Bugs and Calculations

We'll just leave out some parts for those cheaper unit, like the LEDs and the LED controller, etc. In theory, you could manually solder them onto the PCB yourself later (though it's SMD soldering you need to do).
The PCB itself will be the same for all versions.

We'll see how much we can save on material costs with what parts.

What else apart from LEDs and controller , could you leave off the cheap version?
Gyro/Acceleration Sensor, eMMC, WiFi/Bluetooth(+Antenna), halv of the Ram Chips, MicroSD/SIM Slot and maybe the Touchscreen.
First of May,
On this Day, whe went to french, but i allready pree Pree Ordered, so my Place should be Save...
Sheap Pyra whitout keyboard backlight??
Whitout mee, i got a CC Pandora, so the Pyra have to be uberluxus ^^
Like the Slogan of Mercedes Benz
"Best or Nothing" (das beste oder nichts)..

Please make the Nr 28 a EU 4G (or 3g) Unit whit backlight in Blue Metallic
We'll just leave out some parts for those cheaper unit, like the LEDs and the LED controller, etc. In theory, you could manually solder them onto the PCB yourself later (though it's SMD soldering you need to do).
The PCB itself will be the same for all versions.

We'll see how much we can save on material costs with what parts.

If you're going to create a differentiated product stream, go deep. The lower priced version would need to grant a 'inexpensive' price point while still justifying the step up. After all, segmentation is a method to ensure that those who are able to pay more do. That means removing functionality to strip the price. To justify a substantial price differential without completely crippling the lower price unit for gaming might require cutting deeper than some would want - and that is the point. There must be a visible functional gain going to the more expensive unit.

Much like airlines, this differentiation needs to be clear and substantial.
'First' 4G version is 600EUR
'Business' (full minus mobile network) version is 500EUR
'Economy' (stripped to the bones) version is ???EUR

Just to get the 'Economy' version down to 450EUR would require cutting VERY deep.

keyboard backlight LEDs
Sim/uSD slot
one of the two SD slots
USB 3.0 (USB 2.0 + eSATA) slot (Single USB 2.0 units)
rumble motor
warranty period
battery size - use Pandora batteries with a spacer
If practical to differentiate on the SoC card, take half the RAM, half the eMMC, and lock the CPU 20% slower on the modules going into these.

That might remove 50EUR from the retail (after markup) price. I wouldn't want that one - I'd rather spend more to get the 'First' version, which would be the point.

The two units will need something cosmetic to differentiate them. Different colors of plastics would be ideal, but likely impractical. How about the metal ring around the logo in the lid? Maybe make it 'silver' for the lower units and 'gold' for the fully featured ones? Note: that is assumed to be an anodizing color to the likely aluminum logo surround ring.
Gold looks tacky, better to save that logo plate for the lower end model. Call it brass-colored if it will help justify it. I would prefer silver-tone, black, or something that matches the case color, regardless of which model I get.

Reducing eMMC may ultimately make all units more expensive (need to order a second set of one part). Leaving things unpopulated doesn't cost anything, so that should be the approach to use when reducing price.

I can't remember what was decided with the touchscreens (if they would all look bad, or if it was just the one in the prototype that wasn't applied properly, and the rest would be fine), but if they need to be fixed, hold on to a handful (cut costs on shipping and redoing the touch layer) and throw those into the entry level units.

The color option may work here. Have those basic ones housed only in black, and give those that go for a more expensive unit a choice between black and dark red (and maybe a third color for the most expensive model). Or do clear only for the cheaper one, so it is just straight plastic, no additional cost for dye. Light bleed isn't a problem on the prototype, but with no keyboard light it should be even less of a problem for those units.

I will think about more cost saving measures in addition to the list of things Grench listed to leave out.
Reducing eMMC may ultimately make all units more expensive (need to order a second set of one part). Leaving things unpopulated doesn't cost anything, so that should be the approach to use when reducing price.

Actually - that gives me a thought. What about keeping the internal uSD slot and -eliminating- the eMMC from the 'Economy' units?
I'm planning May 1st. Let's keep fingers crossed I got all needed details until then :)

We might also offer a cheaper version without keyboard backlight, etc.
Might be helpful for some of you who don't need that. :)

We're calculating a possible price for that.

Yeah...preorder on my birthday!
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One of the two SD slots
USB 3.0 (USB 2.0 + eSATA) slot (Single USB 2.0 units)
Removing external slots will require case changes or you would have "strange" holes in the case, so I don't think think that would be feasible.

lock the CPU 20% slower on the modules going into these
Please not, by doing this we would enter the realm of antifeatures.
I want the Rumble Feature, just for the lolz
I mean thats mybe one of the only Linux Handhelds whit rumble..
I dotnt want diverent models, Wifi, 4G Eu 4G US, thats ok, but Cheap Versions from they
Who wants to look trought?? (Wer will da noch durchblicken)..
Thats much wyrder than the Bee Frame Sizes whe have: (Dadant, Zander, Freudenstein, Langstroth).. (dotnt warry if you dotnt understand wat im talking about, beekeeping isnt easy somethimes..
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One possible problem with making an "economy" version is that that becomes the assumed default. The (now) "extra" features of the other models will be more rarely used by software and the Pyra would be more likely to be viewed as "just another handheld". After all, if the SD-card slots are removed as well as the microphone and a USB socket then it would be somewhat true, though exaggerated.

If anything, assuming that ED has an additional profit margin on the cell modem, there should be only two versions: cell and non-cell.

Cell would have everything, while non-cell would lack: the modem & GPS/GLONASS, gyro, rumble motor, keyboard backlight, eMMC, perhaps microHDMI, perhaps microphone, perhaps WiFi (though that is going too far, probably). All the "perhaps" entries give some danger of the Pyra being viewed as "just another handheld". Note that the non-"perhaps" entries tend to be phone-features.

That way, ED would encourage more people to get the most expensive version, while making the cheaper version a little cheaper. He should make more money if more people get the "full" version with the modem and assuming that the version differences do not confuse the marketing.
How would that save any money? if anything it would cost a bit more to implement such a feature.
By differentiating the model more from the 'main' model, it adds incentives to purchasing the higher dollar, and higher profit, unit. As I noted, "To justify a substantial price differential without completely crippling the lower price unit for gaming might require cutting deeper than some would want - and that is the point."

The low-priced unit needs to be 'inferior enough' to justify the price gap to the higher end unit. That is one way to help get there.

I knew someone would say that :D However, different shaped vent holes are hard to explain. Plus you would have to decide between better cooling and more features ;)

A piece of plastic flashing and model glue to put a single 'grate' in the middle of the vent. Done.

Consider the new car market. Ford made a Fusion (Mondeo) for the US market with a tiny engine, a manual transmission, cloth seats and a very low price point. No dealers actually had (m)any cars in that spec, but by having it theoretically exist they were able to advertise the car as, "Starting from $xx,xxx." That is the purpose of a low priced stripped down model - to make the 'options' added to the intended sales model seem more valuable and the purchasers feel more 'special' because they can afford the model with the extra numbers and letters tacked onto the trunk/boot.

Personally I would prefer that ED keep it to 3 simple models and price them appropriate to costs+profit. International 3G, Euro4G, US4G. Don't even bother to make one without a mobile com module. If that means that the lowest price version is 550EUR so be it. Open pre-orders to only 450 of each type then take 2nd batch reservations for each type. If the reservations cross an additional 450 units of that type - it gets produced. Once a company starts compromising quality or capability to reach a price point, things get slippery.

Frankly, if a 50EUR price difference means eating Ramen for the next 3 months to avoid eviction, maybe buying a Pyra isn't the biggest issue needing to be addressed. Claims of poverty when considering purchase of what is, by definition, a high end niche leisure item...? At that point priorities need to be checked. Now I'll get called an elitist snob again.

Anyway, a de-featured Pyra to appeal to a low price point should be VERY stripped down such that it does not cannibalize the sales of the higher priced model. If a stripper model is made, it needs to ADD purchasers/audience rather than giving people who would otherwise purchase the main version an option to 'save money' that they would otherwise have spent.
I knew someone would say that :D However, different shaped vent holes are hard to explain. Plus you would have to decide between better cooling and more features ;)
The thing is: Why does ED would need to change the case's shape? You can change Pyra's components, so If someone wants to by the cheaper one first, and buy the "premium" board with all the ports later to change the internal one, it would be better to keep all the holes.

For the cheap version:

No rumble motor
no 4g/3g
weaker wifi (pandora's one?)
Bluetooth 4.0 instead of the 4.1 ( or pandora's one)
no internal Usd slot (only the emmc)
no touch screen
No Stylus
1usb port /1 sd card slot OR 2 usb port/no sd slot OR 2 sd slot/ no usb port
No small bag
No keyboard* back light
weaker speakers (pandora's one?)
Pandora's nub/ D-pad?
One choice color case (the cheaper one)
No back-up battery

The thing is that this kind of model should be only be available through pre-ordering, you shouldn't keep any stocks of it.
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For the cheap version:

No vibration motor
no 4g/3g
weaker wifi (pandora's one?)
Bluetooth 4.0 instead of the 4.1 ( or pandora's one)
no internal Usd slot (only the emmc)
no touch screen
No Stylus
1usb port /1 sd card slot OR 2 usb port/no sd slot OR 2 sd slot/ no usb port
No small bag
No back light
weaker speakers (pandora's one?)
Pandora's nub/ D-pad?
One choice color case (the cheaper one)
No back-up battery

I can see a no cell modem version, but half of those suggestions make no sense.

- Switching to a different bluetooth chip will most likely not be a drop in solution, causing another redesign of the mainboard PCB.
- The Speakers are a fixed sized designed to fit in a specific spot in the Pyra, The Pandora ones won't work without a Case redesign or at all seeing how there is not much room for them.
- Using Pandora Nubs wouldn't work, they're were custom made for the Pandora and cannot be manufactured anymore. Also the size and design wouldn't work in the Pyra.
- The Stylus is molded along with the case, It wouldn't save too much money by not including it.
- Back up battery? No Bag?, these are accessories sold separately anyway.
- No backlight? LCD would basically be useless.
By differentiating the model more from the 'main' model, it adds incentives to purchasing the higher dollar, and higher profit, unit. As I noted, "To justify a substantial price differential without completely crippling the lower price unit for gaming might require cutting deeper than some would want - and that is the point."

The low-priced unit needs to be 'inferior enough' to justify the price gap to the higher end unit. That is one way to help get there.
It's a stupid idea, and it would be easy to bypass if it's a software only solution. Also it seems a bit slimy for an open device to introduce crippleware.
It's a stupid idea, and it would be easy to bypass if it's a software only solution. Also it seems a bit slimy for an open device to introduce crippleware.

It sure is. But then, so is creating a stripped down feature-removed system. However, since ED floated it, I offered ways that it could be accomplished. There are dangers associated with offering a 'cheaper' version. One of those is that if it is not 'inferior enough' then it's sales will cannibalize the main target device.

The only real way to make that 'cheap' version and the 'main' version concept work is to ensure that the 'cheap' version is, comparatively, to use your term,'crippleware'.