Case Is Done But Still Has To Be Reviewed?

MrBlais said:
What happened to, "I don't see why we cannot ship final units before christmas."? LoL - Silly Craig.

Can't forget these:

  • Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
    Parkinson's Law: Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
    Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will.
    Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives (Finagle's Corollary to Murphy's Law): Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way.
    O'Toole's Corollary to Finagle's Law: The perversity of the universe knows no bounds.
And since it's futile to take into account Murphy's Law:

  • Silverman's Paradox: If Murphy's law can go wrong, it will.

Yes, I am obsessed with eponymous laws. Why do you ask?
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Gruso said:
Tuesday December 8 - the first MP cases arrived with MWeston
Thursday December 10 - Cases didn't get the green light

Surely there was never going to be a green light following those particular cases anyway, they were the ones that suffered from the reported shrinkage, had no surface finish and no silkscreening.
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i thought the shrinkage was reported after the review. the company were aware of some and adjusting for it, sent out their results and then the review picked up that there was still shrinkage happening? if the moulds were perfect, they could then have started mass production which is the stage they have to be at to get the finish and silk screening
RenegadeChic said:
i thought the shrinkage was reported after the review. the company were aware of some and adjusting for it, sent out their results and then the review picked up that there was still shrinkage happening? if the moulds were perfect, they could then have started mass production which is the stage they have to be at to get the finish and silk screening

The shrinkage was first reported on Nov 27th ( Blog Post )
Then ED said recently - after the present cases were received - that it was something they knew about and they had already fixed this problem at the mould factory. That sounds like it's probable that the present cases were from the test run where the problem was identified.

Clearly, they proved useful in identifying other potential problems like the LCD Cable slot, but surely there was going to be at least one more set of samples before the big green button got pushed?
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The shrinkage was for the first MP samples. Due to the shrinkage, they didn't get the green light and have been undergoing tweaking (including shoulder buttons and stuff). We're supposed to get more information tomorrow, IIRC. Having no surface finish/silk-screening (AFAICT) is not taken into account with the reviewing, as the surface finish can't be good for small batches (this is what MWeston said), and I assume they're not going to delay case production for silk-screening.
Asmo said:
Gruso said:
Tuesday December 8 - the first MP cases arrived with MWeston
Thursday December 10 - Cases didn't get the green light

Surely there was never going to be a green light following those particular cases anyway, they were the ones that suffered from the reported shrinkage, had no surface finish and no silkscreening.
The shrinkage was not a newly discovered issue last week; it was already being rectified by then. The new issues from last week were the LCD slot, shoulder buttons, and a little shaving. Also, as Vorporeal said the silkscreening and matte finish do not factor into mould approval.
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Asmo said:
Clearly, they proved useful in identifying other potential problems like the LCD Cable slot, but surely there was going to be at least one more set of samples before the big green button got pushed?
Supposedly, they were going to take the silk-screening on faith. Who knows if that's still the plan now that they don't have a Big Holiday to rush for.
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Gruso said:
The shrinkage was not a newly discovered issue last week; it was already being rectified by then. The new issues from last week were the LCD slot, shoulder buttons, and a little shaving. Also, as Vorporeal said the silkscreening and matte finish do not factor into mould approval.

That's what I said though - these cases were affected by the shrinkage reported earlier (Nov 27th blog). I'm guessing that these cases were from the batch that the problem was discovered on, since it was barely a week afterwards that MW received them, why send a second flawed batch? Surely no go ahead was going to be given until they have cases that demonstrate final quality. Silkscreening and matte finish don't factor into mould approval, but they surely do factor into ordering several thousand finished cases? How might the matte finish affect the silkscreening for example? Does it feel like Unicorn pelt or Rhino scrotum?
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Does it feel like Unicorn pelt or Rhino scrotum?

right! you take the Rhino, I`ll find me a Unicorn.....pass me the sugar lumps.

Craig can send us a finished Pandora each for assessment. ;)
hobbyman II said:
Does it feel like Unicorn pelt or Rhino scrotum?

right! you take the Rhino, I`ll find me a Unicorn.....pass me the sugar lumps.

Craig can send us a finished Pandora each for assessment. ;)

A blind test would be best. You bring your Unicorn, I'll see if there are any Rhinos left on Ebay (it is Christmas after all). Three of us blindfolded will be asked to determine if what we're holding is an actual Pandora.
When we can't distinguish between two of the objects, MWeston can give the green light.
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