Bugs and Calculations

Will it be possible to preorder, and then redeem it for when the second batch is ready? Would that work?
ED said that for preorders he will send them out when they are produced and paid for. I know for the first batch/prepreorders he said he will hold onto our units for us so we get the proper serial numbers. I am not sure if that will be the same case for normal preorders, so hopefully he will respond. The money will help get everything going, so I don't see why he wouldn't offer giving you a later unit as an option, even if you are the only one interested in doing it this way.

Although you are concerned about first batch issues, which makes perfect sense, ED has always been excellent about taking care of customers (even if they weren't his customers). If there were major issues I suspect he would allow you to send in your unit to get it repaired, or maybe you could send in just the defective part and he could send a replacement (to save on shipping). The great thing about that is you could have it earlier, and you might be able to help identify such problems, if they exist, even if all you can offer is "hey, this weird thing happens when I do this stuff".
The channel computerphile focuses more on the scientific aspect of computer science itself (as all other of Brady's channels do on different sciences) and they never review new devices, so they might be the wrong address. But I am definitely for contacting several review-channels when the time has come to promote the Pyra.

In the past they have had a walk around a server room owned by a particular company -- obviously the company is willing to show them as they can talk about what they do and get publicity. They have talked with various people involved with ARM, who sometimes say things like "we at ARM" etc.. The bulk of the video would be about ED's experiences getting to Pandora and Pyra produced, with the devices themselves merely (but sufficiently) described for context. ED could also talk about the Pandora's community etc. etc. etc.. There is plenty of worthy content for Computerphile, while giving ED (and therefore the Pyra) some publicity. They already have a video called "life of an indie app developer", so why not "life of an indie hardware manufacturer"?
Yeah, computerphile has tended to be very university focussed (unsurprisingly as it's run out of nottingham uni's cs department I think), but they have covereed new hardware projects by universities, and recently they published a set of interviews with a software developer who's working on mobile apps. I guess thus far they have been quite anglophile with everything apart from these recent videos (which I assume are shot somewhere in the USA) having been shot in the UK, but I can't see many disadvantages to talking to them.
FYI- I imagine Ed will make the digital files available- you would have to print them at your own cost. I doubt he could afford to send out free flyers.
Yeah. ED tends to include a copy of every current flier free with every order, be it a Pandora/Pyra order, or a retro game order, or a joystick order or even an everdrive, I assume, but for anything more I'd look into printing your own if you can.

Important note: The pre-preordering is over!

Approximately in December you will be able to preoder the Pyra here on this page.
This will happen, as soon as the protoypes are confirmed to be working.

If you don't want to miss the preorder, just enter your email address in the "Notify me when available"-field.
(strike-through by me, assuming that's a leftover from last year :^) )

I'd assume that would be sufficient for you.
On that topic, what are the benefit(s) of preordering rather than just waiting until there's stock? I assume probably earlier shipment, but anything else?
On that topic, what are the benefit(s) of preordering rather than just waiting until there's stock? I assume probably earlier shipment, but anything else?
There won't be any stock if there aren't enough pre-orders to justify the production financially.
This isn't a mass product by a big company with a few million $/€ spare.
Whe need any preeorders whe can get, to make the Massproduktion happen, otherwise, there isnt enough money left, and they need to pay everything upfront..
So the Benefit will be the thank from us all..
Yes, I understand that - and planning to preorder myself - but it may be difficult to convince others to do so. :(
Yes, I understand that - and planning to preorder myself - but it may be difficult to convince others to do so. :(
Maybe this perspective would help: There are at least 2 thresholds to determine the mass productions.

1: mass production threshold: Enough preorders to start the mass production at all. Will only guarantee the production of as many units as preorders. There might be additional units in the future, but they will have to be funded again. I'm confident that we would hit this one.
2: continuous mass production threshold: Enough preorders to produce bigger batches and to have units in stock. This threshold is much higher than 1. Pretty unclear how high or low the chance would be to reach this.

So even if one cannot grasp the concept of "your single order might make the difference" which is sometime hard to get, maybe this appraoch might be helpful to get others to preorder a pyra:
"If you preorder, chances are pretty high to get a unit (threshold 1), if you wait for them to be in stock(threshold 2), you maybe will wait forever."

(for the sake of simplicity, I left out a hypothetical US-4G-threshold)
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I'm planning May 1st. Let's keep fingers crossed I got all needed details until then :)
I hope you will make it, the timing would be just perfect because of the convention where you will be the day before. So it will be a perfect promotion.

We might also offer a cheaper version without keyboard backlight, etc.
Might be helpful for some of you who don't need that. :)
We're calculating a possible price for that.
With a thinklight instead, why not? okay, the opening angle would be a bit too wide for that ;)
Not sure, I guess most of the times I won't need it, but it might come in handy from time to time.
Whould that mean you will have two different keymats or just leave away the LEDs?
Would that double the number of pyra versions or would that only be an option for the non-4g version?
We'll just leave out some parts for those cheaper unit, like the LEDs and the LED controller, etc. In theory, you could manually solder them onto the PCB yourself later (though it's SMD soldering you need to do).
The PCB itself will be the same for all versions.

We'll see how much we can save on material costs with what parts.