rockthekazzba said:On a somewhat unrelated note. I really like using scalable vector graphics (SVG) for developing graphic elements for my programs. However, many of the packages and modules I develop with do not support SVG so I have to export to bmp or png. I have found very little information on SVG and Python (specifically for use in games, not data analysis), or for SDL (need an additional module to support).
I found this article at Its a brief press release saying ARM is optimizing an SVG library for their processors. I was wondering if this is relevant to the Pandora. It seems that SVG could be a great graphics platform for developing games for the Pandora (smaller footprint?, better graphics?) but have seen relatively little references to SVG here in the forums.
FYI, Im a noob, and a self-taught programmer. Ive always been curious why SVG hasn't taken off in terms of popularity?
Take a look on OpenVG
but i think we must wait few months for use it : emulation of this lib needs a good processor really
it will be great than SDL, SFML use it
the support of these could be very great :
OpenVG for 2D and Vector 2D
OGLES 2.0 for 3D
i don't know if somebody works on OpenVG in SDL or SFML :unsure:
me i can't my pc have not the power for that :rolleyes:
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