Pandora Are you an active developer on Pandora?

Please show the games with a Pandora visible.

Else you might post any picture.

I don't believe you.

It's not on Pandroa.

That's impossible.

@ingoreis pointed me to that one (and my kid told me he want to try it!): 
preview3.png, who guess its name?
World of Padman

One of my favo(u)rite Quake 3 mods turned into a full standalone game.
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Yes, World of Padman. It's a 1Go PND this time.

Please show the games with a Pandora visible.

Else you might post any picture.

I don't believe you.

It's not on Pandroa.

That's impossible.


Another day I'll do that :)
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@Ptitseb: After your recent releases, I'm going to need a bigger SD card...

It's a good thing.
HS ..i found a Quake 3 Engine Portal Clone

Hope this is no fake ;)

When this is real,then we have a Chance for it on the Pandora ;)
Not a fake. See the video description.

The mod is closed source, so it can't be ported. It might be too demanding for the Pandora since it has to render a room more than once (view through either portal).
HS ..i found a Quake 3 Engine Portal Clone

Hope this is no fake ;)

When this is real,then we have a Chance for it on the Pandora ;)
Not a fake. See the video description.

The mod is closed source, so it can't be ported. It might be too demanding for the Pandora since it has to render a room more than once (view through either portal).
I read the description. Mod seems closed source, but maps can be played without the engine mods (you just cannot see thru portals). I'm not sure but it seems maps are multiplayer oriented, not single player. I may have a look one day.
I wrote a weapon in Unreal Tournament which was like the Portal gun, before Portal even existed :)
HS ..i found a Quake 3 Engine Portal Clone

Hope this is no fake ;)

When this is real,then we have a Chance for it on the Pandora ;)
Not a fake. See the video description.

The mod is closed source, so it can't be ported. It might be too demanding for the Pandora since it has to render a room more than once (view through either portal).
And if it wasn't closed source you could simply not render the view through the portal if it was indeed too much performance cost...
I was always under the impression that all doors in the quake games were portals anyway - just flat textures with camera view into the next room rendered upon them, modified for your position and viewing angle.

The clever part is getting more than one portal rendered recursively, but even then you're limited to only a few in the Portal games themselves.

Here is an update of the latest things I have done but not yet published (both because of lack of time and because most are not ready).

I have been playing with gnash and lightspark lately. I wanted to see if the free alternative to Flash were fast and stable.

gnash is quite old and not updated anymore (aiming old version of flash) and got the command line / sdl version easilly. But for lightspark I needed LLVM and for for both to work as a plugin I needed XULRunner.

LLVM compiled, I also compile LDC, a D Compiler. It will be on next codeblocks, but I havn't tried yet to compile something in D.

XULRunner is another kind of beast. It is, in fact, more or less the heart of Firefox. So I compiled it. It,s huge and took a very long time. Imagine, the final is library weighting 695 Mo ! I had to use the GOLD linker for it, standerd ld just segfault (memory issue I can imagine).

The sideproduct of having XUL is now Firefox "Nightly" is inside codeblocks. Accessible just by typing "firefox &" in the command line.140315-161358.png.

In codeblocks I have also updated once again GCC 4.9.0 (from 9th of march) and also coreutils, binutils and gdb to latest git sources (plus some hack to avoid some asserts). They looks to works well except I still have issues on PPSSPP.

But  I am working on it. I have done tests, and now I know that I can compile with -O0 or -O1 with no issue, but -O2, -O3 or -Ofast I have the "no red" issue:140315-162940.png

Now, I have to find on what file to put some "#pragma GCC optimize 0" to fix the missing red.

I have also tried to fix muppen64plus dynarec. There are still a couple of games that don't work well, like DK64 or Bombeman64. This one doesn't boot with dynarec (it works well, but slowly, with interpreted core). Unfortunatly, I still haven't found where the problem is...

Still, I have some working game. I have found glfrontier, a "remake" of Frontier, sequel to elite. It's not really a remake. It's the AtariST version desassembled, changed to C, and recompiled (yes, sounds familliar :) ). It's not my work, I have just compled it. The  SDL version works greats: 140315-160421.png140315-160609.png. I havn't tried to port the GL version yet, but it shouldn't be too difficult (and may also just work out-of-box with glshim). My concern here is more copyright issue, and even if this version is easily found on internet (or on the gcw) I still have some research to do before release.

Some time ago also I had a semi-working build of UltimateStunts, the remake of Stunts. It's still a bit too slow to be enjoyable and I have some crash to fix, but it's a start: preview3.png

What took me long lately is some udates I am doing on some libs (of codeblocks). I wanted to updtes wxpython, but first wanted soundconverter and streamtuner2 to work. Both use pyGK and I though that the segfault was maybe due to the version of GTK of the Firmware beeing too old (2.22). So I decided to update it to latest 2.24.22

Problem is GTK 2.24 want a more up-to-date GLib than the currant firmware one (2.24.0). But having 2 versions of GLib isa mess. I tried before, and it was not good, error message everywhere.. So I decide to not update GLib, and try to compile GTK anyway. I did update some componant, like Pango or ATK, and that make packaging a bit more complicated.

I succeeded with GTK, but I am still fihting to find the correct way to package things (that's why Mono Runtime is still not released yet).

But having GTK 2.24 open a few doors, like: 140315-155502.png140315-155711.png140315-155942.png.

It works, but honestly, GIMP is not "smal screen frendly" and I prefer Pinta. But I'll try to package it (it took 2 days of work, I will not waste it ;) ).

And I still have Doom III to optimize (the whole rendering loop has to be reorganized, so that will take some time):doom3_7.png, and a few bug to fix to Doom64EX, and BillardGL to finish porting, and understand why foobillardplus crashes, and make a v2 PND codeblocks one day, and, and, and...

...still active ;)

*EDIT*: Found for PPSSPP, putting #pragma  GCC optimize 1 in top of  GPU/GLES/StateMapping.cpp fixed the missing Red bug. Now, I'll try to recompile glshim with only -O1 to try and se if it fixes some crashes I had before.

*EDIT2*, new release of PPSSPP (v0.9.7.35) is on the repo.

*EDIT3*, GIMP is on the repo too.
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It will be on next codeblocks
Now that you have a script to find and mount other PNDs, is it not worth considering a seperate PND for each of these and when you launch CodeBlocks command line, it configures in the "library" PNDs that it finds?
It will be on next codeblocks
Now that you have a script to find and mount other PNDs, is it not worth considering a seperate PND for each of these and when you launch CodeBlocks command line, it configures in the "library" PNDs that it finds?
It's planned. Next pnd will be v2 and will automount wxPython, monort and winert (not done yet) to have less redundancies...
Still, I have some working game. I have found glfrontier, a "remake" of Frontier, sequel to elite. It's not really a remake.


My concern here is more copyright issue, and even if this version is easily found on internet (or on the gcw) I still have some research to do before release.
Yeah, I recall that David Braben is generally not keen on such things! So don't ask him, and publish it anonymously, and delete these posts... :P
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I got my Pandora quite recently, and I don't have much time to spend with it, but I'd like to develop some projects that have been going around in my mind for a few years but that I never really took time to work on.

For now I've just installed my development environment and started working on my build scripts (I'm working in Java, since it's the language I'm most used to) but being able to work on it for a few minutes every week (mostly when I'm home, have finished all the chores and my girlfriend is busy on Facebook) should help me either get somewhere or realize it's a doomed project. ;)

As for the project itself, it's more of a concept, that might end up in games if I can get it to work correctly. The idea is to combine strategy game AI and storytelling/game-mastering methods to get interesting procedurally generated dynamic stories.
ptitSeb wants to "reorganize" the rendering of Doom III ?!
Yes. But may be I didn't phrased it correctly.

The fact is, DooM III renders each "materials" (i.e. object + texture) in many passes: the base texture with ambiant light, and than each individual light with specular and bump mapping.

But it doesn't do that in that order, it render ambiants and each lights for all material. I want to "reorganise" to have it render per material, so I can try than to simplifiy the shader (remove bump mapping I think) and render multiple lights at the same pass (probably wont be possible with bump mapping still here, to much variable in the shaders).

The issu is, the multiple passes, with the combining, is not "mobile gpu" friendly (think "alpha hack"), and that's the only way I can think of to have better speed in Doom III.
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I have not worked yet on DooM III, but in the mean time, I have made good progress on this


(it's the opengl version, using lunixbochs glshim)

Expect a beta update on the repo soon, with a diff of my modification on glshim. But there are still a few text that doesn't show that I want to fix first...

Awesome to see! Does blender use GL_SELECT?
I haven't checked that, will do soon :)

But it uses glRect, immediate mode with GL_QUAD_STRIP, GL_POLYGON... glDrawPixels, and so on (and PolygonStipple, not sure if it is worth trying to implement it).

*EDIT* Yes, there are a couple of use. But I'm not sure I get the meaningness of that (the whole GL_SELECT thing).
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