professional vim user
you make it seem like UK English is better than American English, but they're both English. both are phonetically challenged.
According to that logic (which won't get challanged by me) English is mistakes in a predecessor language.
Scottish accents are by far my favourite English accents. They can even pronounce -ch right.I think we can all agree that Scottish English is the best.
Like look at this, it's pure gold!
Jings, crivens and help ma' boab!
It's got to be 90s-tastic colors.
Shall I go on?
- Radical Red!
- Outrageous Orange!
- Yellin' Yellow!
- Gnarly Green!
- Blazin' Blue!
- Illin' Indigo!
- Vicious Violet!
- Crackin' Clear!
- Bodacious Burgundy!
- Tubular Tangerine!
I don't mind. I still love you allDangit, it was supposed to be just one stupid joke and now we have derailed again. Sorry
We have a serious derailing problem in this community and I know that I contribute my fair share.
What about making us buy another color set, and then mix and match ourselves? (Thus, get your default dark-red Pyra then order an extra case in black and dis-re-assemble your unit yourself?).What they likely can do is have one colour in one mould, while the other colour is in the other mould, and then swap them, that way they'd get two full sets, one of each colour. Then they can just keep doing that.
It means you've watched too much athletics over the past 5 years or so.@Xcl4m4t10n What does that gesture mean?
According to that logic (which won't get challanged by me) English is mistakes in a predecessor language.
# Get the original animated gif
cp ../isengard2.gif .
# export it to lots of images
convert isengard2.gif isengard.png
# Remove the isengard text
mogrify -crop 500x176+0+0 isengard-*.png
# Remove old images, if there
for i in `seq 0 13`;do rm Darmstadt-${i}.png; done
# Add the new text
for i in `seq 0 13`;do convert isengard-${i}.png -gravity South -fill yellow -pointsize 20 -annotate +0+24 "They're taking the Pyra's to Darmstadt" Darmstadt-${i}.png;done
# rename for sorted generation
for i in `seq 0 9`;do mv Darmstadt-${i}.png Darmstadt-0${i}.png;done
# back to animated gif
convert `ls Darmstadt-*.png|sort` go.gif
# show it
gwenview go.gif
No use saying sorry, it's something that I enjoy.This thread is going off the rails on a crazy train.
Also, look around this thread here, probably on this page or the ones around:
You will find the ZIP attachment in one of my posts with the PSD files to change color/material out of my renders. The instructions is there too to use GIMP, it is very easy.
These are the perspective you can use/change.
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