Pandora Are you an active developer on Pandora?

do i get any notification if someone donates now? would be nice ... or does ED get some more information maybe the application name the donation came from?
I set the option to "donate to the preorder fund" for my PNDs (System Info, Microbes, Flashlight, and the ports like GCompris and Enigma). I would also be interested to get notified if/when anyone actually donates.

Unfortunately its not [possible for the repo to find out wich devs have generated the most donations its just a button generated by paypal itself, all requirements were set up when ED set up the original button and as the page hands off to paypal (and its not a purchase but a donation) there is no way to know what happened at the point of handoff, only Ed would know that info.
Ok, just pointed the donations for my pnds to the preorderfund, too.

Hope it helps a bit :)
I missed hearing about the pre-order fund option on the repo.. I turned it on my PNDs as well.
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I have done it too (the pre-order fund button)... Don't know if it is of any help...
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I originally did LSDL and now I'm in the process (and annoying the hell out of my (probably soon to be ex) wife!) of writing a new platform game. I have the engine nearly sorted out (2-layer scrolling, mobs, nice movement, different kinds of 'platforms', pickups etc),..what I really need is good quality tiles/graphics!
Yes, sometimes :P - although it seems that most of the time I'm not an active developer.

I'll propably just make sure that basic bluetooth is working in the OS and maybe release some weird hacks that interest me...

EDIT: I can do linux stuff, some bash/sh scripting, C, C++, (mostly 16bit) x86 asm, AVR µC assembler...
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I finally fixed up BeebEm to actually work for playing games (binding the D-pad and buttons to BBC keys).

So, guess I'm getting more active again!

There are quite a few nice little games for the beeb.

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hey, having some trouble with a PND and thought I will ask here since are some devs....

I got some trouble with beebem, for some people it doesn't save settings.  What special hacks do I need to make saving to utmp / appdata always work for everyone?  I think there is some bug with aufs and fat filesystems??  Can't reproduce on my Pandoras it though.
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Folder that are inside a PND cannot be writtable if the PND is on a FAT32 SDCard.

So, If your parameters go to the SAVE/ for example... If you bring SAVE/ inside the PND, it won't work. You have to create the folder in your .sh startup script.  Also, if your parameters are in the "root" folder, I suggest you alter your software and move them to a "home/" folder (I do that most of the time)...
Yes, easiest way is to store your defaul cfg in some folder and copy it to the pndroot on startup with cp -n

Then make the program fetch it from there.
Well, I finally got around to fixing the appdata issues I was having with FAT cards.  Thanks for the help.  Four PNDs updated in one night!

Next thing I want to do is make an Xlib app fullscreen... anyhow I'll reluctantly take it out of this thread I guess...
1st, I think this thread should be pinned, it's a great place for devs to chat and meet, without having to open a new thread.

Also, I decided on a new way to track my dev tasks - in the 1st post of each project thread, I will list to-do items, prefixed by:

 - done - already done

 - next - for next release

 - todo - to be done some time if possible

 - wish - wishlist

and in order of priority / urgency.

I'm also maintaining a 'merged list' across all projects in the "interests" section of my profile; and keeping that in priority order.

"done" items became 0 priority, so I'll move them to the back of the list - and will likely remove them after I stop feeling proud about them ;)

Here's my "merged list" as it stands today:

aleona - next - include new GUI layout for Pandora
beebem - next - remember selected save state folder
beebem - next - hide "black shadow" mouse pointer
dillo - next - show foreign characters not squares
beebem - todo - use Pandora's full vertical resolution, not 240 scan-lines like the gp2x version
beebem - todo - fix virtual keyboard
shadowgrounds - todo - try to get it running
pspmaps - next - merge with other and upsteam changes
pspmaps - todo - pre-cache maps
arcem - todo - change to use SDL (for hw-scaler)
rescue - next - mild victory smut
rescue - next - compo4all support
rescue - next - various sanity fixes
rescue - todo - better animation (e.g. running, h-flip)
dillo - wish - stop flickering
dillo - wish - runtime zooming
dillo - wish - kinetic scrolling on click and drag
dillo - wish - option, to keep one blank window/tab open

shadowgrounds - done - fixed some bugs and compiled it

of course, there's a risk I might spend all my time messing with to-do lists instead of coding, but I'm not too worried for that...

Just wanted to share this, I think it's a useful way for devs and users to keep track of what's going on...

And yeah, again, I think this thread should be pinned - it's a great place for devs to chat and meet, without having to open a new thread.
I think active is a bit of a strong word for me, but I do paddle in the Pandora development scene, latest release on the repo is an Aliens vs Predator port (unfortunately performance is okay for 1 GHz models but too slow elsewhere), and I am currently dabbling with apkenv, although it is not clear yet whether I will ultimately succeed in contributing anything useful to the project.
Looks good DREDD :) now we can keep an eye on your tasks and nudge you if your slacking ;)

Sent from my A500 using the cli.
I think it's safe to class me as inactive these days... I have some projects that I try and find time to progress, but I have no ETA for any of them... I hope I can release some more games eventualy... or progress some of my unfinished games *cough* Pirate Baby *cough*

I'm almost at a point where I can tease you with screenshots with one little game so... maybe then I can be classed as active again. xD
I started to code a game in Haxe|NME (at the moment, I can display sprites in a window lol). I'm also trying to figure how to crosscompile Haxe code for pandora (CobraJS was working on that, but has little time to keep working on it).

If the game ever gets to the point it's enjoyable to play and if Pandora is ever included as an Haxe/NME target, I'll release it. (otherwise, I'll keep it for my girlfriend and me on our computers  ;) )
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I think active is a bit of a strong word for me, but I do paddle in the Pandora development scene, latest release on the repo is an Aliens vs Predator port (unfortunately performance is okay for 1 GHz models but too slow elsewhere), and I am currently dabbling with apkenv, although it is not clear yet whether I will ultimately succeed in contributing anything useful to the project.

You are a very valued developer!  This thread is like "random dev chit chat" now, doesn't matter how active or not.  And your AVP port is awesome, it works fine on the older Pandoras too with overclock (for the part I played, anyway).  I plan to read the patch, and learn more about porting.  Not to mention KAMI-RETRO; we don't have many devs who have ported their original chart-topping games to Pandora.

I started to code a game in Haxe|NME

sounds good, the sprite window plotting game!   :)  that's a good start for sure.  keep us informed!

I can tease you with screenshots with one little game

bring it on!

Looks good DREDD :) now we can keep an eye on your tasks and nudge you if your slacking ;)
Yup I'm an expert slacker... it's much easier to play games or watch movies or goof around on forums and irc, than to do coding work!
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I don't call myself a dev as I have nothing to show for it, never released any pnd as of yet.

Started my so called "career" over on the gp32x boards with fenix/bennu that's when I knew nothing about programming but seeing how easy it was to make games with it I constantly wanted to try and learn more and more.

I made about four full games but never made a public release of any of the games but they were fun arcade-style games of sort (get highest score, game goes on forever etc)

While the GP2X was nearing the end of it's lifespan I continued work on a new title, still with bennu, for the new openpandora console, this was in 2008.

I didn't end up getting the console until a couple of months ago, in October. One of the first things I tried was to run this game and it worked, controls, touchscreen and all.

But between 2008-2012 I felt bennu is sort of "cheating" your way through development of a game title. It's "too easy" and I felt I need to move over to "real" programming languages for my own sake, to keep learning and get better and so on.

I sort of forgot about this community for a while, as the gp2x was dead and I had no money to invest in the pandora (poor student) so the language of choice was C# and XNA development.. for a while

Then I learned the errors of my ways and that cross-platform compatibility is the way to go so finally got into C++ a while ago. I used SFML but then when I got my pandora realized it's no good, so tried SDL but I got some flickery line when screen updates (fast motion game) so looking into OpenGL ES for a couple of months now.

Well I got my pandora in time for the compo but sadly no time to put into development of my original game in progress because of my work at the department store (christmas being the busiest time of the year and working 10-12 hours 6 days a week)

Now I have time and I'm in the process of rewriting that game I made in XNA and do it with C++ this time. The original game had some network code to send highscores to my server and could list top scores by hour, day, week, month etc.. Will look into sdl_net or something similar and have that on the pandora version as well. The game would be perfect for the analog nubs or touchscreen so I'm betting it will be a lot of fun once it's completed.