About Dos Emulation


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Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i never try any dos emulation with any handheld. but i use it with my computer.

Does it exist a compatibility list for the games that work with the Wiz dos emulator ?

i want to play eye of beholder series, a old grand prix game, monster bash, cosmic, quest for glory 4, hocus pocus...

is it hard to get that working ?? i dont get it
Just load them up and see for yourself. Thats what I'm doing with ScummVM games...........
Anyone know if you can get championship manager to work on the wiz with DOS? Years of my life have been spent playing this game. To have it handheld is sure just a dream??
Mr.Y said:
Anyone know if you can get championship manager to work on the wiz with DOS? Years of my life have been spent playing this game. To have it handheld is sure just a dream??

Sorry i cant find the game to download.
Have you tried the AtariST or Amiga version?

I have 4 questions that answer i need for my next Dosbox Pack 2 release.

1.How can i pack all game folder in 1 games folder?
what should i change in the config and is it possible?
I had tested with change the configs but its doesnt work but i think that i make it right. It were really helpfull because there are so many folders that are disturbing.

2.How can i combine buttons like when you push L+R+Menu+Select together then the dosbox are shutdown? I know how to set more buttons for 1 function.

3.Is it possible to set the right mousebutton and how?

4.Can you see the Dos Menu at the GP2X F100/F200?
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