Bob''s Game

quasist said:
giovanni said:
I didn't understand.....
But does he actually have a bob's game copy?
What does "THEY CAME INTO MY HOUSE!!!" mean?
Is Bob's game lost?
His mommy just cleared his room :)

She had to do it after 100 20 days of isolation... :D
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giovanni said:
quasist said:
giovanni said:
I didn't understand.....
But does he actually have a bob's game copy?
What does "THEY CAME INTO MY HOUSE!!!" mean?
Is Bob's game lost?
His mommy just cleared his room :)

She had to do it after 100 20 days of masturbation... :D

Fixed ;)

Perhaps PokeParadox and PoisonedV are right, in fact I know it's true that he's been trying something, i just still find it highly insulting some of the things he's said, if he were 18 or 19 I'd be laughing my ass off, but the fact he's hittin' 30 just makes me cringe with the fact that half the insulting things he's said I feel that he believes of himself. All due credit to the guy though for both the size of game and trying his best :)
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PoisonedV said:
how can anyone think its NOT just some kind of tie in / arg /publicity thing now? I already should have realized it earlier, but knowing theres alot of crazy people on the internet (timecube) i didnt. now its obvious.
Nah. He's existed for a while. Too long to be a marketing effort for a commercial game.

He's just a self-absorbed crazy. He's just a little more obsessive than the zillions of people who write to game companies demanding a fortune for this "game idea" that they've come up with.

oh it will be released, but not until everyone is finished with his stupid shenanigans and no one cares anymore.

What makes you think he's got a finished game?
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PoisonedV said:
how can anyone think its NOT just some kind of tie in / arg /publicity thing now? I already should have realized it earlier, but knowing theres alot of crazy people on the internet (timecube) i didnt. now its obvious.
I don't know, I think this is one of the most amusing things I've read in quite a while. So what if he really is nuts or it's a publicity scheme? It's amusing to me, and isn't that was games are all about. If he's that touched or odd, the game's almost assuredly worth looking into.
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hedwards said:
If he's that touched or odd, the game's almost assuredly worth looking into.

I am unconvinced. Why would his game design and technical skills be any better than his ability to write coherently? Certainly his logical thought skills are not what they could be, that bodes ill for anyone claiming to be a programmer.

The videos prove only that he has some sprites and backgrounds, and some means of animating them. Perhaps he's used some sort of game creator software. (That could explain why he's so obsessed over getting the SDK, perhaps he thinks it is also a game creator.)

Worst of all, he's almost certainly not showed his game to anyone to get any real feedback. That spells disaster.
If anyone did give him negative feedback he'd just go into paranoid mode and assume that whoever gave him the slightest criticism was really just jealous.

I suppose it might be fun in the same sense that "Plan Nine From Outer Space" is a fun movie. But it takes a special kind of "bad" to hit that magical "so bad it's good" status. I'm guessing that this game would fall into the "So bad it's tedious" category.

And that all assumes that the game even exists and is complete and playable. Which I don't believe for one second.
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Bob said:
The egomaniacal creator of "bob's game," the once-mild-mannered-but-now-insane-villian known as "Bob," has apparently been abducted by aliens.
"Bob" will be continuing his campaign/solitary confinement/protest/party/challenge/workaholism from an unidentified craft somewhere in OUTER SPACE.
Not even "Bob" is exactly sure what is going on here anymore, but he assures Yuu- he is VERY SERIOUS- as usual, of course.
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VRAndy said:
hedwards said:
If he's that touched or odd, the game's almost assuredly worth looking into.

I am unconvinced. Why would his game design and technical skills be any better than his ability to write coherently? Certainly his logical thought skills are not what they could be, that bodes ill for anyone claiming to be a programmer.

Umm, those are not connected skills. Writing coherently in this language that deserves words I can't use here to describe it, is hardly reasonable to relate to any decent programming language. And as for logic, there's nothing inherently logical or illogical in what he posted. It's basically alogical as in not set up within a set of logical constructs..

And people can be quite nutty and still have enough logic to do some damn fine programming.
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hedwards said:
Umm, those are not connected skills. Writing coherently in this language that deserves words I can't use here to describe it, is hardly reasonable to relate to any decent programming language. And as for logic, there's nothing inherently logical or illogical in what he posted. It's basically alogical as in not set up within a set of logical constructs..

And people can be quite nutty and still have enough logic to do some damn fine programming.

I have yet to meet a developer that wasn't at least partially off his rocker, present company included. You have to be a little nuts to think you can actually tell a computer what to do. They just pretend to follow instructions because it amuses them.
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Picture funny :D

I don't agree about the profit part though, all that the guy is trying to do is get a little financial return off of something he loves doing and into which he poured a lot of his mind and life. All the "me me me" has become a very transparent act, so nobody can reasonably hold this against him anymore.

Cave Story is a class act from start to finish, a modern work of art. The fact that Pixel chose to share it with everyone for free is a wonderful thing, but you shouldn't expect everyone to follow suit, life circumstances differ from person to person.
Bob visits the Nintendo Store...
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Definitely viral marketing. Of course having come to that conclusion Bob doesn't bother me any less, but everyone who takes it seriously is starting to bother me, so overall I feel like I just lost. :P
Eniko said:
Definitely viral marketing. Of course having come to that conclusion Bob doesn't bother me any less, but everyone who takes it seriously is starting to bother me, so overall I feel like I just lost. :P
In the video itself, the camera guy says to the guy at the desk, this is a viral ad. I dunno I still want to see the game. Only another couple of months.
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When I found out about this game (at the start of this thread) I really liked the look of it and wanted it to be good. I dunno why, but now I kind of want it to fail and be rubbish because of all this nonsense surrounding it. Maybe its because im british and we hate seeing people succeed.

But its probably just because i'm a massive bastard

Edit: For the record I too think this is a massive marketing ploy. Even morons wouldn't think that this kind of thing would make Nintendo look upon them more favourably

Edit x 2 multiplier: "i have a game for you...its called what does my dick taste like?" hahahaha, comments on youtube are brill