Release Angry Birds for Pandora

And which I gather there were attempts to re-post, presumably in an effort to endanger the community and put ED at risk, unfortunately.

Again, though, if proof can be offered that it's authorised (something I personally think to be highly unlikely for reasons already covered throughout this thread), the link is welcome to return. Until then, though, it's not. :P
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Who has already been warned about the consequences of behaving in such a selfish fashion...
To speed up things and finaly make this port legal, don't waste time to find the porter, just ask the Makers of the game. Angry Birds could push the Pandora pretty well, so I think it should be top priority right now.
To speed up things and finaly make this port legal, don't waste time to find the porter, just ask the Makers of the game. Angry Birds could push the Pandora pretty well, so I think it should be top priority right now.

Think again. There is nothing to push right now. It will only raise interest in a product, that is not avaiable right now. So now it is not wise to advertise widely maybe.
Does anyone else remember when a person was innocent until proven guilty? Where it was assumed a person was legitimate until proven otherwise? When people weren't paranoid about things? When people could walk through railway stations without getting shot first and questions asked later? When a person was free to be any skin colour, without fear of being locked up and tortured in the arse end of Cuba, without any charges against them?

Once upon a time, people KNEW that the burden of proving someone had broken the law was on the accuser. Not one person here has proven this was an illegal upload, yet whoever was good enough to create this PND in the first place has been assumed guilty, and their efforts withdrawn from circulation without even so much as an official "cease and desist" request. Frankly, this kind of community paranoia and over reaction is contemptible.
To speed up things and finaly make this port legal, don't waste time to find the porter, just ask the Makers of the game. Angry Birds could push the Pandora pretty well, so I think it should be top priority right now.

Think again. There is nothing to push right now. It will only raise interest in a product, that is not avaiable right now. So now it is not wise to advertise widely maybe.

Not entirely true. A new preorder will start soon, to show the interest to potential investors.

The higher the interest is, the higher the chance an investor will give money to start production in Germany.

Also, the next batch of units can only be produced once the previous one is sold, so interest is a good thing right now.
Then I suggest you fire off an email to rovio asking for a free distribution license in the spirit of goodwill and furthering open source consoles :)
To speed up things and finaly make this port legal, don't waste time to find the porter, just ask the Makers of the game. Angry Birds could push the Pandora pretty well, so I think it should be top priority right now.

Think again. There is nothing to push right now. It will only raise interest in a product, that is not avaiable right now. So now it is not wise to advertise widely maybe.
With "right now" I meant to clear the situation, not to instantly advertise with Angry Birds. ;) Of course this should happen only if the time is right and as ED sayed, this could be sooner than later.

Same for other Indie Titles. We've seen some quick Pandora ports of Humble Indie Bundle Games but AFAIK only in unoptimized state. Imagine all these Games fluid playable on the Pandora, would be great. :)
Once upon a time, people KNEW that the burden of proving someone had broken the law was on the accuser. Not one person here has proven this was an illegal upload, yet whoever was good enough to create this PND in the first place has been assumed guilty, and their efforts withdrawn from circulation without even so much as an official "cease and desist" request. Frankly, this kind of community paranoia and over reaction is contemptible.
I believe you are entirely wrong in your assessment. I don't think it's contemptible of the community to be cautious. The file is still there, the link can be found easily, and restored in a heartbeat, and there's a lot of optimism about it. It's not like we've ceased talking about it.

Because you see, a C&D is not necessarily the first step. Rovio can, without any warning whatsoever, launch directly into litigation. Now, EvilDragon and OPT in general would be found entirely innocent in this, even if the link were left up. There is no evidence that Rovio could provide that would prove OPT is encouraging people to pirate anything, especially not Angry Birds, but they could try anyway, and in trying it would tie up everyone in a potentially expensive and definitely time consuming trial.

You are very mistaken in "innocent until proven guilty" as well. That is what a lot of papers and people try to say, but there has never, ever, at any point in time anywhere in history, been such a thing. If people truly were "innocent" until proven guilty, no one would be detained until after a complete trial; arrests could not be made based on "sufficient" evidence because sometimes "sufficient evidence" turns out to not be enough proof in a court of law, let alone merely suspicion. You are innocent until accused of a crime, then you become an accused: neither innocent nor guilty. If you cannot be proven guilty, you become innocent again, but during the time you are accused there are bills to pay, places to go, lots of people to talk to. This IS how it is, it is how it has always been, it is how it needs to be in order for the system to have even a chance of working, unfortunately. Innocent until proven guilty is a fallacy. It should be "innocent unless proven guilty", and that is precisely how it (usually, for better or for worse) goes.

By taking preemptive precautions until things are properly sorted out, we keep OPT well within the innocent side, and away from the accused. Yes, if Rovio chose to accuse them of infringement they would eventually be found innocent due to the "innocent unless proven guilty" but in the meantime they are still "accused", and with it comes bills, places, people, and above all time that OPT really can't afford to spend.
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Does anyone else remember when a person was innocent until proven guilty? Where it was assumed a person was legitimate until proven otherwise? When people weren't paranoid about things? When people could walk through railway stations without getting shot first and questions asked later? When a person was free to be any skin colour, without fear of being locked up and tortured in the arse end of Cuba, without any charges against them?

Once upon a time, people KNEW that the burden of proving someone had broken the law was on the accuser. Not one person here has proven this was an illegal upload, yet whoever was good enough to create this PND in the first place has been assumed guilty, and their efforts withdrawn from circulation without even so much as an official "cease and desist" request. Frankly, this kind of community paranoia and over reaction is contemptible.
It's not about any of this.

The fact is, the server the forum is hosted on is on German soil, and therefore German law applies, and we therefore cannot take the risk of assuming that Rovio, who does not appear to be promoting any such port, has ported this game to the Pandora.

Or would you rather risk the community being taken down and ED dragged into court, since he is deemed responsible under German law?

As has been said several times, the link is more than welcome to return as long as it can be ascertained that the port is authorised. Hardly paranoia!
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I think at this point the decision has been made. I think it's time for this thread to goto bed until a final disposition is decided.
The discussion's plenty interesting, though. I don't see any reason to put a stop to that.
A few people in this thread have mentioned sending emails to Rovio, and I'm sure there's a few that did so without saying.
Well, it's Monday tomorrow, so hopefully we'll hear something then.

I would dearly love for them to allow this, to be quite honest. (I mean, who can resist avians with tempers that are... ahem... "fowl"... to an over-the-top degree?)
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