't indicate there's an update for this.  I think this is r19.