Bob''s Game

'Wolfsclaw' said:
I didn't know yet he was planning to release it (for free?) as homebrew (so, not in a commercial way) for these platforms, including our beloved pandora. Even though he's a madman, the game might still be good.

He seems to be implying that he's planning on selling it for (at least) $10.
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Okay I think I see what he's trying to do now.

The mental torment Bob has suffered has begun his metamorphosis into the end boss villian of "bob's game,"
the egomaniacal creator of the "bob's game" inside "bob's game" known as "Bob."

I think the idea is that by the end of the 100 days you pretty much hate Bob for being a twat, which is okay as he's the villian in his own game and you're supposed to hate him. Quite smart really! And people said games couldn't provoke real emotion... B)
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Well, there's one good sentence here:

"I've repeatedly said that I don't care about the DS sales- because it's a broken platform and the profits are terrible!"

The DS doesn't have terrible profits - but with all those stupid games coming out, it's definately a broken platform for me... I don't want to cook with my mummy on my DS...
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'Orkie' said:
'EvilDragon' said:
I don't want to cook with my mummy on my DS...
Neither are you a little girl ;).

You sure about that? :D

Well... but the problem is that there are about 10 cooking or teaching or "my first Pony" game, but only one half-decent to play for normal gamers nowadays...
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I guess I'm the only person who finds his posts amusing and want to play the game because of how delightfully crazy he comes off as (haven't even seen the videos yet, won't until later today)


I don't really know his motives nor do I really care, I'm sure there's a mix of seriousness and joke in all of it but why is everyone getting so offended over it? And to all you guys saying that 30 days of isolation is no big deal, try doing it with no internet or TV or games and developing 16 hours a day like he said he did, I don't think you'd be in such great shape at all ;P (this goes for whether or not he was actually telling the truth)
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'Exophase' said:
I guess I'm the only person who finds his posts amusing and want to play the game because of how delightfully crazy he comes off as (haven't even seen the videos yet, won't until later today)


I don't really know his motives nor do I really care, I'm sure there's a mix of seriousness and joke in all of it but why is everyone getting so offended over it? And to all you guys saying that 30 days of isolation is no big deal, try doing it with no internet or TV or games and developing 16 hours a day like he said he did, I don't think you'd be in such great shape at all ;P (this goes for whether or not he was actually telling the truth)
Honestly? Probably just because its fucking annoying. And being bullshited and lied to really doesnt help.
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It's not pissed me off, more just turned it into something I don't want to play as much. Makes it seem a bit silly i guess.
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You people are too emotional about this. I want to play this game because it looks fun and it seems unique. Bob acting crazy doesn't phase me... I actually find him interesting a bit if anything.
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I can't wait to pirate this game, laugh at it for ten mintues, get bored at its unplaytested tedium, and then delete it.
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'EvilDragon' said:
Well, there's one good sentence here:

"Ive repeatedly said that I dont care about the DS sales- because it's a broken platform and the profits are terrible!"

The DS doesnt have terrible profits - but with all those stupid games coming out, its definately a broken platform for me... I dont want to cook with my mummy on my DS...
Hey, you leave Cooking Mama out of this. My girlfriend LOVES that game. And any moment she is playing video games is time where I do not have to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8.
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It would still be cool to get it for free on the :pandora1:. Gifts from crazy people should never go under-appreciated.
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'Username' said:
It would still be cool to get it for free on the :pandora1:. Gifts from crazy people should never go under-appreciated.
Gift? Nah, son. We would be paying for it.

'Ravnos' said:
'EvilDragon' said:
Well, there''s one good sentence here:

"Ive repeatedly said that I dont care about the DS sales- because it''s a broken platform and the profits are terrible!"

The DS doesnt have terrible profits - but with all those stupid games coming out, its definately a broken platform for me... I dont want to cook with my mummy on my DS...
Hey, you leave Cooking Mama out of this. My girlfriend LOVES that game. And any moment she is playing video games is time where I do not have to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8.

Ahaha, true that. Both halves.
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Wait... stage 72? Already? Wasn't it stage 55 just a week ago? I thought he was only incrementing a stage per day.
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You're not counting crazy days.

God damn it, I just posted in this thread.
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'adamorjames' said:
You people are too emotional about this. I want to play this game because it looks fun and it seems unique. Bob acting crazy doesn't phase me... I actually find him interesting a bit if anything.

I highly doubt anyone here is actually affected in any way by Bob's antics. The thing is, we all find it irritating because humans have this thing called social norms. General guidelines for how you act, and how you don't act, and when you go into the "this is how you don't act" territory, people get irritable.

In other words, Bob is like that dude you thought was vaguely cool until he starts playing his crappy pop music on the train without headphones, thus bothering all his fellow passengers with it.

And he just. won't. stop.

And then to top it all off you find out he's doing it on purpose, because the music carries subliminal messages to promote his product.
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'Eniko' said:
'adamorjames' said:
You people are too emotional about this. I want to play this game because it looks fun and it seems unique. Bob acting crazy doesn't phase me... I actually find him interesting a bit if anything.

I highly doubt anyone here is actually affected in any way by Bob's antics. The thing is, we all find it irritating because humans have this thing called social norms. General guidelines for how you act, and how you don't act, and when you go into the "this is how you don't act" territory, people get irritable.

In other words, Bob is like that dude you thought was vaguely cool until he starts playing his crappy pop music on the train without headphones, thus bothering all his fellow passengers with it.

And he just. won't. stop.

And then to top it all off you find out he's doing it on purpose, because the music carries subliminal messages to promote his product.
He's not doing anything that you can't very easily ignore. We're not even talking about someone being annoying on a forum, you actually have to go to his blog and read it and nothing but it to receive what he's saying.

Besides, I wouldn't have figured you to be the type to be chastizing people over social norms :/
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[00:38] furrykef: Well, there was this one time my friend Adrian -- my best friend in the universe and one of the guys working on our game -- was on Bob's YouTube channel... and Bob said something like the graphics being better than Chrono Trigger's
[00:38] Exophase: heeee
[00:38] Exophase: The graphics are like Earthbound's but worse.
[00:39] Exophase: And the music we've heard is just mediocre.
[00:39] furrykef: Adrian laughed at him, and this is what Bob said in response:
Chrono Trigger actually uses digitized graphics for the trees, they are not hand drawn. Also, the sprite work wasn't great, the animations were terrible, and many of the game mechanics were a bit buggy. My actual text engine is a lot smoother than theirs, and my engine runs much more smoothly overall.
Do a real comparison before you talk from idealized nostalgia. Also do a comparison to actual RPG Maker games before you repeat this forum nonsense.
[00:39] furrykef: Then Bob banned him from his channel :P
[00:40] furrykef: (Adrian had never even mentioned trees, though he did mention RPG Maker)
[00:40] Exophase: Man, it's not a joke, is it.
[00:40] furrykef: I'm afraid not.
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