D diablo2 Virtual Boy Joined Jan 23, 2004 Messages 1,956 Age 35 Location The A Website Visit site Mar 31, 2004 #21 no lois buy the other tape
Azure Trust the recursion... Joined May 21, 2003 Messages 3,805 Location California, USA Mar 31, 2004 #22 How about the one where Aunt Margarite dies and Peter discovers she left Lois her fortune? Peter (speaking fast): Come on, big bucks, big bucks, no wammy, no wammy, STOP!
How about the one where Aunt Margarite dies and Peter discovers she left Lois her fortune? Peter (speaking fast): Come on, big bucks, big bucks, no wammy, no wammy, STOP!
K kknd_cf La vieille dame et les pigeons Joined Mar 16, 2004 Messages 3,284 Age 36 Location North Wales, UK Website Visit site Apr 1, 2004 #23 Peter: "Can't touch me"
D divadsci ahah i'm customised! Joined Apr 14, 2003 Messages 612 Age 36 Location kendal cumbria UK Website Visit site Apr 1, 2004 #24 "hey meg did you get less ugly?"
T The Good Still Fresh Joined Feb 22, 2004 Messages 13 Age 46 Location Oh, hey mod. Website http Apr 1, 2004 #25 see sig.
R Rico Certified Guru Joined Apr 4, 2003 Messages 5,649 Age 39 Location England, UK Website Visit site Apr 2, 2004 #26 Trisha: Well, Tom, the eggs being dropped behind me are not chicken eggs but rather the eggs of the endangered California condor. Lois: Oh my God. He's gonna wipe that species off the face of the earth! Peter: No, the janitor will do that.
Trisha: Well, Tom, the eggs being dropped behind me are not chicken eggs but rather the eggs of the endangered California condor. Lois: Oh my God. He's gonna wipe that species off the face of the earth! Peter: No, the janitor will do that.
D *Dc*hardcoregamez Member Joined Apr 5, 2003 Messages 225 Age 36 Website Visit site Apr 2, 2004 #27 Meg: Does dad have a job yet? Louis: Meg honey your dads going between jobs right now. (pulls up to corner and sees peter dressed as a hooker) Louis: Oh My God Peter: You lookin for a good time sailor? Louis: Peter You get in this car right now! Peter: Ok but its gonna cost ya whatya want a cleavelend steamer Louis: Peter i a....what the hells a cleavelend steamer? (cop car rolls by) Peter: Ya so ah you take a left and......so you want a party or what Louis: GET IN THE CAR! (peter goes in the back sitting next to stewie and meg) (stewie looks to peter...then meg.....then peter....then meg....then peter...then meg) Stewietalking to meg) eerie isn' it.....like looking into the future
Meg: Does dad have a job yet? Louis: Meg honey your dads going between jobs right now. (pulls up to corner and sees peter dressed as a hooker) Louis: Oh My God Peter: You lookin for a good time sailor? Louis: Peter You get in this car right now! Peter: Ok but its gonna cost ya whatya want a cleavelend steamer Louis: Peter i a....what the hells a cleavelend steamer? (cop car rolls by) Peter: Ya so ah you take a left and......so you want a party or what Louis: GET IN THE CAR! (peter goes in the back sitting next to stewie and meg) (stewie looks to peter...then meg.....then peter....then meg....then peter...then meg) Stewietalking to meg) eerie isn' it.....like looking into the future