I Need Help With Dosbox


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i read all the readme. but i think you need to be able to do some coding and programming to use it. im hope im wrong. i dont understand what to do, to get it working. even when i read carefully.

i always work with ms-dos since my young age and did some Pascal coding 10 years ago but that all about. i studied 1 years in computer programming.

Can i use Dosbox for gp2x ? ( i use very often dosbox for windows xp without any problem with any games)

If yes can someone explain me with more detail.

i want to try some old ms-dos games: like Keen series, cosmic, monster bash, hocus pocus, Jill, Faceoff, alien carnage, alleycat, king quest 5 and 6...


Is these games can work ?

THANKS FOR HELP. its very appreciated
Briefly, yes. The latest version of DosBOX (available at archive.gp2x.de) increases a lot of game compatibility.

The tricky part for the gp2x is that DosBOX has a few different configuration files that need to be edited, one for setting memory, sound and driver requirements (dosbox.conf), another for key configuration (mapper.txt), and yet another to load everything up in the first place. It can be non-trivial getting your favourite game to work, and then not everything works. It was a lot worse before the latest DosBOX release though.

I'd recommend starting here: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/DosBox, and toying around with the config for a smaller game, like the old CGA Alley Cat (which comes with the dosbox package actually). There were also a number of DosBox config files posted to the gp2x archive that could be useful in getting your config set up. Remeber those files are case sensitive.

Start with the simpler, non-mouse based games, and work up from there. Mid level 386 games, like X-COM/UFO Defense or Kings Quest 6 aren't going to work though.
renejr902 said:
i read all the readme. but i think you need to be able to do some coding and programming to use it. im hope im wrong. i dont understand what to do, to get it working. even when i read carefully
No programming is needed, just some trial and error and experience. The readme does have some programming info in it in case someone wanted to rebuild dosbox from source. Its not neccessary to actually run it.

Since you have the keen series I suggest starting there. Start with the example ive given for duke1.
1. Put dosbox at the root of your memory card.
2. Put the game in the dosbox folder so you end up with /sd/dosbox/keen1
3. Modify the gpe script for the folder location of the keen folder (replace duke1 with keen) so you will have a keen1.gpe
4. Modify the dosbox.conf, mainly at the bottom in the autoexec section. Update the paths like above.
5. Mapper.txt should be fine
6. Copy all 3 files into /sd/dosbox/keen1
7. Try to run the gpe.

Try to follow the readme too, if something isnt clear or more information could be added let me know. Maybe I left out some detail that I didnt expect anyone would need.
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