Absurdism corner


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Artist Kay Pike paints herself in superhero fashion

Possibly NSFW
probably ok, but there are some naked boobies underneath all that paint, I reckon you'll be ok as you have to really look to see a nipple, but just in case, consider fair warning...

Yeah under clothes is fine, at least in my workplace .... but when I came in that morning the other week wearing just a painted on suit, I got my second verbal warning
Artist Kay Pike paints herself in superhero fashion

Possibly NSFW
probably ok, but there are some naked boobies underneath all that paint, I reckon you'll be ok as you have to really look to see a nipple, but just in case, consider fair warning...

Wow, very impressive Bodypaint-Skills. These colours are so bright, it really makes the illusion perfect.
I see no "NSFW" threat there, she is painted and even if not, a nipple doesn't kill anyone. ;)
Yeah under clothes is fine, at least in my workplace .... but when I came in that morning the other week wearing just a painted on suit, I got my second verbal warning
Tbh my boss probably wouldn't really care, he'd most likely just make a funny remark.
a-fistful-of-nubs-poster.jpg Saw this movie yesterday. It was about a man that goes to recover stolen nubs, which were required by a manufacturer.
And in other news...

I just found out that the stalker that's been hounding me all these years *still* thinks I'm his boyfriend, even though I'm straight, and even though we were never together in the first place.

Once upon a time many many years ago...
I met a fairly intelligent chap who clearly had some issue most of which weren't clear to me at the time... but one that quickly became apparent was his problem with drug abuse.

Nevertheless, since we were in the same class at school and we both read a lot of books, both with well developed imaginations... we eventually became friends, at least that's what I thought.

I was curious about drugs myself because I was determined to leave this universe in search of my True Love (I couldn't believe a being as perfect and whole as she was could exist in a universe like this one), so even though I disapproved of what I regarded as his irresponsible excess... I was more than happy to take advantage of his access to mind altering substances.

Now I was practically a virgin, and straight to boot... so it never occurred to me that he was flirting with me. I just thought that's how he was and I just dismissed it as playfulness. I had no gaydar, for obvious reasons.
So because I thought we were friends, I had no problem being playful myself... because isn't that what friends are? - people you can open up to and just be yourself?

Well I really had no idea he was into into boys... I even asked him if he was Gay after he started getting a bit 'weird' with me - you know: he kept asking me to stay the night, and gave me that weird gay strokey handshake thing, and one time he got me completely off my face on exstacy, at my place and took off his pants, lay on my bed and asked me to *ahem* him in his *ahem*....

Well, I couldn't bring myself to do it obviously... and when I was off the drugs, I decided to confront him about it over the phone... I told him I wasn't gay, and he assured me he wasn't either.

"Fantastic!" I thought, "He was probably just really high, glad that awkwardness is over.... we can still be friends".
Yes, naive I know but remember I was practically a virgin and thought that beings friends meant that you were always honest with each other...

Well, it was only many years later after my father found out that this chap had tricked me into taking 'date rape' drugs, and done... who knows what to me... one night he had came to visit.

Needless to say I was utterly shocked! At the time it was inconceivable to me that a friend could do something like that.
After the initial shock, it started to dawn on me that he might actually be gay! (But I still didn't really believe it... after all he had a girlfriend).

Yes, how could I be so clueless? Well... we are all different, and to me friendship is a sacred trust that should be honored above all things, in which you do the best you can to help each other and to enjoy each other's company openly and in honesty... It never occurred to me at that time that some people will make 'friends' in order to use them to gratify their own needs.

I told him never to contact me again, and I thought that would be the end of it.

But... and I seriously don't know how he allowed himself to believe this... but he thought I was his boyfriend and I was just playing a game with him...

So he has never left me alone... he has been chasing me all these years - well over a decade.... every time he tries to force me to pay attention to him, I tell him to eff off, but he persists in seeing this as some romantic game I am playing with him.
He's even threatened to kill or torture me on numerous occasions... and I likewise have wanted nothing more than to kill him for many a year (I stopped fantasizing about torturing him because I realized how childish that was)... but can you tell me how screwed up a person has to be to convince themselves that when something devolves to this sick level that it is some flirtatious dominance game we are playing with each other? I feel really sad for anyone who can believe such insanity.

Or anyone who gets turned on by such ugliness... He must be so broken up and twisted inside... his father must have done a real number on him.

So what did he do then? He started impersonating other people just so he could 'talk' to me... pretending to be different personalities online... anywhere I went he followed me... and as soon as I found out a person was 'actually' him, I would leave that place.... I even threw people out of my life that I knew had been influenced by him.

It came to be that I distanced myself from everyone simply to try and cut him off from me... because he never told the truth, just played silly mind games 'alluding' to things all the time... His whole thing is he wanted to be the Antichrist, and he wanted me to be his 'Jesus' and he 'claimed' that he wanted us to rule the universe together after we had taken over the Earth, and he had overthrown the Illuminati.

Well, I thought he was completely out of his mind... but I knew he had serious drug problems so I kind of dismissed it... I just wanted him to go away and leave me alone.

So now we have just had this psychic battle this last week where he has allowed himself to believe that the Illuminati are about to start killing people if he cant prove to them that he has made me believe I am Jesus, and that he controls me...

Well, I was having none of it of course....
But he still thinks I belong to him.... absurd!
It boggles my mind how a person can be so obsessed on a delusion for such a long time.... and in spite of all the evidence to the contrary still believe that I am secretly in love with him!!!! What the fudge people!!!! O.O

Dude.... seriously, get off the drugs already... I never knew you were gay. I'm sorry for what your dad did to you when you were little... but I was never sexually abused as a child, so I didn't relate to what you were doing at all.... I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

If this open and clear message doesn't get through to you, then I think you really are hopelessly obsessed and completely out of touch with reality.

You need to leave me alone now. This isn't a game.
You need to realize your own dreams without involving me in any way... and please... no more pretending to be other people on the internet just so you can be near me please?

If anyone wonders why I have virtually vanished from the forums... it's because of this self-obsessed stalker that just can't let go of me.

It's sad, because I did enjoy participating here once upon a time.

I hope you come right my old friend, but we can never be friends again, let alone what you want from me... I am no good for you, and you certainly are no good for me...

I wish you all the best in finding your Truth.... because I know with absolute certainly that it isn't me.

Forget the life you thought you had to have, you can start a brand new life with infinite possibilities.... just please don't try to involve me in it in any way... I have my own life to attend to, and what I do or don't do with it is none of your business.

I wish you no ill, but if you persist in this and cannot let go... ill will come to you.
I am only trying to help you... let me go.

Farewell, and no hard feelings eh?
We both misunderstood... we both made mistakes... and we're both just kids really, so everything that happened is understandable and forgivable from the right kind of perspective.

Good luck.
@Klumpen you probably already know my feelings about what was discussed and shown in the video. I am sorta undecided on that little comment after the video ended since I am not dealing with them myself. I do think every effort should be made to ensure meals are halal, but I think it is even worse to throw it away. At least they have food (and it is being given to them). That is really what I want to talk about.

I know of some local places where hundreds of pounds of prepared food are thrown away every day. I tried to get something set up to have this food given to the homeless and needy instead of throwing it out. I guess that isn't possible because it must be maintained at certain temperatures and it has to be served within a certain amount of time after being cooked. Additionally, there weren't enough people to transport and serve it. I think that last one is BS, because if I am willing I am sure many others are.

I also recently found out that damaged bags of dog and cat food have to be thrown away instead of being given to shelters. I guess once it is opened it has to be thrown away.

Everyday humans and other animals starve to death, yet how many tons of food are thrown out?
I guess there are those who don't really understand that to some people... it is absolutely nescessary that the world be an abhorent nightmare.

That is as it should be.
I don't see anything wrong, except a lot of faulty pretentious perceptions.
Wanting to change the world... how incredibly unperceptive.

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@ElPoco Ah, that reminds me of:

and to add my own new absurdism corner item, I recently stumbled upon this series I enjoy a lot:
