Release BGS, The Backup Saved Games Tool, is out!

ok, can you let me know the name of your pcsx rearmed pnd file? exact name please. do you know if you have the last version?
The exact name is "package.pcsx_rearmed.notaz.pnd"

I think this is the latest because PNDManager doesn't indicate there's an update for this.  I think this is r19.
Note this is not, as far as I know, the regular package name for pcsxrearmed. It should not have the wording "package" in it either. Where did you get it initially? sounds like you get it from a different repo and therefore it does not detect any update for it in PND Manager because it does not consider it is installed... do you use PNDManager ?
PNDManager asked me to update PCSX-ReArmed a while ago.  So yes, I only use PNDManager.  Let me try redownload and see what happens.
OK.  So I can't use PNDManager because it somehow renamed "pcsx_rearmed_r19.pnd" to "package.pcsx_rearmed.notaz.pnd".  I used Firefox and downloaded it straight from  After that BGS worked properly :)

PNDManager did the same thing for Super Hexagon.  It renamed "super_hexagon.pnd" to "package.super_hexagon.apkenv.pnd"
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Wouldn't it be better to check for desktop files instead of pnd names?

Pnd names can change and also can be renamed without breaking the spec.
Nice one ekianjo, I am still planning on creating a back up routine and this might be an easy and quick solution for now. Would be nice to be able to manually add a couple of directories to be included in the back up.

Is this tool making incremental backups and if not, are you planning on implementing that feature?
New version :

#0.2.3 released October 24 2013 : support for Mooboy gameboy emulator added.

Note that you need the latest version of the excellent Mooboy for the support to work :)
i could work on a google cloud enabled fork, if you like.

the api ain't as nasty as you try to make us believe :)
Oh yes, please fork it if you can take care of that :)

I am currently working on a restore function. I need to do some testing before releasing it, but hopefully it should work... :)
Oh yes, please fork it if you can take care of that :)
the clinic takes all of my time as of late. i actually never used BGS before. i might look into and start working on it eventually. it will take ages tho.
I updated BGS. The latest update is just about supporting more software - I added support for the following : 


- Area2048

- Boson x

- ZDoom

- Widelands

- Super Hexagon

- Snowman Reloaded

- Pandora Nanolemmings

- Double Cross

- Dopewars

- Metroidclassic

- Not pacman

- Not tetris

- Openttd

- Reicast

Please update... and backup up your saved games :)

I plan to work on its interface and features a little bit more. Hopefully you'll get a nice update a few days down the road. 
++++ this is just a quick demo ++++

++++ still work in progress ++++

in order for this to work, please remove your current BGS version from its current location somewhere in ../pandora/[apps,menu,desktop] and put this .pnd in there.

google drive authentication is done via your webbrowser, so far firefox, qupzilla and babypanda do work. so you will need at least one of those.

possible bug right there: firefox reflects its version in the .desktop file. i think i made bgs look for version 28, cuz thats the version i have. any other may not be visible to bgs yet.

so, here it goes. please test and tell me what you think.

this is what i did:

- gdrive support

- backup log in appdata

- slimmed the gui, reduced the amount of popups

- got rid of ftpupload() - theres way better soft to do that

heres what needs to be done:

- backups on a per game/emulator basis (almost there)

- restore function (from local or cloud)

- implement other cloud services

- rewrite parts to be more elegant

I was also thinking about 7zip compression to significantly reduce the archive size and network traffic.

I almost startet to get a proper gui on the way, but zenity works just so well in this case.

per game/emu backup: I'd just have to merge your programsfound and directoriestobackup lists during the folder crawling process (probably into a nice and tidy dictionary) and thats it.

Restore function: the folders and files are packed with their full posix pathnames. Restore would be as easy as untar archivefile. I didnt get to it because i'd like to get better compression on the way first.


