2 New Blog Posts: 98% Success Rate! + Lightpipes

http://www.joelonsoftware.com/uibook/chapters/fog0000000057.html said:
The more you feel that you can control your environment,
and that the things you do are actually working, the
happier you are. When you find yourself frustrated, angry,
and upset, it's probably because of something that
happened that you could not control: even something
small. The space bar on your keyboard is not working well.
When you type, some of the words are stuck together. This
gets frustrating, because you are pressing the space bar
and nothing is happening. The key to your front door
doesn't work very well. When you try to turn it, it sticks.
Another tiny frustration. These things add up; these are
the things that make us unhappy on a day-to-day basis.
Even though they seem too petty to dwell on (I mean,
there are people starving in Africa, for heaven's sake, I
can't get upset about space bars), nonetheless they
change our moods.
Taking this into account, what are the potential "small out of control" things (related to the silkcreen) that a Pandora user might experience?
  • *One of the LEDs is blinking/on/off* "What was that LED for again? I don't remember =("
  • "This is too loud, lets turn the volume down a bit, which way was down again?" *tries right* "argh my ears!!"
  • "Ok, now lets just put Pandora on HOLD mode" *move switch right* "No don't turn off you stupid @#%&!!!"
  • "Ok now I plug this USB keyboard into pandora" *doesn't work because it's USB 1.1* "Come on!!! detect the ·$·%&@ keyboard!!!"

And so on. While it is true that eventually memorizing this info will help, not having it on labels it doesn't make it any easier/less painful. Even if most users don't get too annoyed because of this kind of things, if it happens a lot it would be detrimental to the overall Pandora experience.
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rmm21 said:
Esslan said:
rmm21 said:
A person should think how the decisions they make impact others, but never at the expense of what's best for themselves.
So you mean you should always cover your own ass, even if voting something means a small improvement for you but a big disadvantage for someone else? Just speaking generally here.

No, but you should always use yourself as the deciding factor in any vote. What you want should tip the scale at the end so to speak.
So if it came to a choice between you giving up your life to save everyone else on the planet, were pretty much fucked then :lol:
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efegea said:
sverm said:
Just cause they exist in that color, doesn't make it the only color. Yeah, and? Of course white ones are going to crop up if you search for them. But all things being equal if you search for iPhones with no further criteria, what's the most common color to come out?

Indeed, I don't know exactly what are we discussing :D Perhaps I haven't understood you at all. I though you were saying that there aren't any white iphones, but I think that was a misunderstanding by me..

Anyway, here is where you can see official black and white iphones, mwahaha :lol: http://www.apple.com/iphone/gallery/
The original iPhone silver which is sort of white. And they do have official white 3g models (which are more popular than black in my area). Pretty much anything associated with Apple is white or, more recently, aluminum colored.

And I did admit that there were numerous exceptions. I never tried to claim it was a hard rule or anything, and I don't think people are consciously making color choices based on this weak correlation, nor do I have sufficient data to state definitively that there even IS a real correlation.

The only device on my list that required modding was the Sansa and the fact that they sell a battery replacement kit already makes them more open than Apple, but they had also expressed some interest in supporting Rockbox development on their devices and had facilitated that effort by releasing some docs to the team. Pretty much the opposite of Nintendo or Apple or Sony.

One more to throw on the list, Neuros OSD (the developer unit was clear, but the commercial product was black). If for nothing else, Neuros deserves to be recognized for strongly advocating the value of Open Source to TI who eventually released the compiler under a non-commercial license to the community. TI has slowly been coming around and Neuros had a hand in that.
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rmm21 said:
No, but you should always use yourself as the deciding factor in any vote. What you want should tip the scale at the end so to speak.

I agree. But it shouldn't tip it in such a big way that you made it sound like, IMHO of course.

And just to be on topic: Although a totally black pandora would be wicked I think it wouldn't be such a good idea considering reviews as already mentioned.
Getting good reviews helps a lot I think. And I cant see some guy complain that the design on the labels is "ugly". But I think that can happen if there are no labels.
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rmm21 said:
I see nothing wrong with voting about the silkscreening before it is officially official. Unless it has been made official already. ;)
I suppose it's not set it stone yet... but the way it was presented in the blog it sounded like they were pretty settled on the issue.

...until we dragged it out again.
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Tom` said:
OpenTheBox said:
People, do you honestly think a reviewer will say "Wow nice!!!! Finally a device with no labels, how come no one ever thought of that?" You can bet your xmas money that they will give a big fat "thumbs down" for such an ommission.

Well, actually...

They did label the lights. ;)


  • das-keyboard-ii-2.jpg
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Pleng said:
Monk said:
Oh dear. When did I get old? :(

No colours any more I want them to turn black :(

Haha it happened to a lot of us when we were too busy to notice! I'm just worried I'll be watching the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes before I even see my Pandora!

Oooh, I hope not!

Wow. But, like, wow on the whole "Black" topic. I guess British humour can be hard to get. I think everyone will find that Craig was being snarky, and that the very idea of a pure black Pandora with no silkscreening was pure sarcasm. Kind of...

"What? You don't like what we've done? Well how about we give you nothing then, you ungrateful buch of forumites? Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it!".

Except some of us decided to play along... but it deems to be being taken far FAR too seriously now - like it was a real possibility. :lol:

I guess... I have to turn my head until my darkness goes :)
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rmm21 said:
No, but you should always use yourself as the deciding factor in any vote. What you want should tip the scale at the end so to speak.
There's a difference between voting for something that is best for the majority even if it has a negative impact on yourself (which is what you seem to think I am saying) and voting for something which is quite good for the largest portion of people, including yourself, even if it is not the absolute best solution for yourself (which is what I am saying)
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Na-Noo said:
lulzfish said:
Actually, the USB 1.1 / OTG port is a Mini-USB, so it's quite easy to remember:
The USB-looking port is USB 2 only,
the Mini-USB port is USB 1 and for connecting to a PC.

Although based on your SD 1 and 2 comment, I feel like you could be joking.
Lucky the L and R shoulder buttons are labelled, some people cannot even remember left and right.
Yea, hard to tell when people are joking sometimes, haha
Especially about forgetting which SD slot would be 1 and which 2. :lol:
Still think he may be serous though, although it'll make me look really gullible:D

Whoops. A total brain fart on the USB OTG port. It's harder to tell on the thumbnail that it's smaller, though I did know it was mini-USB (though can be used for connecting other devices, and not just to the PC).

As it happens, I had been serious. I plan on having one SD for apps, and one SD for games, roms, etc. I don't plan on removing them too often, since the Pandora will have wireless and scp, so I can get things off of my main computer. However, on the off chance that I do need to take it out, how will I know which one is which? Clearly I'll know based on the mountpoint, but that doesn't say which card slot that is. Alec's comment scares me even more:

Alec  said:
Actually, with the labels as they are, it would be more confusing because the card in slot 2 will be on /dev/mmcblk1p1. Having no labels removes this ambiguity :p

If you don't do it frequently, which slot is which? I have several internal harddrives on my computer, and I know which mountpoint has which data. But I never open up the case, so I'd need to double-check which *physical drive* corresponded to each one.
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Sitwon said:
The original iPhone silver which is sort of white. And they do have official white 3g models (which are more popular than black in my area). Pretty much anything associated with Apple is white or, more recently, aluminum colored.

And I did admit that there were numerous exceptions. I never tried to claim it was a hard rule or anything, and I don't think people are consciously making color choices based on this weak correlation, nor do I have sufficient data to state definitively that there even IS a real correlation.

The only device on my list that required modding was the Sansa and the fact that they sell a battery replacement kit already makes them more open than Apple, but they had also expressed some interest in supporting Rockbox development on their devices and had facilitated that effort by releasing some docs to the team. Pretty much the opposite of Nintendo or Apple or Sony.

One more to throw on the list, Neuros OSD (the developer unit was clear, but the commercial product was black). If for nothing else, Neuros deserves to be recognized for strongly advocating the value of Open Source to TI who eventually released the compiler under a non-commercial license to the community. TI has slowly been coming around and Neuros had a hand in that.

No, silver is not the same as white. It's a lot better looking, IMHO.
Most of it is all about advertising, and what's currently in fashion. Did you miss the whole "iPod nano in any color you want" bit?
Not to mention the Black Intel Macbook Pros when they first came out.
Also, there are white android phones (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=android%20phone%20white&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi), and one of the first OpenMoko phones was white (with orange trim). Blackberrys come in both black/silver/more, depending on the model.
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If the SD card labels were not there for any reason, I would resort to rading left -> right (as many Westerners do, especially English readers) and expect the left one to be "1" and the right one to be "2" automatically. that's probably how they got labelled that way around in the first place.
jumpman said:
I ordered 5 units over a year ago because I believed very much in this project, and I wanted to see it threw till the end. Also, after the banking fiasco, allot of customers backed out, and I wanted to help any way I could. I have since ordered several more, and I'm going to get a money order today,[...]

Correct me if i am wrong, but wasn't there a limit that you only can buy 2 per person?
I mean you just told the whole world you broke that "rule"

I do not hink who you are helping when you buy 10 pandoras and sell them for money on eBay. Wait.. you are helping yourself ;)
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craigix said:
Black. Just black. Totally black. No text, no icons, nothing.

That's your special edition right there. What do you think?
i think it sounds good.
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Tripmonkey_uk said:
rmm21 said:
Esslan said:
rmm21 said:
A person should think how the decisions they make impact others, but never at the expense of what's best for themselves.
So you mean you should always cover your own ass, even if voting something means a small improvement for you but a big disadvantage for someone else? Just speaking generally here.

No, but you should always use yourself as the deciding factor in any vote. What you want should tip the scale at the end so to speak.
So if it came to a choice between you giving up your life to save everyone else on the planet, were pretty much fucked then :lol:

I would give up my life because there are people in this world who are important to me and there are those who I have never met who I value as well. Of course, that's an imbecilic statement you made that my one life will be the single deciding factor in saving the world. It's indicative of stating how dare you care more for yourself than others singularly or plural. I suppose you would nobly die to save us all because you value others above yourself right? That would mean you would die to save me regardless of my worth to you or my moral character. Thanks. ;)
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darkblu said:
craigix said:
Black. Just black. Totally black. No text, no icons, nothing.

That's your special edition right there. What do you think?
i think it sounds good.

It will look like
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WizardStan said:
rmm21 said:
No, but you should always use yourself as the deciding factor in any vote. What you want should tip the scale at the end so to speak.
There's a difference between voting for something that is best for the majority even if it has a negative impact on yourself (which is what you seem to think I am saying) and voting for something which is quite good for the largest portion of people, including yourself, even if it is not the absolute best solution for yourself (which is what I am saying)

Only one of us will care about the outcome and the other will just accept it.
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benji_stein said:
Not to mention the Black Intel Macbook Pros when they first came out.
Only one of three models was black, and most MacBooks you'll encounter are white. Most people associate MacBooks with white, not black.

I already said there were exceptions and that it was a weak correlation. Besides, I can easily discount the Neo1973 because, like the Neuros OSD, the white one was a limited-release developer model. The final commercial product was black.

At the Nano, iPods are iconic for being white. A little color in their cheaper, mass-market spin-off doesn't change that. The DS also comes in several colors, but the original was white.

Anyways, exceptions and outliers don't in any way disprove a casual correlation. A trend is not a rule. And for all I know, there really is no pattern here at all.
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Yoyobuae said:
http://www.joelonsoftware.com/uibook/chapters/fog0000000057.html said:
The more you feel that you can control your environment,
and that the things you do are actually working, the
happier you are. When you find yourself frustrated, angry,
and upset, it's probably because of something that
happened that you could not control: even something
small. The space bar on your keyboard is not working well.
When you type, some of the words are stuck together. This
gets frustrating, because you are pressing the space bar
and nothing is happening. The key to your front door
doesn't work very well. When you try to turn it, it sticks.
Another tiny frustration. These things add up; these are
the things that make us unhappy on a day-to-day basis.
Even though they seem too petty to dwell on (I mean,
there are people starving in Africa, for heaven's sake, I
can't get upset about space bars), nonetheless they
change our moods.
Taking this into account, what are the potential "small out of control" things (related to the silkcreen) that a Pandora user might experience?
  • *One of the LEDs is blinking/on/off* "What was that LED for again? I don't remember =("
  • "This is too loud, lets turn the volume down a bit, which way was down again?" *tries right* "argh my ears!!"
  • "Ok, now lets just put Pandora on HOLD mode" *move switch right* "No don't turn off you stupid @#%&!!!"
  • "Ok now I plug this USB keyboard into pandora" *doesn't work because it's USB 1.1* "Come on!!! detect the ·$·%&@ keyboard!!!"

And so on. While it is true that eventually memorizing this info will help, not having it on labels it doesn't make it any easier/less painful. Even if most users don't get too annoyed because of this kind of things, if it happens a lot it would be detrimental to the overall Pandora experience.
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rmm21 said:
WizardStan said:
rmm21 said:
No, but you should always use yourself as the deciding factor in any vote. What you want should tip the scale at the end so to speak.
There's a difference between voting for something that is best for the majority even if it has a negative impact on yourself (which is what you seem to think I am saying) and voting for something which is quite good for the largest portion of people, including yourself, even if it is not the absolute best solution for yourself (which is what I am saying)

Only one of us will care about the outcome and the other will just accept it.
If you've seen "A Beautiful Mind", I believe WizardStan is trying to describe the scene in the bar where John Nash (Russell Crowe) postulates that if everyone acts in their own best interest go after the blonde none of them will get laid, but if they act in the best interest of the group and ignore the blonde they would all get laid.

The blonde might look like the best option to the individual, but it's highly uncertain. Going for the next best option (which is not a bad option) has a higher chance of success.

And then Nash (Crowe) defies his own logic and goes off to write a boring paper instead of fulfilling the biological imperative.
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