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God Ginrai said:
Tripmonkey_uk said:
God Ginrai said:
I know no other definition of first edition. If you truly believe that first edition implies a difference, then I suggest you show me what makes you believe differently.

-God Ginrai
When it comes to books; the later editions normally contain either corrections for spelling mistakes or updated information :P

EDIT: Street Fighter II Championship edition contained extra playable characters ;)

For the Publisher yes, for the book collector no. The Publisher has a broader definition of First edition, making your statement true. However, the book collector's definition makes a certain number of later editions the same, and then one way later different. (Publishers consider it to be first edition as long as nothing is changed, where as Book collectors call it first edition only for the first print run)

-God Ginrai
I work in the publishing industry. Two books from different print runs can both be titled "First Edition" and have still changes. If a misspelling or incorrect page number or a similar error is discovered after a print run it can be fixed in a subsequent print run without incrementing the edition. However if there are changes to the content it becomes "Second Edition".

The collectors I've met don't call corrected print runs "Second Edition". Most collectors have worked in or around the publishing industry and know the difference between the terminology.

First Batch is roughly equivalent to "first print".
First Edition implies that subsequent editions will contain changes. (At least from the publishing perspective.)

No, even outside of publishing. Let's look at the gaming world.
Wizards of the Coast has a popular Trading Card Game (TCG) called Magic: The Gathering (Magic or MTG). The first three standard sets were named Alpha, Beta, and Revised, but subsequent sets up to the tenth set were called 4th Edition through 10th Edition. (What would have been 11th Edition they switch to using the year, Magic 2010 aka M10.)

Each edition contained cards from the previous edition along with some new cards. Changes to the basic rules historically happen as part of an Edition release. Often the card art and flavor text changed from one edition to the next, even the rules text is often change to be clearer or reflect rule changes.

To anyone who plays Magic "Edition" clearly implies major differences, not merely different print runs.
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EvilDragon said:
Well, some things on the silk:
The BT logo can't be used. Yes, membership is free - but to put the logo as member onto a device, you need to pay 3000 EUR.
I couldn't find any real good replacement for it. There was one nice looking similar to the BT one at the thread, but that was TOO similar... this could also end up somebody sueing us.

The First Batch text is there (and no box with a 1 or whatever), since it won the poll. Even Craig and Michael voted for the box with the 1, however, we kept it because the Pandora is a community device and the community decided with a poll.

I have no idea why the designs shouldn't be, all letters an numbers are the same font (and we have to use a ROYALTY FREE font, we can't just use any font we like...)

You do know that the Blue Tooth logo is made up of two Germanic Runes right? how about playing with the Greek theme and do one using the Greek letters for Beta and Tau βτ
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How about a smiling panda, with a blue tooth?

Just kidding. Seriously, though, I don't care what the silkscreens look like, as long as I get the thing. :D
Sitwon said:
To anyone who plays Magic "Edition" clearly implies major differences, not merely different print runs.

Brings back memories. Spent way too much cash on this in the mid nineties. Sold my cards recently, but still had to fight the urge to buy Birds of Paradise....

(...and I had a wicked fairy deck back then!)
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Looks great.

You'll never appease everyone, it looks fine enough. I don't even care if there was no text on the case itself, it does not change the functionality.

Ship it.
Just to voice my opimion, I 100% agree with all MDave comments in this thread.

In addition, although I am happy as is, I don't think ED's right about the wifi logo, the dot with emitting lines as on the picture is fairly generic for any type of wireless emission, for instance I have it on my logitech infrared keyboard...

I don't particularly understand what is said about size of the picture etc, when I open the picture as is on my lcd and compare with my DS lite, ok it's slightly bigger but not much, and when resize (~85%) to DS size, it's still the same look / feel for me. BT doesn't look good / in place compared to everything else, but if that's all OP can use ok for me.
But I wished text alignement as mentionned for Kagato's design would been listened to for the back. I don't understand why USB OTG is in 2 lines whereas IOIOI A/V and USB HS 2.0 are on 1 (althought not aligned as said before). Don't know what OTG stands for by the way, is it a standard acronym ? IMO "USB OTG" "IOIOI A/V" "5V ==" on the same line and "USB HS 2.0" "--O-+" on a same line below would look nicer.

But thanks anyway for showing us the current layouts and latest news, appreciated :)
Zor Prime said:
You'll never appease everyone, it looks fine enough.
Why settle for "fine enough" when Kagato's design is so much nicer?

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Invisiblemoose said:
Zor Prime said:
You'll never appease everyone, it looks fine enough.
Why settle for "fine enough" when Kagato's design is so much nicer?

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the field."

I think most of us just want to see real Pandora on our doorstep more than we want to argue about the font of the lettering. (Or maybe it's just me.)
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Sitwon said:
Invisiblemoose said:
Zor Prime said:
You'll never appease everyone, it looks fine enough.
Why settle for "fine enough" when Kagato's design is so much nicer?

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the field."

I think most of us just want to see real Pandora on our doorstep more than we want to argue about the font of the lettering. (Or maybe it's just me.)
No it not u +1 XD
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Invisiblemoose said:
Zor Prime said:
You'll never appease everyone, it looks fine enough.
Why settle for "fine enough" when Kagato's design is so much nicer?

I still don't like the number on top of the logo. I'd prefer "First Batch" or just the Pandora logo without a number.
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Sitwon said:
I think most of us just want to see real Pandora on our doorstep more than we want to argue about the font of the lettering. (Or maybe it's just me.)
We're nowhere near the stage of silkscreening yet -- we've got another month (at least) to argue. Arguing beats sitting around twiddling thumbs.

Besides, what's there to argue about? Kagato's design is much cleaner, so why not use it? What's the incentive to NOT use it?

Lunatic said:
Invisiblemoose said:
Why settle for "fine enough" when Kagato's design is so much nicer?

I still don't like the number on top of the logo. I'd prefer "First Batch" or just the Pandora logo without a number.
Meh. The "First Batch" thing is really tacky. I wouldn't mind the plain Pandora logo, though.
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Gruso said:
Could be as little as a week if things go well...
If there's anything to be said about the OP community, it's the bewildering amount of utterly unwarranted optimism. If things go well, it will be a relieving first.

I don't understand the total disregard for the silkscreen design. I realize it isn't ultimately an important detail, but it is such a simple thing to do well, that why choose to do it poorly? Really, the only thing I feel is debatable is the "First Batch" logo -- the rest of Kagato's is simply much more polished and professional... So why shrug it aside and go with a poorer design? And why are people ranting about these arguments? Even if by some incredible grace of a divine power the silkscreening (or whatever method that'll be used) begins in merely a week, that still surely gives us plenty of time to switch to the superior design, and hold another poll regarding the "First Batch" logo?
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Tensuke said:
I don't care if my Pandora says "I'M A SERIAL RAPIST," I just want it soon. :(
I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to go around and introduce my Pandora to the neighborhood once it arrives.
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Tensuke said:
I don't care if my Pandora says "I'M A SERIAL RAPIST," I just want it soon. :(
XD That a little over the top for me . I guess u could just scratch that off :P
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This is bikeshedding at its absolute worst. I don't even want anything written on them. Christ, you all know what those ports are.

Would anyone object to there just being NOTHING on it?
Invisiblemoose said:
Gruso said:
Could be as little as a week if things go well...
If there's anything to be said about the OP community, it's the bewildering amount of utterly unwarranted optimism. If things go well, it will be a relieving first.
I am the KING of optimism. You're right of course; the odds of them rolling out + silkscreening cases within a week are pretty low. But neither of us know. I jumped on your post because all it takes is one person to read it, then repeat elsewhere that silkscreening won't start for another month. Then it snowballs into "fact" and further panic.

None of which would be your fault of course. There are just a lot of lazy and/or reactive readers around the place. ;)

@ Lunatic: I lol'd. Well played.
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